There have been many teachings from The Songee Energy over the 15 years She has manifested through Her channel Roberta-Margaret.
These Teachings are 'life changing' as knowledge assists us to work through the problems and difficulties of our daily life. Songee's Teachings bring practical day to day solutions through understanding. As we use these tools to develop our personal and spiritual growth, we become the example of our growing awareness to our spirituality. Our lessons learnt may then guide others in their development.
It is this Knowledge that Songee has gifted to us.
Songee’s task - "However the Energy that is I have a task given and appointed by Oneness that is to assist humankind towards the goal of Light, Unity, Oneness. So it is required that humankind be upon the planet so that they can benefit from all that is around, the beauty and the love that is around the Planet. And to learn to change themselves from their way of being. When they have changed sufficiently from the way that you understand they will not be in this dimension anymore, will move into another dimension." LinkThe Songee Energy appears to speak in an old Worldly type of language and uses words that we would not consider to be 'right' in modern day English. We have found that these different words and way of speech that Songee uses has a certain charm and because of their difference they stand out and make emphases that otherwise would not be noticed.
Songee often adds an ED - eg for lived, She will say Live-ed or receive-ed in two syllables.
Songee says Youself instead of yourself, or You instead of your and by this it seems She places a definite emphases as though to stress it personally.
Songee uses the word AN - eg An you like or An you will. It changes and places more meaning than If you like. The word If is suggested by Songee to be a word we need to use with caution as it can imply a wishful sentiment. An may mean this is an idea or a possibility about what you may do.
During this time with us the Songee Energy has been very animated and passionate. The manifestation of the Songee Energy, while overshadowing Her full trance channel Roberta-Margaret, has bought the Power and the expression of the Teachings to life.
Songee has explained that She creates a spiritual form which She uses to overshadow Roberta-Margaret's physical body and Songee manifests a small part of Her Energy into this when She comes to communicate with us. The Songee Energy is enormous, beyond our comprehension, and precautions needed to be made to safeguard the frail human body of Her channel. Link
Even so the Songee energies are very high and can effect the electrical equipment we use. Songee understands this and has in recent years assisted us to maintain a good quality of recordings even to telling us when we have forgotten to turn the recorder on! Songee most often says She will wait when the tape stops and needs turning over, sometimes She says it before the tape actually stops and then often carries on with the same sentence as though the break had not happened even though dialogue may have taken place between Her and the Assistant.
In 2007 we began making video recordings which interested Songee greatly. Songee found it difficult to understand how we could make a moving picture of Her when She was not moving. These are examples of how the Songee Energy has communicated with us in this millennium. Songee tells us She has manifested every 1000 years to bring teachings to humanity.
Public Gatherings And Classes
These were held on a weekly basis for many years and in many different venues.
In the Transcripts of these meetings Songee's words are typed in a normal type with her name at the begining. There were students and guests at all these gatherings and their personal comments are typed in Italics in the Transcripts. Also every other activity that took place during the recorded meetings is bracketed and typed in Italics. All words unable to be transcribed are expressed as (?) in Italics.
Private Consultations
Songee also worked with many people in private consultations. Most of these meetings have not been transcribed as The Second Well Trust honours the privacy of the individuals involved. On rare occasions, with the written permission of the person, the meeting has been transcribed and put onto the website however note was always given to the circumstance that this was a private meeting. When some new interesting topic came along during a Private Consultation usually Songee would bring that subject into a Public Gathering.