Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
The Many Expressions of Love

THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'The Many Expressions of Love'
A Teaching from Songee 8th September 1997

The Expression of Love
What is Unconditional Love
Begining with ourself
The Process of Change
The Threads of Truth
Speaking your truth
Being kindly to ourselves
Becoming the master of your life
The Golden Children
Speak your personal truth
Songee’s task
Carnal love and Romantic love
Romantic Love may be an Illusion

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Play Songee - The Many Expressions of Love part 2
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On the 8th of September 1997 a group of people gathered to listen to Songee’s lessons of the many different expressions of Love.

The Expression of Love

Songee: So...

Tonight I would speak with you about Love.

In the lives of human-kinds there are many, many kinds of love - many of kinds of love expressed in many different ways. Would you like to say some of those ways that you understand?

The love of a child.

Songee: The love of a child.

Romantic love.

Songee: Romantic love. What others of this?

The unconditional love of animals, from animals.

Songee: The unconditional love of animals.

The love of nature and of beautiful things.

Love of one’s self.

Songee: Now when you look at all those different things - the love of a child, is that the love of a child for the parent to the adult or the love of the adult to the child?

They are all these things. My first reaction was the love of a child, as a child, as a baby, for the innocence, and just...

Songee: How the child loves without knowing.

It's a sort of another form of unconditional love in a way isn’t it.

Songee: And how the love continues despite sometimes the bad treatment of a parent. And it is a difficult lesson to learn is it not, for the child to grow up not receiving the love without the conditions placed upon it by the parent. Not all parents are this way however, only some. What is the child to do when the parent places conditions on their love?

Either they accept it or they rebel it don't they really.

Question it.

Feel frustrated and swallow it down.

Songee: And it takes many, many earth years to pass, does it not, for that child as it grows to learn that it does not need to feel badly about itself because the love was not returned without condition. How much better the world would be, and this planet would be, were more people to practise the love such as the animals give to you, is this not so.

Now I’m going to say to you to look to yourself individually and to ask yourself this question - do I give my love to others without conditions or do I place conditions upon my love with certain people? And supposing that is so, who are those people in my life. Scribe it down you must like to scribe it down so that you can look upon it with your own two eye and tell yourself the truth.

Now, next to each name of each person that you give conditions to your love to that person draw a circle like a big Oneness, and make a piece out of it from the sides to the centre how much you believe you're giving of love to that person. Is it all of it, is it only one quarter of it, is it more than that, is less than that. How much of that do you give to that person.

Now how much of that piece would you say, that piece of love, how much of that piece of love have conditions upon would you say? All of it, half of it, quarter of it, is small piece? Draw the line from the outside down to the point in the center once more and so that you have a piece of it. And then study it and ask yourself, Now this is very interesting how is it that I only give this piece to this person of love that has no condition on it. What results have you got?

Are you asking the question for us to answer?

Songee: What results have you got?

A piece where there is resistance, where it's difficult to give love when they’re not acting in a loving way towards you.

Songee: That is an excuse for how it is you don't do it, is that right?

Probably, it's hard to give out when you're getting this, it's hard to love unconditionally when love isn't being given to you.

Songee: What do other people say?

Sometimes I feel is it my business, maybe that the person doesn't really know how to release that love and by us or by me, communicating in a different form you know like a challenge in that. I’m more able now to give more love, more unconditionally to what I used to able to do... probably because I've learned some major skills that have been able to be of help.

What is Unconditional Love

Songee: Then let us ask the question what is unconditional love?

Love that has no conditions placed upon that you just love that person for what they are and where they're at, and for everything they do.

It’s all right if you know how to do it. If you haven't been shown it as a child it's a hard lesson, it's hard to well, it's been difficult to learn over years because you haven’t, you've got to have the feelings of love and with worthiness of yourself before you can feel them in other people.

Songee: That is very true. So you begin where?

With yourself.

Songee: How many of you love yourself without condition? How many of you say when you look at yourself in your reflection and say, Well you made a mess of things today, you don't look very beautiful, you're looking a bit tired, you know you don't feel very well and you've been very grumpy, but I love you anyway.

