Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
Balance in the Life
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Balance in the Life’
A Teaching from Songee 20th October 1997


How the large mammals came to this Planet
Star People
We are the third technological generation
No such thing as Complexity in our connection to Oneness
Rocks hitting the planet
Shaking of the earth
Coming together after sharing a past life
Why am I stuck on my path
Talking to Oneness and our Spirit People
Love without condition
How do we know this is our Task
What is anger
Balance in the life
Commitment between Partners of Life
Woman-kind teaching Man-kind
Talking with Oneness
Meditation - Connecting with our Spirit People and Oneness

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At the Sunnynook Venue on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand a small gathering of five people had come together on Monday the 18th August 1997 to share an evening with Songee.
(There is a lot of background noise of people talking loudly and moving furniture in one of the other rooms.)

Songee: I am here.

Thank you Songee.

How the large mammals came to this Planet

A child asks Songee – Did whales, a long time ago did whales used to have arms and legs?

Songee: Oh no the whales did not have this, they came from another place of living. They come from another planet, far away beyond the stars of your own galaxy. And they were brought to this planet by the people of that planet, to bring them here, and they have the same shape on their home planet that they have in this place. Perhaps now through the eons of time they have changed a little, not very much.

There are some creatures that you have been contemplating about that went from the land into the water and these creatures retained for themself the shortness of the arms and legs that you describe, and yet they are part fish, part reptile, you understand. There is fish that you know of that walks upon the bottom of the rivers, it is pink and it is very smooth. It is more like an eel than a fish. Do you know this creature?


Songee: No this creature is like a fish and it have arms like a fish and legs, it has arms and legs and yet it has a tail like a fish.

A crocodile?

Songee: No, no, no that is the, that is the other thing.


An Axolotl.

Songee: That’s the creature, funny little thing, that is pink.

I have never heard of it.

In the water ways in Miami.

Songee: It belonged to the swamps, swampy places, not to the open ocean. And then you have the snapping creatures that have their arms and legs that go in and out of the water.

Crocodiles and alligators.

Songee: The Reptiles. The Reptiles. These creatures have been with you upon this planet for eons of time. They were part of this planet at the beginning time. They are part of those ancient creatures that you speak about before time and they have evolved along with mankind. Does that answer your question?


Songee: There are other large creatures also that came with the people from the stars, and the creatures of the land and the creatures of the ocean that came with these people from the stars. There's the big Sea Lions that come from the stars and the Elephants who come from the stars. And a creature that you know as Armadillo.

How did they come down from the stars?

Songee: They had wings on their back and they flew!


They came in the Craft.

Songee: They came in the Space Ship.

They are so heavy, they are also so big.

Oh the craft is was very enormous as well.

Songee: And there were many other creatures of the ocean that also came down...

The Dolphins.

Songee: The Dolphins came, the Porpoise came. And on the journey all those many other creatures, many many more that came with the people from the stars. And they bought sufficiently of them to be able to seed the planet. Do you understand what this means - seeding a planet?

Yes I do...

Songee: I’m asking the little one. (Songee is referring to one of the young guests.)


Songee: What it is called this for is because the people from the stars are likened to gardeners, do you understand - people who plant the seeds to make grow the beautiful flowers and plants and food you understand. So the people from the Stars was likened to gardeners and the seed that they planted, for it to grow and to flourish, were the creatures of their home planet.

Now because the planet from which they came was of great immensity, far more so than this on which you're living now, the creatures needed to be strong of wind and limb to survive the atmosphere and the gravity of their planet, so they were very big, strong, tall peoples and big, strong, tall creatures. So whenever you look around your planet and you discover the big, the strong, the powerful creatures - these creatures were bought from this other planet - the largest of your birds, the largest of your land creatures, the largest of your water creatures, all of their origins in this place of being. And in this place of being the peoples of this place also had those creatures that they used to have as companions to themself.

So there were those creatures that they brought with them that were companions. Peoples of the half water half land creatures they brought with them the little sea lions and the otters. And out of the ocean they brought with them the creatures of the ocean were the dolphins that were the friends of the people of the oceans.

They also bring with them some of the smaller creatures like the sea lion, the smaller ones, not the great big large ones, the smaller ones that were their friends they that would swim in the waters with them.

Star People

We had a neighbour just recently who had a newly carved cow disappear into thin air. I don't know whether this is true or not however it made me wonder whether or not animals are being lifted from this planet by star people who want to look at, study, or whatever like that. Is that so? Is that happening?

Songee: Oh that is happening all over your planet...

It’s still happening.

Songee: ...that is happening all the time.

Haven't you got bad star people too?

Songee: There are some unfriendly star people, you don't want to know about them.

No I don't obviously not, I don't bring it up.

