Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
Sunnynook Gathering

THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'The Sunnynook Gathering'
A Psychic and Spiritual Development Gathering that was held on the 26th November 1996 at Sunnynook Community Centre.

Crystal Light Of Love
Sally’s last Life
The Gift of the Crystal Light
Whales – the Record Keepers
Has my baby returned to the Earth?
The glowing Photo
Missing Husband
How to stop people from draining our energy
You do not heal – Oneness does
Organ Transplants
Trying to make things happen
Learning the easy ways
Dancing to the Music

The Music and Aromas were –
Music: Ancient Mother - Aroma: Bergamot
Music: Music For Healing - Aroma: Sandalwood
Music: Open Secret - Aroma: Geranium

Charlie Ashe as the Leader of this night’s gathering read The Crystal Light of Love...

Crystal Light of Love

So Darkness leaves the land
and Light is born
and soars heavenwards,
then dives into the hearts of Mankind.
The Truth of Light within the Crystal doth lie,
to drive away the Demons of your Soul.
Hearken to the words that you hear,
the knowing within your heart.
Hear not the darkness of your mind
for reason it is blind,
it leadeth you astray
and further into darkness.
So put aside your reason,
the mind that tells you lies,
and hearken to the Light,
The Crystal Light of Love,
for within your heart it lies.
No other can have charge of this,
Only you.
Crystal Light, ...
So bright, ...
Of many hues,
piercing through the darkness,
allowing none to be.
Only Light, Crystal Love, shall be
inside of Thee.
So ponder now upon this riddle that
I give to you,
and know its Truth
of Crystal Light
remain inside of you ...
Be at Peace ... !


At the conclusion of this reading young Sally arrives by announcing herself with -

Sally: Hello me old cockers!

Leader: Hello Sally!

Sally: That surprised yer didn't it?

Leader: Yes it certainly did.

Sally: How are yer doing me old mate?

Leader: This is Sally, I must introduce you to Sally.

Sally: Yeah, I ain't meet half of this lot, have I?

Leader: I don't. Yes there is quite a few strangers.

Sally: Hello everybody. (Every body laughs and say hello) Its all right Hers is coming in a minute, I sort of filling in a bit. She's sort of busy twicking something. I don't know what it is, here I am anyway. What we going to do?

Leader : Well Sally you had better tell us something or give us a little bit of knowledge.

Sally: Gor blimey.

Student: You'll wish you hadn't come.

Student: You're here to work.

Sally: I already do, don't I. Its a bit much in't it. I only come through to say hello, hows yer father and everything and then he wants yer to go and tell all sorts of wisdoms and things. I ain't prepared no speech or nothing yer know.


Student: Oh Sally. This lady beside me wants to know about angels.

Sally: Oh, ah I can answer that, I'm an angel I'm a right royal angel I am. I'm beautiful.

Student: We know that.

Sally: Yeah Well there is angels, that's what yer want to know in't it, is there angels? Well...little bit more than that, yeah and sometimes we do get mistook for being angels yer know? You do?

Student: That's hard to believe!

Sally: Shut up, cor you ain't half rude.

Leader: What do angels do Sally? What is their job?

Sally: Oh...Well...Its a lot more grand than my job is. Just a minute... How am I gonna explain that then? (Sally asks of her spirit associates that she works with) Oh all right...

Leader: What job do they do?

Sally: Hang about I'm asking aren't I, I'm asking him how I gotta, gotta explain it. I know what they does but its sort of a little bit difficult to try and find the words to say it, in't it. Its sort of, oh I like that word, thanks, its a bit nebulous, in't it?

Leader: Oh boy!

Student: Oh that's it, I learnt that one not so long ago, that's a good word. Means expansive.

Sally: Means a bit slippery and all.

Student: Oh I didn't say that bit.

Sally: Slippy, slidey in't it. Yeah, right...Well they ain't got nothing sort of to do with what we're doing like guides and helpers and things, we all different see. Angels is...their very special, they ain't been living on the earth, or had no life like that and they haven't not...they are an energy, they are a different energy to what we are. And their ah...all right I'll have to use that word wouldn't I? Ah all right...they're God's messengers is what they are and a lot of times people like us, what is in spirit get mistook for being angels. Is that enough?