How many times do you look at your reflection and say, You are a mess, you look dreadful. And then walk away? How many times have that happened to you or something similar?

Once a day ‘recipe', once a day look to your reflection and say,

"Oh but you're beautiful and I love you very much and you work very hard and you're doing so well, have a good day. Work well today for Oneness."

And then go about your day.

Ask yourself what are you here on this earth for? Are you here to learn to love without condition or are you here to learn only to love with condition - I will love you only if you are nice to I, I haven't had anybody nice to I in my life, so don't know how to be nice to you, so I won't be. I will only be nice if you are nice back, show me how to be nice by you being nice first.

What happens when you walk around and you look at the people in the face and you have a face that is like this?

It repels you, You would feel sorry for them – ‘I’ would feel very sorry for them.

Songee: You don't want to approach - the person is saying don't approach I, I don't want to know about you, that is the face - don't approach I.

So how many times do you wear this face without realising it because that is what you're feeling inside. How many times of your day, how many days in your life. Now when you wear this face like so, it is like a grey day in your life where there are clouds across the sun and it looks as though it is going to beat the earth with the water, the rain, and with the cold.

However even sometimes though you do not feel it inside of you it is always good to practise your ‘recipe’ once a day of speaking to yourself, your reflection, and being kind to yourself. And also practise, even when you are not feeling like it give it a genuine smile so that your whole face lights up and practise letting it come up from here (Songee indicates the heart) right up to the eyes. Let it shine out of the eyes like lights, like beacons to assist you to do this. You may like to consider the love that you have for Oneness, the love that Oneness have for you, or the love of the animal for you.

And as you contemplate it and feel it then it can come inside of you and shine out of your eyes. And you look at yourself and you say, Ah that’s love without condition and I'm giving it to you now. And you tell your reflection, This is love without condition and I know you don't feel bright inside but here is the brightness, I give it to you as a gift... How do you imagine that you might feel doing this?


Brighten your day up, or my day.

Songee: It turn the most dark day into a day of sunshine and the brightness where before there was darkness, then you will have Light. This is part of the Light that is shining from within, not hiding your light from your lamp of love from inside of you, not hiding it underneath the cask but placing it up high where all can perceive it, and be warmed by it, and welcomed by it. Do you have any questions about this?

Do plants give us unconditional love as well?

Songee: What do you believe?

I believe they do, yet we take them for granted as well, like we do with animal don’t we, just like we'll take the earth for granted.

Songee: You do, do you?

Well ‘I’ do...

Songee: Speaking for yourself?

Yeah speak for myself. I’m endeavouring to change my way about it...

Songee: All you have to do is to remember the beauty and the love of that (?). Your beauty is placed there for you to enjoy by Oneness and there is as you say no conditions upon it. They do not say, You can love me only if you are in a good mood. They say, Here I am and I love you, you can love me no matter what mood you are in and you can even sit on me if you like and squash me, I don't mind, I give myself to you total. Every living thing gives itself up in total for the service of Oneness in nature.

You also are part of nature and part of your task upon this earth is to learn how to give this love and all time it is not all time easy as you are discovering. Other persons in your life that you encounter will not behave kindly, as kindly as you are going to expect yourself to behave and to be. And without allowing your head to become too big for your hat, allow yourself some recognition for yourself, for your effort of allowing them to be whatever way they need to be and that you will not copy their behaviour by being the same way. So you exercise a kindliness not a condensation, conversation to them you don't condescend to them, you offer them kindliness.

When you offer them the condescension you are insulting them and it is coming from pride in yourself. So you have to do – not try to do - you have to do, and to be seen to be doing without effort and this requires practise on your part.

So that when the person comes along in your life and deals you blows of unkindliness that you absorb those blows and then you transmute them into this love and you'll give it back. And say to them, Such as as you are I love you still, I understand that you do not understand I however I love you still. And you don't use your effort or your strength or your power to attempt to change the other person in their way of being towards you, you make no attempt to make them change. Their changing depends upon themself if they desire to change, not on yours. So love them anyway and be true to what you know is right for yourself in your life with gentleness with kindliness.