Songee: Its better not to worry about the star people at all, let them be themself, let them do what they come to do and let them move on. You concentrate and focus upon your own self and your own way of being and improving yourself and your own way of being in this life.

When you reach a point of awareness that is receptive, the star people will show themself to you. The right ones will show themself to you.

That's true.

Songee: That's an answer to the other question you asking me.

The star people are different from spirit people?

Songee: Oh most certainly. The star people are incarnate and they have living bodies.

Now, I - I feel that I won’t pursue that course of discussion this night because it is not serving any great purpose in your development. It is interesting information, however unless you get to a point where you can talk to the star people you have no knowing of the truth of it. So although I can give you this information you have no way of proving it to youself, so I would prefer to give you, of your earth time that is short, as much as possible to your own development.

The matter of the creatures from the other planet you can look at the feasibility of it by looking around you at all the creatures of your earth, the large creatures, and know that there was possibility and probability that these creatures did not all time involve on this planet, that they came from another space.

We are the third technological generation

Already it is being discovered by those people in their white coats that your planet is older than they are giving it credit before time for. Is this not so? So now they don't know how old your planet is exactly, and all the teaching they have been giving to humankind for how many of your earth years are now in question, is this not so?


Songee: And there will be those among them who will not want to question it, they will want to retain what they already know because to question it is going to take them into areas of questioning that they are not prepared yet in their being, to accept, they are frightened of what they will discover. They are frightened to discover what came before.

Did you know, that you are - in this time in which you live - the third technological (long silence) I am searching for this word, technological peoples that have lived and evolved on this planet?

No I didn’t know that.

Songee: You are the ‘third’ group of such peoples.

Was the Atlantis the first?

Songee: No.

Oh no, you are talking about before then aren't you?

Are you!

A whole different race of people altogether.

A different species.

Songee: There was a different peoples who came with technology as you have it and more than you have it now. And then after them when they failed to thrive and then disappeared away from the planet another group of peoples came into being and then after them came the Homo Sapien as you know - Homo Sapien Sapien is the correct term, and this is whom you are and this is you are the third - I will call you a generation in this instance although millennium have passed, you are the third generation of technological peoples. Ponder on that.

And evidence is all over your (?) - buried beneath the land because your land has been under the ocean was up on the top of it, in the light before time, and now it is down under the ocean and so it is buried away and hidden. There is, been discovered, machines of great complexity that have been discovered in deep inside the mountains of your planet by peoples of those who rule and they have been afeared to let anybody know about them because to do so will be to throw into question this matter of the age of the planet and the origins of the peoples on the planet and they did not want this to take place because it meant that their power could be challenged and they did not want this power to be challenged, however you will come to hear of these matters.

There are many, many matters that mankind have not come to learn of, and you will come to hear of them in days to come shortly because the time for secrecy is now passed. People will be astounded at how much mankind has been keeping secret. However that is by the side of everything, it is sweet things for children only.

I am quite intrigued.

Songee: However what purpose would it serve you in your day to day living, what purpose will it serve you?

Ah nothing.

Songee: Not a great deal.

Not a great deal at all.

Songee: The only way it is going to serve you - and no the mountain will not blow up, who asked that! The only person that is going to benefit from it, and the only purpose of it is to show you in time to come no matter how many of your earth years do pass that when this information comes up, you go back to your little books and say I remember when that was told to I, look it is there I wrote it down. And you can be very excited and say, I already knew about it look I have it.

I must admit I get intrigued by all these sorts of things, you know but I feel like I could get sidetracked.

Songee: You have the right to be interested Little Robin however you don't want to get lost in it, it does not serve any great purpose...


Songee: An interest, be interested and then put it to one side.

Ah thanking you - the man in the white coat says like a good book that you read before you go to sleep.

OK. (laughter)

Songee: Thanking you.

No such thing as Complexity in our connection to Oneness

Songee: So. Complexity this is something about which I am coming to share with all of you because it is important that you come to learn and appreciate that there is no such thing as complexity when it comes to the feeling of love and your connection with Oneness.

There is around and about you on your planet, many, many Facets that will endeavour to bring to you the complexity of their understanding. It is the same thing as I have just been saying to you about the star people.


Songee: Unless it is going to serve you a great purpose in your earth life you don't need it. Supposing it is going to help you to make your connection with Oneness simple, then it is worth knowing otherwise it is so much information that you can put into youself to fall over. So you don't want to keep falling over all of this information which to a large degree is useless unless you're going to drive a Starship...

That would be quite good wouldn’t it. Sorry...

Songee: ...and what is the point of driving a starship!

When we have a life here.

Songee: You come to live a life in this place, you have come to learn in this place regardless of whatever is going to happen to your planet, you must do the very best you can with what you have now! You understand?

Rocks hitting the planet

Don't worry about how big a rock is going to come out of the sky and hit you.