Sally: Oh all right then that's good. Here...hide these shoes, go on hide the shoes. Put them away somewhere, she won't know where they are. I like playing games. (Everyone laughs)

Leader: She ties knots in her dress.

Sally: I can't do that with this one. We made this, and I helped and I like it. I, I think I look nice in it, see. It suits my blond hair.

Student: It takes a bit of imagination Sally.

Sally: Well it don't take too much imagination if you can see me, do it?

Sally’s last earth life

Leader: Is from East London, what is it 1860.

Sally: No I ain't, I'm much more posh than that.

Leader: Oh. What part was it? Straton.

Sally: No I'm having you on.

Leader: Oh right, and she was 13 years of age...

Sally: Oh you got it all wrong again, I was 12 I was (lots of interruptions and laughter) I was 12 years old when I carked it.

Leader: That's it.

Sally: They hung me.


Sally: Because they said I murdered somebody, but I didn't so I'm not gonna come and murder any of you. I didn't murder no-one, it was, it was my mate Ned what did it and he didn't really murder the gezza, you see he sorta gave the old gezza a bit of a fright, and the old gezza had a bad ticker and he keeled over din't he. We were, we, we were trying to steel some things off him.

Leader: Steal the watch.

Sally: We stoled things we did.

Student: You had to survive.

Sally: We did didn't we, we had to buy the bread and stuff to live on.

Leader: And they all ran away and Sally was the one that was caught.

Sally: They said it was me what did it.

Leader: They said that she did it, but it wasn't, it was Nat.

Sally: Ned, get it right.

Leader: No but he changed his name once he got into...

Student: Leader you get your foot in your mouth.

Leader: Carry on Sally, sorry for interrupting.

Sally: Well anyway, that's what happened.

Leader: MM when was this Sally?

Sally: When was what?

Leader: The date of the...

Sally: What?

Leader: When you were hung?

Sally: Oh that 1863 that were. The old Queen were on the throne.

Student: Elizabeth.

Student: Victoria.

Student: Oh that one.

Sally: Miserly old gezza she were and all. Grumpy old sod, cor was she ever. Anyway...

Leader: Where did you live Sally?

Sally: In a packing case, down underneath the wharves.

It would be cold!

Sally: Oh it weren't too bad we had about six of us in there, all cuddle up and get warm. A bit nippy in the winter like when there was snow all on the ground and then when the, when the Thames went and iced over that was real cold. Hang about.

Its all right She's coming now and I can pop off. All right I'm off now.

Leader: OK Sally, Thank you very much for coming.

Sally: Nice to meet yer, I have been on my best behaviour, ain't I?

Leader: You have done very well Sally.

Student: You've done very well.

Everyone says goodbye.

Sally: Tra ra.

Leader says to see if anyone can see any changes as Sally leaves and Songee comes in.


Greetings Songee.

Songee: So what have you for I this night?

Thank you Songee, welcome.

Songee: I am here. I am pleased to be meeting with you once more.

Leader : Thank you.

Songee: What have you for I? Do you have any thing for I?

Leader invites people to ask their questions.

The Gift of the Crystal

Songee after we listen to the Crystal of Love, how to do the next step?

Songee: What do you imagine is the next step?

Could you please explain more, about it.

Songee: Do you want to know more about the Crystal or how it works?

I beg your pardon.

Songee: Do you want to know more about the crystal, or do you want to know how it do work?

Yeah I like to know more about the crystal and also the after, to listen to the crystal.

Songee: When the crystal is inside of you, it becomes a point through which the Light of the Oneness can reflect to other people. It is a Spiritual Crystal that is inside of each person who comes to work in the Light and it is gift that, to you, for yourself so that you can feel it and help you to learn to discern between light and dark, between good and evil and to help you to feel the resonance of the Light of the Oneness as it push away all the darkness whether it is within yourself or within others. And all that you have to do now that this have been placed inside of you, and this was placed inside of all those who come to the meet, before time, and all those that are gifted with the Crystal at the meet when Songee come. You feel inside you this Crystal as it resonate with the Love, and all you have to do, is to open yourself, to the Oneness, to give yourself in service to the Oneness for the benefit of all living creatures, and that will make this start to grow, you understand?