Beginning with ourself

Every time that you suppress an aspect of your being in favour of another person’s well wishing of you, it is as though you are cutting yourself with a sharp knife. What for do you want to do this all the time, it's not sensible, you would not go and get a sharp knife and cut your skin on purpose unless you were very unwell. That is another issue – another, another story.

And now with most of humanity will manage to bungle through their life from day to day. To learn to love without condition is a big task, and as you learn to do it so you are an example for others to learn to follow you. And you don't have to shout it out loud to everybody and say look at what I’m doing aren’t I wonderful. Just be.

What time of your day in your life do you find it difficult to express love?

First thing in the morning.

We're tired and grouchy.

Songee: So...

And being criticised.

Songee: When you're being criticised what is your feeling, what is your energy level?

I don’t know but I often get hurt, angry and hurt.

Songee: Were you can look at it closely you will discover that your energy becomes a little less.

Too tired.

Songee: It becomes not so much that you feel as though you'll become weak, when you are tired you are weak. So when you just woken up you are slightly weak, you are in a weak state, a weaken state of being. Your energy levels are still not come up ready for your day or as you were saying you may have had energy it is taken off you.

So at this time you find it difficult to give unconditional love. Is it required of you to do it at this time?


Songee: It is required - unconditional love means unconditional love. You don’t say, I’m only going to love you when I’ve got my energy back, and you don't say, I can't love you because you've just taken my energy off me and made me feel hurt and angry. You have to learn, practise absorbing whatever it is that is going on around you and changing that energy inside of you and giving yourself power with it.

Learn to breathe in the energy to you and hold it to you. So when you are feeling that this has happened to you and when you feel you are tired, when you feel you have just started your day and you are tired, close your eyes for a moment - doesn't matter if it seems rude to the other person - close your eye and go down inside yourself and seek the Breath of Life. It only takes one breath, one moment, you go down inside and just say, ‘Breathe’ And you breathe down into here and then you go out with it.

And then you practise your smiley face.


Songee: Now what will you say, How are you today, can we start - can we start again, what were you saying. And you demonstrate by doing, by giving the unconditional love, by not reacting the way that the person, the persons around you neither expected you to, instead you have recharged yourself with the Breath of Life and are ready to encounter anything at all. Sounds simple doesn't it?


Songee: It is very simple the difficulty lies only in yourself and in your acceptance, and practising it.


It is difficult when some say through a marriage separation or marriage split, somebody your ex husband's constantly wronging you or some... Someone steals something from you or they're constantly wronging you. I can’t love them.

Songee: Go to the Oneness and say, Oneness were I to do this to you would you still love me?


Songee: And when you feel that answer and you will feel the answer, when you feel it, hold on to that feeling and send it out to the one who has wronged you.

Thank you.

The Process of Change

Songee: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

A lot of people can't accept that though. And I find that they interpret it as I’m being patronising in my way where I’m not. I don't, I have the power to forgive and love but when you say or do that to somebody it's like - who do you think you are I don't need your forgiveness I don't need your love! It hurts.

Songee: You don't have to tell them that you forgive them, you only have to ‘be’ forgiving...

Oh right.

Songee: ...demonstrate you don't have to speak the words, to speak the words is to shout it out, all you have to do is demonstrate it. It does not mean that you don't keep your eyes and ears and your being open to their behaviour and that their behaviour could betray again, having done it once they can do it again, however you still demonstrate the love without condition by accepting them and accepting that this is part of the nature. So you perhaps only allow them access to certain parts of your living, this is not part of your love and this is part of your living, and you can still accept them and be kindly.

How they are is then it's for them to deal with not for you, for them to learn to change and they want to and you cannot make them want to, unless they see your demonstration. And sometimes they see your demonstration as a threat to themself because they don't believe that they are worthy of it or capable of it themself and so it makes for them the little irritation that makes them look to themself to decide whether they would like to be more like you or more like they have been.

And this starts the process of change for people, this is how change comes about not by you hammering on the doors and shouting it - change your ways change your ways. It happens because you live your life as truly as you are able and love without condition and you let them see yourself as you truly are with all your own faults and failings and mistakes that you make in yourself.