I keep getting told about it you see its starting to get to me.

Songee: Ho I’m not going to do that Little One1 no, you can do it next time you come and speak, I’m not going to do that. Little One says next time somebody says to you about it, about the big rock, that you have to make the rude noise with the mouth – and I’m not going to copy it...

(Much laughter)

Songee: I’m not going to copy this it is very rude.


I can imagine.

Songee: Oh Little One, she's very naughty, I believe they understand it.

We do, we know exactly what she is talking about. (laughter)

Songee: She say it sounds like the noise that comes out of your bottom end.

Raspberries. (laughter)

Songee: So it matters not, this planet that you are living upon, indeed any planet that you're living upon, is subject to the Laws of the Universe. This planet have been subject over a millenniums past to many rocks hitting you and coming out of the sky and hitting you, and some that have come have been very large indeed. It matters not how large this is going to be or not going to be.

Supposing something very, very enormous comes out of the sky what are you going to do? Run and hide underneath a rock?

It might land on your rock...


It probably would.

Be our luck wouldn’t it.

Songee: ...and if it lands on the rock on the other side of the world, you will feel the impact all the way through, all around your planet. No one will be able to escape the consequences of it, so why worry about it?

How do you know whether or not you have chosen to finish your life this way. You might be out in among the beautiful trees one day and something that mankind have put up into the heavens might get caught in the atmosphere of your planet and get pulled by the gravity down through and be sufficiently enough of it left so that when it hits it hits like a small rock and it might choose to land on you, perhaps I might say you may have chosen for it to land on you out of the whole planet. How is it that sometimes in the storms that rage across your planet only sometimes one person will have the power from the sky to the earth coming through them, and sometimes it happens to them more than once, aren’t they lucky. Very lucky because not only did they survive the first time, they survived the second time. How is this?

(Laughter) Sorry.

Songee: They chose it, before they came to be born, they chose it, I am going to see what this is like, see what it does to I.

Bet you never considered that before. It is not something to choose lightly.

Oh, I make a funny oh...


Much Laughter)

Songee: Oh my goodness. Oh must not laugh too hard otherwise I shake the Earth.

Oh don’t do that. (laughter)

Shaking of the Earth

Songee: Speaking of shaking the Earth I have to do a little bit just that little balance. It’s been lot of imbalance, there needs to be more balance soon in the lands that you know as the Desert because there are people still living in this place - I not have naming of it - they are not good persons, they have buried inside the earth explosive machines that will destroy the earth and the peoples of the earth, and they are angry people inside of them, so there needs to come shaking of the earth. Not all time will it be discovered necessarily, that there have been these things shut away inside the earth. Only that there has been shaking taking place. There will be small villages that will be mentioned by your peoples as being affected by the shakings and when you hear of it know that close by is this place that also will be receiving the shakings. Yes it is this mountain that you are considering, it is not this one is not going to make for ffff in the air, not this time.

Yes I did make for the shakings for the city to fall and the place of worship to fall. I gave for this many moons past that this was going to take place.

In Italy, it’s entrance of the Cesi’s chapel.

That’s in Italy, I remember when you said that.


I do remember. It was a meeting with other people...

...a long time ago.

Not that long ago...

(There is whispering in the background)

Coming together after sharing a past life

Have we been together before in the past life?

Songee: Oh...

Us, good.

Songee: Of course, everybody that comes to the meet have been together even though sometimes they might only come once and then move away again, they come to say hello to those that they have been with before time. The ones that stay are the ones that have chosen this lifetime to come and work once more together. There is no forcing of peoples to come to work for the Light, they choose to come as they desire to come.

How did we find you or did you find us?

Songee: It was decided before you come to be born, Oneness and you decide before you come to be born upon the planet. And all your life and all the steps of your life have steadily bought you forwards to this point - is that not wonderful. And when you look back you will discover how it has been. Nothing happens by happenstance, it all happens as it is meant.

Why am I stuck on my path

Songee can you help me please to work through the reason I have been stuck on my path?

Songee: Why to do that? You have to say what it is you are stuck...

I don't know, I’ve been stuck. I know I was resistant to the responsibilities of teaching others. I’m tired, I don't know I just... it’s almost like losing faith. I seem to be out four nights a week, it feels too much I’m just tired, at the end of the road. I realise it's the Path of the Christos and I realise I’ve gone through it or I’m going through crucifixion on the physical and I realise it's a turmoil inside and I’ve asked myself many questions, have many answers, but still I don't seem to be able to move forward.

Songee: This is not first time this has taken place for you and I would suggest to you it will not be the last time because you have to work through each one as it comes to you, however as you become more accustomed to working through, it will become easier to work through these things. You are at this point undergoing another test.

When you are travelling the Path of Light you are given tasks that you need to learn, you understand.


