Earth ChangesEarth Changes
Introduction to the Earth Changes

THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents an Introduction to the Earth Changes
Teachings from 2005 until 2008

Songee's teachings are of many varied subjects which we received over a 20 year period.

There are a number of teachings on our website for you to read and listen to. If you are feeling a need to share this information with others please feel free to guide people to our website so that they may seek for themselves. Songee has always attached much importance that Her words, sentences must not be changed and need to be read first hand as everyone resonates to the teachings in different ways. Many people may not be ready to hear these, The Earth Changes teachings and will need guidance from the Oneness Energy to access them were this to be written in their life path.

Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust. These include the transcripts and the audio recordings.

We invite you to make copies and share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee words/pictures/mp3s on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from the Publisher.

These teachings became known as The Earth Changes.

In 2005 August, Songee came to give the first of Her talks on this information. In August 2007, Songee has come again with more details surrounding the information and very importantly the many ways we can prepare ourselves for survival.

For years prior to that Songee had always talked about Earth Changes - this volcano erupting, this land going beneath the sea, this land rising up from the sea and the diseases we will struggle with. Many of the things given have come to pass however many of them are still to happen.

Songee gave us the information that life as we know it on this Planet will be completed in one thousand years. Many changes will take place over that time.

Songee has gifted us in these Teachings many empowering activities we can do to overcome our feelings of helplessness and anger.

Songee said, "That information (2005) is the same as this (The later teaching 11.7.2007) that you have been given. It is part of the same cycle. It can be revealed to people so that people can read about it and know about it. You can put the dates of your Earth time that it was given unto you; however be aware that you also need to state that it is also written in the Book of Words (Bible) and that there are other people on the Planet who also know this information and are attempting to forewarn humankind of this, these coming events. So acknowledge other people's work in this, because Oneness and others are working through many people to bring this information, to protect, to teach, to diminish as much as possible the fear that people may encounter for themself. People don't believe it. 'It is not going to happen, how can all those magnificent structures that people have built disappear in a moment?' And yet you have seen it for yourself. You have seen it happening before your eyes over the last number of Earth years. Structures being pulled down by the Earth and falling into the Earth, is that not so? Everything that mankind has built up, the Earth has pulled down."

Songee has expressly asked that we acknowledge all those People and Spirit who have been and are working to bring the words of this "End of Days" information to the peoples of the Planet.

And of course the Chapter of the Bible - 'Revelations' which tells of all these future happenings. We recommend that you read it. Recently there has been documentary made of Revelations following different lines of faith and questions regarding this chapter of the Bible.

The Prophecies by Nostradamus and others have been with us for many, many years.

We have seen news items of people wearing placards declaring 'The End of the World'.

Many movies have been made with various scenarios of the End of the Earth - one of the latest being 'Flood' showing a weather related tidal surge flooding through the Thames basin killing thousands of people. Sometimes it is hard to realise reality with movie fantasy as our sea levels steadily rise and these events are taking place throughout the countries of our planet.

Many people have a 'gut' feeling that something serious is happening to the Planet or have feelings about their future they do not understand. Now in 2020 our lives have been turned upside down and we are undergoing a devasting time of change.

We sincerely offer Songee's Teachings to assist you in your lives.

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Reference Number: 20000413

© 2022 The Second Well Trust
Email address:
Compiled by Christene Hart

"If you follow this path you will find the strength and power to overcome any and all negative energies that appear to threaten your existence and your loved ones. So Be It" SONGEE

20050825 Portent of Revelations
20070711 Preparation for Life
20070817 The Miracle Makers
20070914 To Do With Love
20071012 The Knowledge of Survival
20080314 Looking Beyond

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