It does not mean that the whole time you will be able to love without condition forever and ever in an earth life. This takes practise and while you practise you make mistakes, you trip up sometimes, you fall on your nose. That is part of the learning, that is part of the doing. And when you fall on your nose you discover that to begin with you will lie down on the floor and you will be very sore and very sorry for yourself for a while. And as you go along you learn how to fall down and stand up very quickly and say, Oh my goodness that was a nasty bump we better go on that practise some more. And so as you go you don't have so many trips up so you don't get so many squashed noses.

So even when somebody is mean to you love them anyway. And you don't have to tell them that you're going to love them anyway just do it. Allow them whomsoever they want to be. And every time you block something you make for yourself the pain in the head. Every time you refuse yourself of the lesson that is going to help you you make for yourself the pain and the head.

Look for the little truth that are behind things that happen to you that cause you discomfort, disharmony - that challenge you to love without condition. Look for the little truths that temper your own being, that show you little truths about youself, that you are wanting to ignore. This does not mean that you take the blame for everything that is levelled at you by others because that is not correct either. Only look for the threads of truth, they teach you things and then let the rest go.

The Threads of Truth

What do I mean by the ‘Threads of Truth’, I hear you say.

When somebody says something to you out of their own fear, recognise the fear and recognise where you have headed in yourself and ask yourself, Although this person is responsible for their own fear how was I in my expressing of myself that might have engendered it. And then you might decide that you won't express yourself in quite that same manner another time, that you will change it a little so it is more kindly.

It may be that it was already kindly in which case doesn't matter does it. You understand?

You have to learn that although you have fear youself about speaking about how you feel inside that even though a person may not receive your words kindly that you have the right to be yourself and to express yourself. And when you are in a partnership with someone you have, to a degree, a right to expect your partner to at least listen to you and understand a little, or attempt to understand a little, of how you feel. They don't have to be as you be, they don't have to do as you do, all you ask is understanding and kindliness.

And now we come to this condition we do not say to the partners in life, I want you to do these things for me, I want you to listen to be understanding and kindly to me, and then I will be so back to you - that this placing condition on your love. You say, I am doing all these things I would like for you to give this back to me however I understand that you may not be able to and I will continue to tell you anyway because I have to say it out loud even if I am the only one who is hearing it. Do you understand? You cannot silence yourself because others are afraid.

Speaking your truth

Many, many moons past, hundreds of your moons passed – a thousand even - upon this planet there were people who would destroy other people for speaking out their feeling of their personal truth. This oppression of these people over the people who would speak out has not changed in mankind it is still happening in your planet now. It is still there you have only to look at your everyday life...

(end of tape)

Songee: How many times does this happen, you bide your time and you don't say something because you believe that this person is not going to hear your words, is going to shout at you, is not going to approve of you for whatever reason.


Songee: So now it is time to change it. You speak your truth. Allow yourself to speak the truth quietly, gently with kindliness. Even if it is only to hear your own voice saying the words. You do not have to be concerned about whether another is going to be tolerant of you. I wait...

(Something dropped Songee waits)

Songee: When you contemplate saying your truth out loud to this person in your life that have been intolerant of you, how do you feel? What happens to you?


I go inside myself.

Songee: When you contemplate speaking your truth to people who are intolerant of your truth how do you feel?

I get a headache. Well I do. And sore throat.

Songee: You get a pain in your head and you get a sore throat. What does anybody else do?

Feel guilty. I shouldn’t be saying anything.

Songee: Ohhh very, very critical of yourself. What else? Do you fear, do you have a little fear coming?


Songee: Does sometimes it make the fear become so great that you - Ho I’m not going to say that.

Sometimes you feel it's not worth it since you know that it is going to provoke further backlash.

Songee: And this is the fear that you live under, that you allow yourself to live under.

Not so much, I’m getting much better.

Songee: It has to stop because to work the Light you must allow your Light to shine. How can you let it shine when you are burying it underneath the casket of fear. How can you do it?

Have you heard a phrase that is in your language, it is being given to I to give this to you. It is not language of Songee. It is - tell the truth and be damned.