Songee: You are given the information to learn those tasks to the best of your ability and then at the end of that time that has passed you are given a test to see how well you have learned them.

Now the tests are not, whether or not you can see Spirit, whether or not you can be an excellent channel for the healing energies, your task is to learn. Whether or not you can find inside of you your connection to Oneness, your trust in Oneness. You’re learning how to let go of all those things that get in the way of this connection and trust to Oneness.

Now, when you spend your life using your energy and your power to supress the soul’s desire to be at one with the Oneness you have conflict because the power of the Soul is very strong, it wants to have connection with Oneness. It is the moving force behind all that you have come to live on this planet to learn and to do, to bring you closer to Oneness, this is the purpose of your earth life. So to deny that is to create a conflict in yourself and it is born out of fear, fear that you will not be in control. As soon as you learn how to let go of ‘control’ then you will find your path will be easier. You will discover that you have untapped reservoirs of energy that you never dreamed existed in you.

(end of side one)

Songee: What is it that you fear?

I don’t know. I have talked myself round it so many times. Initially it was responsibility of taking classes, feeling that I couldn't see enough in the way of spirit and the people who came were more advanced than I was.

Songee: This is your ‘head’ talking to you. This is your ‘control’ talking to you. You must look deep inside yourself and seek out what your Soul can tell you.

Deep inside your Soul is a reservoir of strength, strength born of love that comes to you from the Oneness and it is deep in your Soul, deep in the soul of all persons. So to find it you are given these trials, these tests to make you dig down inside yourself until you tap it.

Now, we move to something a moment, when do you feel the most inspired, about the work?

I don’t know. I used to feel very but at the moment I’m feeling...

Songee: When did you feel inspired and what was it that used to make you feel inspired?

Music - when you talk about the Oneness. Strange things, when people ring me up I find myself talking with enthusiasm and yet five minutes before I have not been feeling that way.

Songee: So when they ring you on your machine and you talk to them what happens when you start talking to them?

I just feel myself lifting up and the enthusiasm’s there.

Songee: And what is it you're talking to them about?

Coming to classes and listening to Songee. Coming to public meetings, advertising ‘You’ advertising the Oneness.

Songee: So that has not changed, that is still happening, it is still there. All that is happening is that you are denying your part in it and that is where your misery comes in. You are hitting yourself with big stick.

Every time you talk to the people on your machine you are in the role of teacher as you are in class, you are bringing the information to them. There is no difference in what you are doing in your class and what you are doing on your machine except that the amount of information that is required in one form is different to the amount that is required in another. One part is requiring only small amount of information when you come to the class you are needing to give greater amounts of information, however the focus is still the same, still teaching them - the babies - about the words that Songee is teaching you now.

Talking to Oneness and our Spirit People

When you are walking around your home do you talk to Oneness?


Songee: Do you talk to Oneness every day...

In the prayer yes in the morning.

Songee: Do you talk to the peoples who work with you in spirit?

Sometimes I might feel them.

Songee: When you feel...

You're saying I don't speak to them enough?

Songee: You need to be at ‘one’ with your peoples, with Oneness, to have with them the relationship that you would have with any friend, possibly a better relationship that you would have with those in spirit and Oneness than you would have with the friend that is incarnate even, because the ones in spirit all time are there for you, all manner of time are there for you, and so is Oneness.

Sometimes because of the nature of the life in which you are living those that are incarnate cannot all time be with you – is this not so - this is a part of your living is it not that unless they’re living with you in your home you cannot be with them all the time and even so you cannot be with them all the time. Even your life partner you are not with all the time, is this not so.

Yes. Have your Doorkeeper with you all time.

Songee: That is so. All those that are discarnate are with you all the time, that is what I’m saying to you. So your incarnate friends cannot be with you all the time, your discarnate friends can be with you all the time. So your relationship with your discarnate friends can be better and greater even than the ones you have with you incarnate friends.

How do I get to know the other ones when I can't see them?

Songee: Talk to them, invite one of them at a time to come and be with you until you get to know them very closely. Sit down with them and ask them to write to you. It might start off with just a small few words that you will scratch on your paper.

That's with my eyes shut to the pad and pencil?

Songee: Howm so ever you choose. You might like to sit and look out at the beautiful trees. Invite whatever comes to your mind. You might want to ask what sort of music would you like for us to listen to today. Include them in your life in all that you do. Make them part of your life. You don't have to do it in such a way that the people around you will look at you and say, Oh my goodness I believe that they are not quite all together in their mind. You can be discreate. As long as you learn how to make your connection with them, you understand. And practise, learn to develop your relationship with your people, with Oneness. Learn to develop your trust and then you will find it easier to let go of control. Control exists because you do not have trust.

Who don’t I trust, is it myself?

