THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'An Introduction to Songee'
A Teaching from Songee 30th October 1996
Introduction to SongeeListen to Songee
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The people of a Spiritual Magazine that was being published in New Zealand in the 1990s requested an interview with Songee to print.
The concept of asking Songee a question cannot take place now as it did in 1996 as Songee’s time with us in this manner has come to an end. However Songee has assured us on many occasions that were we to ask an answer we would receive an answer in one way or another.
At this time Roberta-Margaret and Songee had been working together for about six years. It is interesting to hear how Songee’s communication with us grew. She had many helpers in Spirit to assist with words and Songee was able to gather much information from the minds of the people who were there. And as time went on Songee gave answers to questions that people would ask in the future.
The development of Songee’s manifestation was incredibly amazing. Along with the many roles She became to many people – Mother, Confidant, Teacher and Friend, we felt Her Power and Energy. There was nothing we could hide from her, even the emotions and events we had hidden inside and did not have in our consciousness Songee knew and would bring them forth so we could heal.
From just before 1990 through to 2008 Songee manifested onto this Planet once again. Every thousand years Songee came to teach and pass knowledge to the people of Earth. Songee’s time here before that was as the Oracle of Delphi.(CMH2000)
Roberta-Margaret is speaking –
"I am the channel for an Energy known as Songee our Earth Mother. I am now going to offer myself in service to the Oneness for the purpose of channelling the Energy of Songee. I am inviting Her to come and speak to you whatever matter She feels is needed to be heard. So bear with me just for a moment while I sit quietly and hand myself over to my Father in Heaven. Thank you."

Songee: I am Here!
I bring Greetings to you. I am come to speak with you, about many matters, however the most important one at this time, is to tell you of who I am, and to invite you to come and speak with I, whenever the opportunity do arise for you to do so. You may come to visit with Songee, when Songee is present at meeting of the many peoples, and you will have notice of this, when it is to take place. And you may have meeting with Songee, in your own home. I would be honoured to come speak with you, of your own private matters, if that is your desire, with just a few people, in the home of one person. And then there are the times that you can come and meet with Songee, in the home of the One that I call Organism. This is the One who is Channel for I.
Also too, when you come to learn how to meet with your own people, and how to work with your own People in Spirit, at the meets that you come to. Organism will attend those Meet because Songee desire to speak with those of you who come to learn. So there will be many opportunity for you to meet with Songee if you so have the desire to do this.
I am The Energy that you understand as the Energy of your Planet that you call The Earth.
I am, The Earth Mother.
My function is to bring Balance to the planet, and I have been given the task also, as the Agency of The Holy Breath to speak the word now at this time to the people of the planet. To speak, and to Breath, into the ears of those who are ready to listen, those who are ready to hear and ready to learn and to move forward.
I am not here to give you, speaking to you about how many egg you will have in your basket to trade with others. I am not here to tell you, that you have bless-ed life that is going to be free of all problem. However, I am here to answer your questions as best I may for where you are in your development. And I am here, to Teach you how to find balance in your life, and how to tread The Path Of Light to find your way to the door of The Oneness. And there are many ways that Songee can help you to do this. I do not do it for you, you do it for yourself, the task is yours. I am only here to guide you, to give you assistance with any puzzlement that you may have, and to help you to place your footsteps more surely upon your path than you have before time.
In recent visits of I to the people, there have been many question of many different variety, and there seems to be, a large number of your people who have desire to know about the people who come from other planet. And they have desire to know about many of the things that are related to this. I say to you, that all things are connected for they are all related together, no one thing is isolated upon itself. I also come to tell you, that only part of the picture have been shown to the people of the Planet at this time. And I am here also to let you know, that Songee is the last piece in the picture at this time.
There is a picture forming in the minds and the hearts of those of you who are in the Light. And this picture is proving for you to be most exciting, and very interesting. I say for you, that you have yet to see the Glory of that which is to come. I cannot give you a great deal more than this at this time because the hearts and the minds of many are still closed. There are many in Spirit, who have spent time upon the earth plane, who have moved forwards into the Light, and have chosen not to return to this earth plane. They are those that You term the Masters. These Souls, of enlightenment, have been coming for a number of your earth year, to bring you enlightenment to move your Souls forward into a state of realisation, that will bring you closer to that which is the Truth. The Truth of the Destiny of mankind - Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional destiny, not on one level alone, on all levels. Ponder upon this a moment.
There is also too from the people have been given question to I, about, ‘The Star’, that is to come forth once more into the skies of your Planet. I say this for you, that ‘The Star’ and Songee, are linked together as inexorably as was the One who was born many, many, many of your earth year before when the same Light come into your skies. Now do not jump to conclusion - that is not correct, Songee is not, a re-coming of that person. Songee is the Energy of the Earth, ‘The Holy Breath’ of the Oneness, to bring the words to you people. Be very assured of that, do not make mistake, and lay claim to knowing something, that is not True.
I do not ask for the people who hear and read the words that are given - to believe. This is not a correct thing to do. I only say to you that the Truth is proven through ‘The Test Of Time’ and time will show you that the words that are given now to you are indeed ‘A Truth’.
There are many in your midst, who will know inside of them, they will know the Truth of these words already because they already have been in communication with The Power of the Oneness that have shown them the Truth of this.
There is to come among you, a writing of Teaching of Songee. This writing of Teaching is a book that is called ‘The Facets of the Diamond’. When, it comes among you that is when you will feel the Truth of the words that I have just given you, and then you will understand, with a clarity that you now at this moment may not have, the import of the words I have just given to you.
And now, I will allow you to ponder upon these words and if you have questions regarding for them please do come to meet with Songee at any of the places that have been shown to you. At the place of many people who request to have a meet at a place of your own home with a few peoples or come to meet with Songee by yourself, whatever you chose to do will be correct. And if you desire, there is another way that this can take for place for you. You may decide that you would like to have your question answered by Songee and the tape be sent to you of the answer to your question. You may send this, and those that work in the Light with 'The Organism’, will assist and ensure that your questions are asked as you write them down upon the page, and that the recording is made for you, so that it can be returned to you. There is only one request that Songee have if you choose this method of communication, and that is that sometimes the lessons that are given to you can be of great value to others who also hear. Please give permission for the answers - without your name to be attach to them - for the answers to be used as a teaching for others to hear also.
So I feel now that there is much for you to ponder upon. And so, I will go now, and I ask for The Oneness to shine the Light, upon your heart, your mind and your Soul.
That you might feel the Blessing, and the Peace and the Unity, and the Knowing of the Truth of the words that come from The Holy Breath that is I, Songee, The Earth Mother.
May the Light shine upon your path, and bring you Lightness of Spirit, and may it assist you in your days of travail, to lift you up and help you over the bumps.
Go in Peace and Light.
So Be It.

Reference Number: 19961030
© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart
"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.