Songee: I’m going to change it a little for you - that phrase implies that you're going to tell the truth and you don't care if you are banned for it by others – ‘tell the truth and shine’. Let others do what they will do.

Now remember we've already had the talk about the truths so I’m going to go into this again. You have two truths; The Truth - Your Truth. And everybody has their own truth however let the truth be heard and ‘shine’. This does not mean be smug, self satisfied - this is to allow your pride to get in your way and this will trip you up and your land on your nose. You might even bang your head and I won't be answerable for what other bits of you you might bang. So you not allow your pride to trip you up, that is not unconditional love, pride is a condition of love so don't allow it.

So how are you going to do this next time, somebody wants you to not speak it through next time.

Speak it out to the best of my ability I suppose.

Songee: Does it matter whether or not they look at you and say, My word you're very strange, does it matter?

Is there a problem.

Songee: Does it need to be a problem? What you can say to them, do you feel I am very strange I love how I am...


Songee: ...I am myself.

M says that to me all the time, you're strange today.

I take it with the compliment.

Songee: That is exactly right, remember you are (?an) unique human being living upon this planet. There will never ever be another lifetime like this for you again. So there will never ever be another one of you ever again, not ever with the same molecules in your body, with the same emotions, with the same pattern of life, with the same people in your life. You may have the same souls come into your life in another lifetime however the pattern will change, your body will be genetically different. It will be another time and space.

This is a precious life.

Use every moment of it to the best of your ability. Don't beat yourself up with a big stick. Every time you believe you haven't done something exactly right. You are here to learn.

Being kindly to ourselves

So we come back to the beginning - practise being kindly to yourself first.

Practise talking to your reflection, showing your reflection that you love yourself by demonstrating it and then practise it on the people around you.

And when you want to know about love, look at the love that comes from somewhere that you recognise, from the animals, from your Mother and Father in Spirit.

Look for it, look for it when you will receive it from others. Feel the warmth of it and let that warmth be the light that shines out of your eyes when you look at others. So that even though you might look at the most humble person who comes into your life you look them with love, and you learn to feel it.

And as they see it shining out of your eyes they will be warmed by it, their souls will be warmed by it no matter what happens on the earth life. And the memory of that warmth with stay with them.

So now when you describe the name of the person that you could only give a little piece of your love to practise this from time to time, go back to it from time to time. After you've been practising a little while and be truthful to yourself to see how much you have been able to add to the amount which you give without condition. And you can watch it slowly growing and eventually all that love that you give that person no matter how big or small it is, is given without condition, then eventually you will be able to look at it and you will find that this piece of love is also getting bigger until instead of only a piece it will be whole and then you know you have achieved complete unconditional love.

And it doesn't matter if you reach that complete point the day before you leave this earth to go back to spirit provided you practise reaching it. All these things that you learn to do are little masteries, masteries over the little things of your life.

Becoming the master of your life

So that when you have travel down your path of your life a number of your earth years and you look back down your path you will discover that you have mastered a large quantity of things. This is how you come to be a master, is that not so Little Walrus.


Songee: Slowly you practise diligence, kindliness and no pride, no self pride. Self worth yes, recognise your own abilities, your own powers, your own achievements, recognise them for yourself, acknowledge them however you don't have to shout about them. When you are truly able to do these things others will shout about it for you, you don't have to do it for yourself. You will get whatever recognition that is to come to you from those around you because of the demonstration of your love that comes without condition.

When this happens it is sometimes very difficult for the people in your life to come to terms with because it changes you to a degree where takes you away seemingly from the and your attention to them. When you give unconditional love and you begin to give it on a wider scale than just in your own personal life and you start to expand it to humanity, those that are with you in your own personal life have to make a sacrifice themselves out of love, unconditionally for you. They will accept that they cannot have your attention all of the time and accept that although they don't have your attention all the time, because you are giving it out to all the rest of humanity as well, that they know that in some of the little ways of your being that you are demonstrating your love for them also in the little ways.