Songee: It can be anything from yourself, to Spirit, to Oneness, to the people around you. Look at anything that has caused you harm that has damaged you, that has damaged your ability to trust and to love. You do not love freely, you love with condition. Ponder on that.

Anytime that you love you must love freely and then the love that is freely given will come back to you. Do you understand?


Songee: Now it will not necessarily come back from where you want it to come - that is a condition that you are putting upon the love you give out. You do not say for example, I am going to love everybody and then everybody will love me back, that is a condition. Do you understand?

You say, Oneness show me, teach me how to love everybody regardless of whom so ever they are and howm so ever they may have hurt I, teach me how to love. And in learning that, you're learning how to love Oneness as Oneness loves you. And you don't be concerned about who, how many, or where the love is going to come back to you from. Do you understand? And then you will find that you will be quite pleasantly surprised at how it comes to pass. Love without condition.

Love without condition

Peoples say that they know how to love without condition, and they say, Oh it is beautiful and I enjoy being loving with the Oneness without condition and I enjoy being with all the peoples who like to love without condition. And then you say to them what of the peoples of other places, would you like to love them also without condition, and wait to hear for the answer and hidden away at the tail end of whatever they say is always the condition.

What happens when you love without condition - Oh I will give lots of love back. What happens when you love without condition – Oh I will feel wonderful, I feel good about it, it's a beautiful peaceful feeling. What do you feel like when you love without condition - I feel Oneness.


Songee: And when I feel Oneness I can go, and do, and be, whatever Oneness desire that I go, and do, and be.

And then there is no control, no fear, and you will know that Oneness wants you to do a task - I don't especially like it Oneness however I will do my best, I will serve Thee do my best, show me how to do it, give me the strength to do it. It will all be there for you.

‘Trust’ trust, learn to trust - that is the secret, the secret of loving without condition. It is the secret to all that you do, the channelling of the Healing Energies, the transferring of knowledge through the psychometry.

It opens the doors for those in Spirit to come and whisper in your ear. Matters not if you can see them or not, and you can feel them and you maybe can hear them whisper sometimes, that is all you need. Not everybody is given a gift of seeing and not everybody is given the gift of hearing, not everybody is given the gift of being able to hold the article and do psychology.

However everybody is given the gift to be a channel for Healing Energy - how is this - because it is the first thing that you learn, how to be a channel for Healing Energy, how to open youself from here upon the earth into the glory of the Oneness, putting you aside putting everybody and everything aside and coming and standing before Oneness and saying,

Oneness I am your servant I would like for you to use me for the channel for the Healing Energy for whatever is needed - So Be It.

Is this not so?


Songee: So you are opening yourself to the love without condition and you are offering it without condition to this Child of the Universe that is waiting to receive it. Whether it is somebody that you are going to have in front of you and touch or whether it is a name that you might have that you are holding in your hand carefully. And the name of the person, the person might be somewhere else in your planet, you understand, they are not in front of you for you to place your hands upon. However you can hold them gently in your hand and say, Oneness here is a Child of the Universe that needs your energies, I am your servant I would like to be a channel for the energy to go to this this Child of the Universe.

No conditions - I don't want the energy to go to this Child of the Universe and I want them to be well and I want them to have this and I want them to have that and I want them to have something else.

‘Whatever is needed.’

And a child can be humankind, animal-kind, bird-kind, insect-kind, tree-people – understand? It can be for anything, no condition. Even for the not so nice space people.

And don't forget you are allowed to ask for youself. There are people in your planet who will say to you that you have no business asking for youself. What nonsense. It is non-sense to hear and to adhere to those words because you also a Child of the Universe, you have a right to have your connection with Oneness as does everybody.

When you have connection with Oneness you will have less incidents of unwell period of time in your earth life because you will be at one with Oneness, do you understand?

Little One is reminding me to say to you something about the Christos. In the life of the Christos there was many occasions when the Christos came into contact with peoples who were considered at that time to be unclean and yet the Christos would walk among them and touch them and give them succour because the Oneness was walking with him there was trust and knowing that there would be no transference of disease because of this love. When there is love you do not get sick – love without condition.

And this is separate to the trials that you had planned for youself and the earth life, you have planned for youself sometimes great tests of strength, so you choose to have things happen to you in your earth life that happen to your physical that cause your discomfort, pain and possibly disease, you understand. However the closer you get to Oneness the less important those matters become and as a result very often they begin to reverse themself and healing begins to take place. Do you understand?

So you have in effect peoples who come who have great disease and they have healings take place and disease goes away and when you begin to learn to discover and talk to them usually you will discover that they have reached a point in their awareness where they went to Oneness and said, Oneness I don't know why for I have this disease, I really don't want it, however if it is your will that it is so then So Be It and if it is not then So Be It and I will do whatever you want I to do. And whether they are conscious of doing this or able to speak consciously about it it matters not. Some will be able to tell you, others will not, it is too personal to them. Some will be able to tell you of it. All time that is the secret of the change that takes place.

