Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings

Songee has always encouraged us to teach by our own example. Once we have learned and become Her teachings our way of being has altered then influences those around us.

Songee's Teachings - Teachers Meetings

The Teachings of The Songee Energy cover a vast range of topics. Passing on these Teachings continues to be very important.
There are many people who are advanced in their spiritual and life deveopement and have an interest in passing Songee teachings on to others.
In 1996 the classes were changed by Songee from a Meditation and discussion circle to a more disciplined format spanning a seven week period. Each 'term' we invite either our Doorkeeper or Guardian to work with us. One or the other never both at the same time, far too confusing.
The first week representing Monday, is to concentrate on Channelled Healing.
The second week, Tuesday, is to be Psychometry.
The third week, Wednesday, is to be Meditation.
The Fourth week, Thursday, is working on some of our many exercises with either our Doorkeeper or Guardian - overshadowing, writing messages from our Doorkeeper or Guardian, asking our spirit people to assist with drawing and so on.
The Fifth and Sixth week, Friday Saturday, is more meditation and exploring the teachings Songee has called Her Chestnuts. These are the Teaching of the Words, The Father's Prayer, The Foundation Stones, The Breath of Life is the Sun, Songee's Truths plus many others.
The seventh week Sunday, there was no meeting as we were to contemplate the previous six weeks and make realisations about our personal development from what we had learnt.
This follows the pattern of working for six days and on the seventh we rest.
Each class has a Leader and a Co-Leader. In practise this was such a valuable asset to have someone to watch the Leader's back, not just on a physical plane but spiritually as well. Working with beginners is very intense, working also with rookie Spirit people feels like it's just one step closer to chaos.
The class always begins and ends with The Disciplines and the 'work' for that time is fitted into the middle of the opening and closing.
The following Teachings are from The Disciplines and 1996-98 Teacher's Discussion evenings.

Click on the links below

More Songee Teachings

•   Songee Teachings - Chestnuts
•   Songee Teachings 1990 - 1995
•   Songee Teachings 1996 - 1999
•   Songee Teachings 2000 - 2003
•   Songee Teachings - Teachers
•   Songee Dialogue
•   Songee Teachings - Croatian Translations

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