The smile, with the touch, the consideration of something small, the kindly things that you do for each other. And in this way you will begin to have a greater harmony and you will teach the other how to love unconditionally in the process. They may not be able to do it. And supposing that is so then you must accept that you have to follow your Path of Light and that they cannot follow with you, they may have to step away from you or you may have to step away from them in the fullness of time. And this does not mean that you stop loving and giving the unconditional love because that is part of who you will become this being that will give love regardless of what is said or done to you by the other and let them move along away into their life. For everyone who says bad things when you give love without the condition there will be one thousand and one who will say (?the thing) so never be afeared of the bad things that others say.

(Long silence)

Songee say if we did get to the this unconditional love and that to this level that you say what are we going or I’m going to be doing, I'll own the statement, they get their own statements, does that mean that we go to a different level if we wish to come back in another lifetime, yeah I wonder...

Songee: When you learn to master to love without condition you become a master in spirit and when you return you return by choice not by karma.

And you can still return to a life of ordinariness, you don't have to return as a person of faith who lives only alone in a temple, the place of worship. You don't have to be this type of special person, you can be born into an earth life as much as anybody else. Demonstrating and redemonstrating the mistakes that humankind have around you, how do you know when you encounter these persons? You can tell because they are a little changed from others of the same nature - that is not the right word - from the same way of life, the same way of living, a similar way of living - that is better...


Songee: So it will be evident from small child...

The Golden Children

...Ah you want me to say, oh very well, Little One is saying to I to talk to you about the Golden Children. Have you heard about the Golden Children?


Songee: The Golden Children are the masters that are returning to the earth and are being born all over your planet and have been coming back now for many of your earth years past. Hundreds of your earth years the Golden Children had been coming back, one at a time in different places all around the planet. And they come to teach and when their task is done they leave it, it matters not how they leave, it matters not how their life has been, it matters not whether they have been in the eyes of others a pure person - what matters is how much have they loved without condition. How much have they taught of this in their life, how much of the sharing of themself have they done in their life from small child.

May I ask a question, was the child 'Ethan Craft Horse' one of these?

Songee: A Golden Child?


Songee: It does not mean that a Golden Child will come and leave early, a Golden Child can come and live a full life to old age. You need to understand this.

Sometimes the task takes until they get into maturity of earth years before it can be actioned.

Oh, I’m liking this this is very exciting. Ah Little One she's saying that upon your planet among the people that rule your planet, there are those that do things in secret, they hide themselves from others and that they hide themselves by the very nature of their being ordinary people. And then when the time comes and they are required to perform the task for which they have been trained, the people who are ruling them, ruling them will say now it is time we have this task for you to do, it's time for you to start doing it. Little One says that these people have a naming and the naming is given to them of ‘Sleepers’ - people who are asleep until they are called to their task. In this way sometimes the Golden Child is asleep until they are called to the task. The journey towards their task is spent living an ordinary life, making ordinary mistakes, learning ordinary things, as ordinary people do, you understand - and then they come to their task.

Are we not all a bit like that that we live ordinary lives and then suddenly something happens and we are on this spiritual path.

Songee: Do you give your love without condition to all persons?


Songee: Then you are not master returned.

No I realise that.

Songee: That is what we are saying about the Golden Child is the master returned and it is demonstrated in the way they comport themselves. Sometimes from an early age, sometimes it is into more into maturity before the task shows itself the behaviour is there already growing with the child.

So they're very loving from their earliest age?

Songee: Usually they are demonstrating their love without condition from an early age and continuing through regardless of all the hurts and the pains and the emotions that are thrown at them by life. So when this Golden Child comes they require nurturing. Sometimes they don't get the nurturing and that is not, is not wrong it is only the way it is to help to temper the strength that the child will need as it grows into adulthood, to learn to test the power of loving regardless of the hurts that are inflicted.

Not everybody can be a Golden Child and it doesn't matter who is and who isn’t, what does matter is when you encounter anybody demonstrating this love that is the example you want to follow. So you follow it, and it will lead you to your own destination the one that you are needing to go to. Do you understand?

(Long silence Songee is waiting)

Speak your personal truth

Songee: There are truths that are wanting to be spoken and they are being held inside. Are you going to speak your truth or are you going to hold it inside?