‘Oneness Thy will not mine’

Stop fighting, stop struggling, allow yourself to trust.

Talk to Oneness. Learn to know your people, they've been waiting a long time for you.

You have not been brought to this by chance. Remember that.

You do not feel the strength and the inspiration by chance. The only time that you don't feel it is when you doubt it, when you let your fear come in.

I know I’m blocking...

Songee: Which is fear, doubt is fear. Fear of failure, fear of Am I going to do it right, fear that I don't know enough...

This is mental.

Songee: ...fear of all manner of things. STOP, stop now and learn to work with your people. Remember the connection that you have with your people and Spirit and Oneness when you are a channel for the healing energies. Remember the connection you have when you are channel for the words to speak to people from the things that you hold (psychometry). That alone is enough to carry you forward...

Thank you.

Songee: ...learn to trust it. And what is meant to come to you, whatever gifts are meant to come to you will follow as they are meant to, don't demand them, Oneness gives not to demands.

How do we know this is our Task

Songee how do we know, this is the task that Oneness, is ours to do?

Songee: You have to take it into you and put it down into your feelings and feel whether you are comfortable to do. This is not just... Supposing you put it inside youself and you feel a little frightened about it, then you must explore that and find out what it is about it that makes you frightened. Do you understand? Same thing as I’m saying to Little Goose you must explore it inside until you discover all that you can about it and about youself, and then when you finally get to it and you say, Oneness this task is being presented to I, I have just worked through all these different feelings and emotions about it, what do you want I to do?

And wait, the answer will be given to you. Not all time in your own heads sometimes it will come out of the mouth of somebody else, do you understand. It is the same message for you as was given to Little Goose, learn to trust. Learn to trust youself, your connection to those that you work with in spirit and your connection with Oneness.

How do I - how do I know this is the best thing, this is the proper way to, to handle it or to do it, do a task I mean?

Songee: How do you know...

Yeah is, is the proper way to, to do the task.

Songee: What task are you talking about?


Songee: Ah... what you are learning, you are learning so that you can pass it on and teach it to others, you understand.

Yes, yes...

Songee: How you are going to do that is not yet formed...


Songee: It cannot be formed yet until other matters have been settled. There needs to be talk about balance and there needs to be talk about how that is going to be achieved, and then there needs to be talk about support for you and what it is you are going to need to do regardless of what it is. What support are you going to receive to do whatever the task is when it is shown to you. So you need to discover for youself first these things.


Songee: Until you discover these things you cannot move on to your task. The task is going to be to teach what you know to others. How that is going to happen at this point matters not, it will be shown to you. You will get idea in your mind, you will feel it and then you will talk about it with the persons that are going to support you with it, so it is important that you know who is going to support you in this task...


Songee: ...when it is shown to you.


Songee: I can't tell you any more than that at this point. You must sort that out first.

Yes thank you.

Songee: When you have done that then you can come and talk about your task.

Hmm yes. Songee would you please give me some suggestions, next year when I go back to Taiwan?

Songee: Well there needs to be balance, there needs to be instruction from you about what balance is, how it needs to be, how there needs to be time for work of spirit and time for work of life. And work of life is as Songee is making for it is the path on which you are treading now that you have come to learn certain matters in this life, and you did not come to learn them upon your own self. You came into this life and you have a life partner and you have children. So they are part of your life path, they are part of your tasks of this life, likewise you are part of the life path of your life partner...


Songee: ...and there need to be balance and respect given to what you have both come here to learn together. It is no great purpose for you to come together and then to be apart.


Songee: You're not learning what you'll come to learn together by being apart all the time. So you need to come together and discover where the coming together is going to make you stronger.

Now to work in the Light you can work in the Light together as equal partners in the Light, you can do the same task or you can do different tasks and yet still be together. One may have been called to teach one thing and the other may have been called to teach something else. The message is the same, is it not?

What is the message...

Songee: Unconditional Love.

Oh it's hard.

Songee: How to teach people, how to love and you can teach them by teaching them the first lesson. Learn it well, become proficient at it and then teach it. And this you can teach to anybody from anywhere, from any facet. All they require to know for themself is how to love, their awareness of the Oneness, their concept of the Oneness. They can call Oneness whatever name they choose - that is all they need to do and you can teach them how to do this the way you have been taught, how to open themselves to Oneness.

And you can say whatever words of dedication that you like to say to Oneness, howm-so-ever you want to say it, in whatever language you choose and these people can do the same.

Songee do you feel I am ready to teach? Haha. I doubt....

Songee: You are ready to teach the only thing holding you back is your own doubt as with Little Goose, you are both the same. You have to lose your control. Not lose control lose ‘the’ control I have to make that very clear otherwise we have to running amuck...


