Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
The Words - 1995
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'The Words - 1995'
A Teaching from Songee 7th September 2000

The 'Why' and the 'Should'
Fear, guilt, anger
The 'Think'

This teaching is published in 'The Facets of the Diamond'.

The Members of the Circle were taken on the special journey to their Tree. On returning each told of their experiences. Later we were treated to an exquisite experience of hearing a song sung by the Spirit of the Cypress tree.

Songee: I am here.

Thank you Songee. That was very interesting to hear from the Spirit of the tree.

Songee: One of the trees and one who is the ideal of it. You have known to seek and you will find.

Now to more matters of the earth than this. Too many times have I hear from those of you the word that must not be spoken. The 'Why', the 'Should'.

The 'Why' and the 'Should'

Yes, that's right but we have been becoming more aware that we are saying it.

Songee: It is important to become so aware that you do not say it. It is very important to learn this. It is urgently needed to be learned not to say this word. Retain for all in your mind that the word is a bad word and that if you say it you will get smack on your hand. No more the word to be said, learn to make the word a different one.

Also it is important that the word is spoken exact, that which is troubling within the self. In speaking the word you make the burden lighter for yourself. When the word is trapped within inside of you, it is like an energy building up that have nowhere to go except inside of you and in this manner you become sick. To what degree that you become sick is depending upon how much of the word you are holding inside and how much of your energy you are using to hold it there. If you hold it there then you have very little left over to keep yourself well. Who do this thing?

(The Group agrees that they all do it.)

Who do we speak to?

Songee: You speak only at this time for yourself. Who do this thing?

Group says, We all do.

Songee: So now is the time to make different, is it not? Now I not say for you - now you should make it different - is not correct. Now is time to make different, is not make so difficult for you to hear the word and to take the word to yourself. The word is given to you with love and it is now for you to receive it with love and to work upon it, to make it different for yourself.

What happen to you when you make to hold inside of you all the words that make you sick. Notice, I not say to you - 'Why' do you do this? I give you lesson of how to make your word different, all of you practice. So now, answer for yourself, what is it you do that make you keep the word inside yourself that make you sick? Is it that you are frightened that if you speak of your pain that those who listen will laugh at you? What is it that makes you hold it inside?

Are you asking us individually?

Songee: You answer it as you can, each one of you.

(Each pupil gave their feelings about it.)

Fear, Guilt, Anger

Songee: Fear, Guilt, Confrontation, fear of hurting somebody. What do you have for that word - confrontation? What would you explain for that word?

If there is something that is upsetting you or another person is upsetting you, to go to them and confront them to discuss or argue about it or whatever needs to be done.

Songee: Is that what you say is how to make it better, or is that what is causing you to hold it inside? I have asked you the question - What is it that causes you to hold it inside, the word that causes the sickness?

The fear of confrontation.

Songee: Fear, it is very simple - Guilt, Fear. There is another, sometimes that which is held inside is anger. Sometimes that which is held inside is Fear, sometimes it is Guilt.

(A pupil makes a comment to another which is overheard by Songee.)

Songee: How so?

If you are angry and at the same time felt guilty - I am speaking personally here - I would be very confused, would not know if I am justifiably guilty or justifiably angry. This would cause me confusion. Which I think Aahh, which I feel to be correct for me.

Songee: So, that is not quite correct. If you feel, there is no confusion. If you feel guilt then the guilt lies in a 'belief' that you have about something, someone or yourself, in combination of all that matter. Anger is there because you are feeling within yourself that some part of you is being denied. Some part of you is not being allowed expression. Fear is very simple. Fear of confrontation, fear of ridicule, fear of what you do not know, what might be, what might happen, what if...

What a waste of energy.

Songee: Correct, that energy can be placed in better use than that. So now turn it around. Now, first go back to the 'feel', not the 'think', go back to the 'feel'. Your feeling inside, the anger, you know that part of you has been denied so then you get the 'feel'. How did that come to be? How did I allow that to come to pass that I have lost my power, to make me angry? We come to the justifiable anger in one moment, does that answer your question?

So the anger, we look for that, the origin of it, likewise you look to yourself within and feel the origin of where it was that you have learned to fear. The unknown, the ridicule, the confrontation and so you can work towards releasing the word, instead of retaining it. The same for the guilt, feel inside for you and learn what it is that make you feel the guilt. Who put it there? How did it come to be there? What for you do these things?

(A pupil spoke and could barely be heard.)

Songee: And so then, how long are you going to allow this to be there trapped inside? Using energy to hold it down, instead of letting it go free. The guilt only lies inside by permission of the one who has it there. It is there because that one have belief that they deserve to be punished for something. I now challenge those who have this form of guilt inside, to look deep inside and ask the question of yourself, do you really deserve to be punished in this way?

Did the Oneness put you upon this planet to labour with mistaken belief? You were put here to learn but not to make you suffer on purpose without relief of suffering. Now for all of those things, you let the Light of the Oneness come to you to forgive yourself, your weaknesses, to make those parts of you strong and powerful once more and speak the word to those that can help you to work towards releasing your energy in a better way.