So we basically placed on earth, sorry. Are we're basically placed on earth for - I know it's for our soul enlightenment - and also to learn the unconditional love which is soul enlightenment as well and plus the animals and the plants are teaching all this unconditional love to us as well, is that correct?

Songee: That is so. What did you just do that you had to make for the apology?

Ohh I shot C up.

Songee: Are you responsible for that.

Yes and no, because I spoke when everybody else was quiet and I have such, I suppose I have a reverberating voice when it was quiet. I don’t know.

Everyone can speak no matter what it is. Any unexpected noise does that to me.

So where does the earth get its nurturing from the plants the animals from us or from you?

Songee: From the Mother.

Right so if we weren’t here we wouldn't really matter anyway, yes or no, weren’t here on this earth.

Songee: It wouldn’t matter to what?

To to you as Mother Earth. Would you need – it’s not a need I suppose - what I’m looking at is that were our energy a life force just like the animals and plants are therefore your energy, therefore all these energies all intermingle if are they needed on this planet or are they not needed or am I getting totally (?) of what I’m saying.


We're destroying it.

Songee: Humankind, the planet does not need humankind because it is ‘destroying’ the planet.

I agree with that.

Songee’s task

Songee: However the Energy that is I have a task given and appointed by Oneness that is to assist humankind towards the goal of Light, Unity, Oneness. So it is required that humankind be upon the planet so that they can benefit from all that is around, the beauty and the love that is around the Planet. And to learn to change themselves from their way of being. When they have changed sufficiently from the way that you understand they will not be in this dimension anymore, will move into another dimension.

Would they have another Earth Mother and the other dimension?

Songee: No I was about to say to you the Earth Mother is the same the energy, is the same in all dimensions.

Ohh ok that makes a lot easier for me to understand I was pondering on that today.

Songee: The lessons are different because the need is different.

I understand that.

Songee: And the reason you made Little Mother jump so is because Little Mother likes to hide away inside and be very still.

Yeah I’m very...

Songee: You the lock yourself away and not speak your truth.

Because I don't know how to do.

Songee: You know very well how to do it. You have only to do what you've just done open your mouth and speak out. And the truth is that you are entitled to speak about your life, your hopes, your dreams, your goals and how you are feeling about youself as a person. You have a right to that and to speak it out loud. All you have to do is open your mouth and let out the words and not be concerned about combination. Let it go.

You have moved towards this step in stages of one foot in front of the other now you've got this last step to make of practising, speaking of truth. So it comes to this where sometimes others will speak their truth – ‘their’ truth - to you and you will not like it. Does this mean that they are not entitled to your love.

They are entitled to their own opinion. Does that sound condescending?

Songee: You are entitled to speak ‘your’ truth and they don't have to like it either. Is that not so?

Yes thank you I needed to hear this.

Songee: So in this way you learn how to be kindly to each other and respect each other in all your differences and enjoy each other even though you have got differences, so that loving, companionship and friendship can continue no matter what happens. Sometimes it will shift and deepen and be on the deeper footing, sometimes they'll shift and change and you will move apart a little – the loving doesn’t have to stop.

Don’t mistake unconditional love for romantic love.

I quite like that though.

Carnal love and Romantic love

Songee: Carnal love, for this is different. Carnal love and romantic love they are two separate things - are expressions only for the love that ought to be without condition however for most humankind it is not, it is an expression of love with conditions. When this happens upon you in your life you don't accept it, don't give it in this way, you don't accept it in this way.

So how do you know the difference? Oh my goodness we could go on with all sorts of questions from that. So how do you know the difference? I do believe you know the difference.

It’s hard to know what sort, it's what's demanded of me, my duty.

Songee: So what do you say?

Now I say no.

Songee: Very well, nothing wrong with that is there. You say no because you cannot give something that you do not feel inside. You cannot give when you know that the love that is being asked of you is being asked with conditions.

When you come together with a partner of life and this does not matter whether you have a man partner or woman partner or whatever your partner is in your life, when they is true loving without conditions and you come together loving of carnal love is an expression of that love and if it is not then you don't need to have as any part of your life. You can abstain and you can say an you wish - no thank you I’m going to abstain today.


Excuse me laughing.