Songee: We cannot have you running amuck can we.

So first of all learn not to control anymore, let it go, allow Oneness to show you, allow yourself to have this love without condition.

I have a lot of anger and it's hard for me to forgive and I know it's not right but I cannot but I cannot be out of this kind of, I hate this (?).

What is anger

Songee: What is causing the anger?

Because I feel people follow the rule to manage things then they don't follow the rule. The most thing I don't like if you, not honest, dishonest, that makes me feel very angry.

Songee: What is anger?

Because the, I feel...

Songee: What is anger?

What is anger?




Yes depower I understand, told us that already.

Songee: So when you are angry you are feeling depowered which means that people's dishonesty takes from you somehow you power. What is it, you have to ask yourself, that they have been so dishonest about that I have been able to let them take this power off I. What is the dishonesty that does this?

I know, I know I’m not supposed to be angry but I just cannot control myself.

Songee: Ohhhh...


I know I’m stupid, I’m depowered, but I am still in the trap...

Songee: You are not stupid. Never, ever apply that word to youself or others. You are not stupid. This is not a good word for you to use to youself or others. It is like the ‘should’ and the ‘shouldn't’. It is a big stick and you beat yourself with it. You are allowed to be angry when you are depowered. What you have to learn is how not to be depowered, do you understand?

Yes. It's so hard to learn.

Songee: However it is part of the process that you must undergo to pass through it on your life path. So what is it that others are saying to you that is so dishonest that it makes you feel without the power? You say in a very wide way that people are dishonest, what people?

I couldn’t understand any more. Very sorry.

Songee: So we have to come back to what is personal, we cannot go to what is wide picture you understand.

So you have this situation where perhaps some people who are supposed to be holding you with caring who have perhaps said words to you that are not very caring. They say one thing, they do something else. Is this so?


Songee: So their words don't match up with their actions. Now do you know that this is how these peoples are, do you know that this is how they are in their being...


Songee: how is it that you are so surprised that they are doing this again? Were you not prepared for them to be this way or had you had an expectation that just perhaps they might be a little different this time?

I don’t know.


Songee: Examine it. I say to you that you possibly had an ‘expectation’, a hope – Oh you making loud noises again. (The people in the next room are often very noisy.)

Yeah I have expectation. I still, yeah...

Songee: Ok so come to now, you have the expectation.

Yes, that's right.

Songee: Now ‘Expectations’ are very foolish, not stupid...


Songee: ...foolish - do you know what the fool is? The fool is the person who runs along without caring the world, starting out on their journey believing that everything is going to be beautiful and the sun is going to shine all the time. And it does not shine all the time sometimes it is going to rain, sometimes is going to be storms on the ground, sometimes there be holes in the ground and you might fall down one.

So as you travel your Path of Life you learn-ed and you grow from being the fool into something else, you become a little wiser. So you learn not to have expectation of people. You learn to do your best not to have this expectation. As you grow you will learn to have less and less and less expectations of others and that will then leave you free to love without condition.

Their dishonesty, what they say, they are hurting me.

Songee: They can hurt you only an you allowed it to. When you know that their words are not going to match their actions all you have to do is to keep your tongue behind your teeth and smile and let them go about their business and move about yours. Move away about your own business, let them say what they will, let them do what they want, keep yourself absent unless it is absolutely necessary that you be in the company, you know. You don't hate them, don't be angry with them. You just accept that this is how they are, they cannot help themself, this is where they are on their path of living. Is all they understand, it is all they know. You have grown past it let it go.

(end of tape)

Songee: The next part of this is that you must address how you are going to function in your life with your life partner and you must have complete support from your life partner for what you need to do.


Balance in the life

Songee: And that must be talked about between you without interference from anybody else. How are you going to support I, this is a task that I would like to do, how are you going to support I. What time of earth life are we going to spend together for balance so that we can express our love for each other as humankind living a life upon this earth.


Songee: There must be balance. Now it is all wonderful to do work for Oneness. Oneness does not ask that you do it without the balance.

Were you to choose to come to work upon the earth plane without the life partner you would be without one. Supposing you are meant to not have a life partner and you are meant to continue on your path of teach by youself then you need to discover whether this is so or not, and you won't know until you begin to work towards unity.

Many times partners in life come together for a karmic reason, many other times they come together because they have chosen to be together in this life to complete a task, something perhaps that they were unable to complete in another life, not karma. This is different that I’m speaking about. This can be something that you both chose to do for Oneness however because of the life that you were living and difficulties that you did not transcend in that life - you are unable to complete it, so you come back together again give yourself opportunity to transcend those same difficulties that you have in another life. This is not Karma, Karma is paying back a debt. This is not paying back a debt this is something that you would need to do together, so...