Yes, thank you very much.

Songee: So there is no, one, step to take, it just IS, and all you have to do is to feel.

Thank you very much.

Leader asks for another question.

Whales the Record Keepers

The other day, Songee, someone was talking to me about a dream, lets say, that they had had, where they had walked along a beach with their father and when they looked down towards the sea they could see many whales in the sea and on the shore were big boulders of Kauri gum and when I asked this gentleman how he felt about it, what was the significance that he saw for it, he said that both of these things, the Kauri tree and the whales were record keepers and it has puzzled me as to what he meant about that and maybe you might like to tell us?

Songee: They are not the only record keepers of the planet, they are indeed. However in this matter we have one from the ocean, one from the land and within the resin of this that come from the tree, this is like the plasma of the blood, in a person and it contains within it all the structure of the plant from which it come. And it is there in its entirety, down through the ages, so that when you hold a piece of this, or you make contact with the creature from the ocean, then you are making contact with not just one small thing, you are making contact with all of that nature of that thing.

Student: So all the ones that went before you are making contact with those as well?

Songee: The knowing that is stored inside of the living creature of now, the residue of that which was sitting upon the sand. There is a timelessness to it and it is saying that this person have assess to much more than they realize than they can see with their own two eyes.

Thank you.

Songee: There are some questions over here, I can see the birds flying.

Has my baby returned to the Earth

I was wondering if the baby I lost has returned to the earth plane?

Songee: Not at this time.

The glowing photo

Student: Songee I have a question, I have a photograph here....Sorry...

Songee: I am listening to you, I am also looking deeper inside this person. There is more that you would like to ask, there is more that you have needing to know, however this is not that place for this to take place, at this moment. Although you have moved forward very successfully, there are still things that you need to have answers for, in yourself. So, if you want to do for that, then it can be made possible for you. You were going to say it... (Songee speaks to a Student)

Student: My brother gave me a photograph, he came out of his house one day and he saw three trees in front of his house, glowing, and he thought. am I seeing things, and then he noticed a car parked on the side of the road and the people in the car were watching this too so he realized that not only he could see it. So he ran in and he got the camera, and he thought well I'll try it to get a picture of it. So when the photograph came out it was exactly as he saw it, three trees, it was an overcast day, he doesn't know where the sun was, it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon so he didn't look for the sun but these trees are just glowing. It hasn't happened again and he just wondered what it was about. That person on the road came back the next day with his camera.

Songee: What has this person done about this?

Student: Nothing, just...he said, he's just gives us all photos so we can all see it, he says the more see it the better, the more who have the photograph the better.

Songee: So is he now inquiring more about the things of an unusual nature?

Student: I'm not sure if he is, I am!

Songee: So it is important to continue with the encouragement of the interest within the hearts of those who have see this event. Spirit allow events to take place to encourage people to search for answers, to find the reason behind it. So this must not be allowed to pass by and it is correct that the more people who witness this, the more questions will be asked. So do you want to tell us what it is that you have to say?

Missing Husband

Songee my husband went missing in January he was lost at sea and we have never found him. Is he all right?

Songee: From what perspective are you asking?...From the perspective of life continuance, that soul is most content.

The soul's content, yeah? What did she say?

Student: We are having trouble with the noise behind us Songee.

Songee: The soul is most content.

Thank you.

Songee: They are not in physical body anymore.

Thank you.

How to stop people from draining our energy

Songee can you telling me how you stop people from draining, your energy?

Songee: Ah... it is very simple, when you sense that somebody is using energy from yourself, you ask those in spirit and those energies of the Oneness to come and give this person the energy they are most requiring of so that it does not come of yourself. If they continue to do it and they continue every time that you meet, to do this thing, then you need to ensure before you go to meet them that all your charkas are closed down and if it is possible you instruct them on how not to do it. Sometimes it is not possible to instruct somebody on how not to do this thing, if they are not able to appreciate what it is you are trying to tell for them, you understand this? Yes.