So you come to the healing. Give time for the healing energy to work. Never does it not work, always it works. For some it takes a little time for some a little longer, but always it do work. Know this thing and then you cannot misuse your energy by keeping word trapped inside.

Righteous anger, that is an anger that is made within you, born of the Light for something that is done incorrectly or wrong by another and therefore an innocent suffers. The anger of the righteous can come and move away that which is oppressing the innocent and the Oneness will not frown upon it. But if you use your anger to destroy, and the destruction is complete and those around become injured or hurt, the Oneness is most displeased. There is different anger.

Practice to remember not to say the bad word. Practice to remember to speak to each other about the pain, not to trap it inside of you. Everybody have one person that they can unburden their soul to.

Can I ask a question?

The 'Think'

Songee: What for you need to ask this?

I'm trying to get... well O.K. I think I've got it, yes of course. I feel as if I have got it under control now.

Songee: How do you manage to make three mistakes in one sentence?

Exactly, I realise...

Songee: It makes for much funny. It is good to have funny.

The feelings that I have with the opening of the Wednesday Circle. I became quite depleted of my energies. I was wondering if it was coming from the Circle or the overall work that I was doing and I'm beginning to come to terms with it now. I think... feel it is...

Songee: How is it that you feeling at this moment of your time?

I'm feeling very good, quite energetic and bright and quite...

Songee: What is it that has happened for you?

Well, I don't know how I came to this level. I felt good all day, so something has changed me around. The fact of going through the depletion, so that's what I've been trying to work out.

Songee: In about what of your time of the day you begin to feel the energy increase for you? Was it this morning when you rise from your bed or was it after you have your food, or later, or later again?

I think it was this afternoon sometime, not sure exactly when it came about.

Songee: What was it that you were about?

I can't...

Songee: Doing, what is it that you were doing?

That's what I'm unsure of when it actually came about, what triggered it off.

Songee: What were your actions this day after the mid-day?

Just working around the house. Was nothing...

Songee: What were you contemplating in your mind?


Songee: Its different to make the word that you are not allowed to say.

That's right.

Songee: What avenues were you pursuing?

Just cleaning, good woman's work.

Songee: In preparation for what?

Yes, well, for the Circle this evening.

Songee: So you have been pondering upon events to come.


Songee: What events were you pondering upon?

The work that is to be done tonight. I was unsure of the music and what we are about to do.

Songee: So how did you feel about that? Did it make you feel frightened?


Songee: What did it make you feel?

I don't think, didn't feel anything.

Songee: It's like pulling teeth out. Do you feel scared about the music?

No, I didn't feel scared. There was no fear about anything.

Songee: So what you feel? Something you feel, I'm not trying to tell for you, already I know it, now it is for you to learn to recognize it that it was there. So you have in front of you the challenge?


Songee: What make you feel inside when you have the challenge? You frightened of the challenge?


Songee: Aahh! now he has the word. Ooh! it is good. (laughing and clapping hands) Now, what is it you feel? You have the word there.

Yes, Invigorated.

Songee: So, where comes from this vigour? This feeling of vigour what is it?

I don't know what caused it.

Songee: What does it feel like?

Yes, it feels wonderful.

Songee: So do you still feel it?


Songee: So, now you have the answer.

(All the pupils laugh at the outcome.)

Originally I do not have fear of anything. It was straight forward doing the work.

Songee: It is not say for you that you have fear, it say for you to make you look to yourself. I understand that you not have the fear of this, however you did perceive a challenge for yourself and the challenge did for you make come the feeling of vigour.

It's two weeks ago I was more concerned about it.

Songee: You are not looking at it. Now this is what happened for you this time. This time you have the challenge, you have the vigour to meet the challenge. So what happen the other day you not have the vigour?

I thought I felt it was physical, emotional and mental I seemed to be depleted.

Songee: Would anybody like to enlighten this one, all persons in this room understands the message I am giving for you except you. Who would like to tell this one what it is?

What happened about two weeks ago, this is what you are saying. That you were feeling depleted, obviously I feel that you did not meet that challenge and tonight you must have got acquainted with that challenge and have been liberated by it as you obviously conquered it.

Songee: The challenge in the past time was not perceived as a challenge, it was perceived as something entirely different therefore the vigour did not appear to meet the challenge.

The light has come on.

Songee: My goodness it must have been very dark before.

(All the pupils laughed at the remark.)

Songee: So now is time to make your perception look now for the challenge in all things and then you will not feel the depression. Ooh! now another light goes on. What a wonderful bright light there is around, wonderful bright.

It is time for I to leave you with that wonderful light now and I come to you another time.

(The pupils thank Songee for the knowledge and wisdom that was given.)

Songee: I ask for the Power of the Oneness to come down upon all of you to fill the holes in the voids that may be within you. To wash away the Darkness and to fill it instead with the Light of the Oneness.


Reference Number: 19950306facets21

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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Charles Ashe

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust.
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