Do you understand?


Commitment between Partners of Life

Songee: So you have much to discuss with your life partner before you can move in to the next part of your learning and the teaching you need to have this discussion with your life partner to discover whether the life partner can give you this commitment in life that was made before time.

When you come together with a life partner whether your life partner is man woman, whether you have woman woman, man man, matters not - when you come together with life partner you make together a promise to each other, do you not? You make a promise to be together to learn, to laugh, to cry, to share your troubles and to spend your life together until you leave this planet and return Home.


Songee: How many bother to follow the commitment to that final destination, allowing for the fact that sometimes they have chosen not to however...

I was just stewing there about that one.

Songee: So we're looking at the situation where all partners need to address then for themselves, before they ever pass away from their relationships together they must address this and address the matter of what have we come together to achieve.

Now does it not seem very strange that you have come together with a life partner who is so moved to work in the Light and that you now have learned how it feels to be so moved that you also want to work in the Light.

So does it not seem interesting to you that now you have an opportunity to both of you share this beautiful light together...


Songee: ...however as is always the case it is womankind who teaches mankind.

Woman-kind teaching Man-kind

When man-kind is small child they sit on the laps of the mother, they take sustenance from the breast of their mother, as they grow it is the mother that teaches them right from wrong, the disciplines. Most male persons leave it to the woman-kind to do all of this. They teach the man-child how to hunt, how to fish, how to be real men, how to be brave and protect the tribe in the village. It is the woman-kind that teaches the child how to love, teaches the child how to share that love equally, teaches the child how to have balance in their life.

Now supposing that child is raised at the side of a parent - a mother who does not know how to do these things very well then she is not going to teach that man-child very well, the balance, because there's no balance in the woman.

So the man-child grows and takes to himself a wife. And the wife perhaps has been schooled differently by her mother so that wife now has a task of teaching that grown man-child how they really ought to be. How much simpler it would be were all woman-kind taught how to have these skills in the first place. This has been lost to women-kind down the centuries. Woman-kind has been subjugated by man-kind for so long, that woman-kind has learnt how to keep quiet, not to make loud noise in case they occur the wrath of the man-kind.

Now it is time to turn it around. Woman-kind is time now for you to say, I’m going to make a loud noise I don't like the way you behave, you have not been taught correctly I’m going to teach you correctly. So there needs to be balanced, how are you going to offer that balance to I, I want to be with you, I want to have time with you, when are you going to arrange it. We want to be together we want to have something, so how is it going to happen, how are you going to help to make it happen. There is responsibility on both sides, you say.

And then you wait. And then when it is necessary you come back and you say, You still haven't told I how it is going to happen. And you have to keep asking and keep pushing and keep with this because the man-child is resistive because of the patterns that they have learned to live with from being the small child.

Unconditional love does not mean giving yourself all time to working in the Light to the exclusion of yourself and the peoples that are come into your life as part of your life. You must have balance, so you arrange for yourself to have earth time for this balance, you understand?


Songee: How you do it is entirely your own choice. How you can function it is entirely between you how you do it.

Thank you very much.

Songee: There may be occasions when that balance needs to be adjusted to suit something that is, is coming to – a need that is coming into being provided that need does not reoccur to disrupt your balance continuously. Then you can move away from your pattern, you don't have to be fixed in your pattern in your way of being in your balance, you can allow flexibility into your pattern of balancing, you understand.


Talking with Oneness

Songee: So you might say to youself, Oneness I have got so many hours in the earth of my day I will give to you as many of them as I’m able to give to you, however there are some hours in my earth day that I need to spend with my partner of life, show me please the best pattern for us to follow.

Yes. Thank you so much.

Songee: Oneness does not want to detract from your lessons of life. Oneness will smile upon your efforts to follow your lessons of life.

We are out of time now.

Thank you so much I really appreciate...

Songee: So are you content with this?

Yes I am.

Yes Songee I am content.

Meditation - Connecting with our Spirit People and Oneness

Songee: Very well. Would you like to close your eye and do this simple exercise that I show you just moments past, and it was only moments passed.

Take inside youself the Breath of Life, breathe it into middle section of your body, hold it there and breath it out gently. And now feel the people that are with you in spirit your Doorkeeper, your Guardian coming and standing close to you, one on either side of you.
And now reaching out with both your hands into the spirit, feeling them on either side and reaching through the realm of spirit now to Oneness and say to youself, Oneness here I am your servant, show me how I can do your work and give me the strength and the power to do this.
Oneness I am yours, do with me as you will.

And with this power I now leave you,


So be it.


1. ‘Little One’– In this instance Songee is referring to Sally James, a spirit person who works with Roberta-Margaret and often helps Songee during these times of channelling.
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Reference Number: 19971020

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© 2024 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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