Songee: So, who is this person who does this for you?

It is one recently but it has happened, in the past...

Songee: And can you talk about this person, to that person about this?

I tried to but I don't think she was listening. She hasn't for the last week so maybe she is OK now for just...

You do not heal – Oneness does

Songee: Then also when you are not with that person, you spend some moments and you channel the healing energies to her. Now it is most important that all of you go home with one lesson that you must learn and that is none of you heal anybody . Do not use the words I heal, you understand. You say I channelled healing energies for somebody. Never, ever say to them I healed that person. You do not heal, the Oneness does the channelling of the energy through you. That is how the healing comes to pass. So everybody to know this lesson. I have to keep reminding most of my Teachers sometimes even. Everybody forgets. The slip of the tongue is human, human trait. So, now I must not make for you rush and get into your time too much, what is your time now, is it time for exercise? Would you like to do for exercise?

Student: Yes. We can do exercise. I have a question...

Organ Transplants

Songee: Very well.

What happens when people have heart transplants and they die and they donate their organs, is that a good thing or...

Songee: When the organ comes from another body it brings with it its own aura, you understand? Even though it is washed clean, by the medical person, it is still carry its own aura, every living cell, carry its own aura of light, you understand. So when it comes and is placed inside the body of another and is made to connect to that person, some of the energies of the one who have passed on, it goes with that new person. So sometimes people would develop within them a, a flavour for something that before time it is not, they did not have interest in. It is very interesting how this comes to pass. It have lots of...I have not the word, Ah that is better than my word, I was going to say better impact however this medical man is saying consequences of it are quite far reaching, in all aspects, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Songee is that considered right or wrong, or there is no...

Songee: There is no right, no wrong. Oneness have given mankind the ability to explore, to learn, to make decisions about what it is they will do and all that is going to come to pass is that when the soul comes to the earth plane they choose, perhaps to have this happen in their life, for learning, and the soul of the one who have given their flesh for others to live, they have come to the earth plane with that choice that this is how they will pass from the earth and that this part of their flesh will go to another to give them more earth life. They decided together before they get themself born on the earth. So there is no right, no wrong, there is only lessons to learn...And know the soul of the one who has passed on, does not go and sit in the aura of the one who has the flesh.

Student: So it moves on.

Songee: It does not sit in the aura of the one who is, who has the flesh, so it does not hold the person and this is not my word, this is little one's words. You have meeting with little one, did you not? (Talking about Sally)

Student: Yes. Yes we did.

Songee: Very busy!...So do you need to ask some more?

Leader: Do you want to do exercise?

Trying to make something happen

Student: There is a question over here Songee. We've got a, me and my mother at the moment are having a little confusion with two important people in our lives, my brother and his father and we, I don't know if you can give us any information or some way to go about it.

Songee: You are 'trying', to make something to come to pass that it is not possible for this to come to pass in the way that you would like for it to be. It is far better that instead of using your energy in this manner, that, you step away a little and let your energy, come with love and let those, decide, how it is they are going to be, without making disagreement. Do not, take to yourself, any of the words or deed that might take from you, your own energy, your own power, to keep you moving through your life. You understand?

Yeah, thank you.

Songee: However you must also remember to be ready to step forward when the time is right so that you can all meet in the middle, and you must have patience. I understand, although you may feel that you have been patient for long enough, you must be patient for a little bit longer. There are things that are being learned and there are things that you are needing to learn also, so you learn to apply yourself to what it is they you need to learn and have one part of your awareness of the others and what it is that they are learning and just be ready for that moment when you will learn of it and have agreement. Do you understand?

Yeah, thanks.

Songee: So.

Learning the easy way

Songee how can we prepare ourselves to learn the lesson in a easier way, instead of the harder way?


Songee: Very delightful. So it is important to be sensitive to what you life is teaching you. Instead of making for the big jump when something happens that Oh this is how I must be! OR This is what I must do! To stop for a moment and to feel, is this what I really need to do. So the secret lies in being, silent for a moment, have little moments of silence before you make an action. Because for every action, that you do make, something else will react to that action. