Christene writes

Dr Lee - Doorkeeper

My awareness of Dr Lee began in 1995. In the beginning of our work together I knew he was my Doorkeeper because this was who I asked to come and overshadow me. At the time when he first began to overshadow me he appeared a bit crazy and I could tell by the way my face felt that he was older and Chinese man and he seemed to be very cross with me. I know now he was just really excited that we had begun our work together.
As the time went on I was delighted to be given his name and as I understand it is Li Lee Ah Chou. We call him Dr Lee. This is the name I and many others called him in the persona of the life he is presenting in at this time. I now know him very well - together we have explored some of our past lives we have had together when the information of these have been relative to my learning at that time. We have made many journeys together and we have achieved a great many tasks and have many more to do yet, I am sure - in this life time. He is my dear friend and companion. I trust him with my life and everything else relating to it. I love him very dearly. He is my link to my spirit life and to my spirit Home. His energy feels strong, sometimes stern, serious, loving and his guidance feels sure and knowledgeable. Knowing he is there and the feeling of him close by encourages me to find my strength inside myself.
Dr Lee has taught me to look into the place of spirit. This is the dimension/plane (whatever) where the souls in spirit are who are working with us on the Earth seem to be. To sense them I need to be able to 'tune into' the place where they are at. He took me through a series of exercises of how to do this, explaining the how and wherefore of it. As each session was over I would write down all the things that had happened, in my journal and as I wrote I would receive a deeper understanding of what it was all about. I would write in the 'I' and then find sometimes that changed to 'you' as I sensed him writing through my intuition to tell me these things.
Lavina - Guardian
I feel a great love for my Guardian. As I understand it her name is Lavina Mary Scott Treadwell from the persona of the life time she is presenting in. Her energies feel so soft in my life. Her Soul touches me with grace, beauty and Love. When I have been at my very worst and I ask her to come close to me then we spend a little time together, with her guidance everything changes. My feelings of resentment, anger, indignation and my not so good attitude, just goes away and I feel wrapped up and 'infected' with her beauty and love. She transports me from where I have been, into the Light of Oneness. Her love and beauty helps me to let go and to see things differently. Sometimes when I have been most pig-headed, I would not let her come near me because I know this effect she has on me and I would "Loose my Control" and have to let go of my efforts to sabotage whatever I was doing! I love her very much and thank her for being my Guardian in this life.

Reference Number: Christene
© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Written by Christene Hart
Fo Yung