Songee: So, is that not amusing. (Songee is laughing as well.)


I can imagine the reaction.

Songee: Ohh does it matter what is the reaction - no thank you I’m going to abstain today.

It’s the word that’s so funny.

Songee: Well what is abstinence?


(Other comments)

Songee: Look it up in your book of words ‘abstinence’. You don't have your ‘book of words’ do you you're going to have to have your book of words you understand.

No we don't.

Something else to carry.

Romantic Love may be an Illusion

Songee: So abstinence and romantic love what this romantic love?

Ohh love that you give out freely.

Songee: Romantic love quite often is based on illusion.

I’m illuded.

Songee: When one person has an illusion about something about another person and believes in to be in a particular way and their eyes have got stars in them.

You know all about it don’t you.

Songee: They look at people with stars and all they see are the stars twinkling.

I don’t mind if they adore me.

Songee: Except that when it comes to a point of your relationship where they discover that you are a real human being who has got emotions and feeling and is ordinary and trips up and bumps their nose from time to time and all the stars disappear. And all of a sudden they don't know who they are looking at because they have been living with an illusion on who they decided, ‘they’ decided that you were. And you have to be careful that you don't do the same thing with somebody else because were you have to do is when you do discover that they're not the person that you believe them to be you will be very upset, very angry, very cross with yourself and your blame them and say it is all their fault and indeed you will have had this done to you. Romantic love is an illusion, beautiful - but an illusion.

Carnal love will give all when it is given unconditionally and is expressed unconditionally. You’ll have tenderness, kindliness, gentleness, consideration and acceptance of your partner saying, No I’m very sorry I declined I’m going to abstain today - without there being a big explosion and the other person being feelings of hate and rejection. When there is true love expressed through carnal love, the other person does not have feelings of rejection because they know that the partner truly loves them.

(Songee waits while there is a huge noise as the people leave from the next room.)

I ask why the expression of canal loves is so beautiful and joy...

(end of tape - some words are missed)

They choose not to...

(It appears the Group may have been talking about Nuns.)

They voluntarily marry themselves to the Oneness.


Songee: Part of it is that they are putting aside that part of their life so that they can dedicate their energies to the task of learning, of having less distraction. To live a carnal life is a distraction and to achieve unity with Oneness while living a carnal life is quite a major achievement because you have this distraction of earth life all the time that you are learning to come to Oneness. You understand?


Songee: For those people who have chosen that way, it is only that they have chosen it is not right or wrong only they have chosen it and indeed some people who are living carnal life, in ordinary life choose to have this abstinence between them and to focus their energies on expressing unconditional love without the complication of the expression of carnal of love.


Songee: They live an ordinary life and they are not (?), they are not (?) for people over they’re just like, they actively choose to live this way.

It’s now time for you to come to the end of your meet, so would you like to put some of your music upon your machine and to make for your light to go away so that I can give you a small journey.

(Everyone gets ready to go on their journey)

(A child asks Songee) Songee are there such things as aliens?

Songee: Oh the doggy men with the big eyes! There are strangers from the skies who come, they are not always as you would envisage them to look, some of them are very ordinary just like you.


Songee: We will have the one with the bird on it. (Songee is referring to the music and the music begins to play.)

(The Music "Forest of Whispering Birds" by Ana and Norval Williamson.)
Music: from the album "Forest of Whispering Birds" by Denean.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Ana and Norval Williamson's music in our dialogue recording.)

So now closing your eye taking in a deep Breath of Life inside of you, breathing it in deep inside you and letting it out slowly, and listen to the music for a moment feel it coming into your body...
Let the waters flow gently so the love of the Oneness flows, entering into every part of your body bringing light and healing to you...
Pushing away all the little barriers of darkness...
Setting you free to experience and to feel love of the Oneness...
Breathe it into yourself... accept it with graciousness... with thankfulness...
Let the Light of Love... strike and resonate...
Let the Light from within shine out for all to see...
Let the Power of Light and Love

I leave you now with this Power.....

Reference Number: 19970908

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© 2024 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

Music: "Forest of Whispering Birds" by Ana and Norval Williamson
Available from

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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