Roberta-Margaret passed back into spirit on the 2nd December 2012 after many years of illness.
We are grieved by her passing.
While we know of Roberta-Margaret as Songee's full trance channel she was also a woman in her own right with her life of family, her professional work as a psychiatric nurse, caring, loving, breeding and showing her beloved Maltese dogs and creating whatever she set her heart on plus all the other activities she achieved, she also gave much of her energy to tutoring students at spiritual and psychic classes. When I first meet Roberta-Margaret she was just getting about after a double hip replacement. This came after many years of riding horses and motor-bikes, working hard and making a wonderful time of her life. On earlier audio tapes where Roberta-Margaret has channelled from her bed to small groups there are comments about microphones falling to the floor and the sound of rustling bedclothes.
The first public guest appearance of the Songee Energy since these operations was such a milestone for Roberta-Margaret to walk into the venue unaided by a wheelchair or sticks. To see her so confident and powerful doing the work she knew she needed to continue was a very great pleasure for all who were there to witness this event.
Roberta-Margaret worked for very many years to bring others into their own power by assisting them during private consultations and in classes to resolve their personal difficulties, and then onto their spiritual and psychic development always knowing that this cannot happen without the other.
She was a gifted dress maker making her own clothing, often painting designs onto the cloth and knitting fanciful pictures over cardigans and jumpers. In this photo Roberta-Margaret has on a dress she had painted and the window behind her another of her masterpieces. She painted several of these energy filled beautiful windows for her home.
In all the years I knew Roberta-Margaret she worked diligently with her own personal development, looking deeply into her feelings and ideas. Her favourite readings were done with IChing and The Runes using these to assist with her daily life and whatever new challenge was set before her.
On the 19th April 2001 Roberta-Margaret's much loved husband and dearest companion Peter passed on suddenly. This was the most devastating time for Roberta-Margaret and it was several years before The Second Well Trust became active again. In 2003 Roberta-Margaret had meet and married her second husband.
In 2005 Roberta-Margaret was diagnosed with cancer and while she continued her nursing career and the activities of The Second Well Trust in July of 2008 she was too ill to continue her work.
Roberta-Margaret was a very sensitive empath, a gifted clairvoyant and a caring, loving person. She had a deep sense of curiosity and nothing went past her. Many of us miss her involvement in our lives and will hold her example of high standards and spiritual achievements as our life's inspiration. The far reaching sacrifices she made to the Oneness Energy and to channelling the Songee Energy has bought the Songee Teachings to our World in this millennium.
Thank you Roberta for everything you gifted and the sacrifices you made to so many people.
And the work continues, transcribing Songee's words so many more may experience The Teachings of The Energy of the Earth Mother.
CMH 2013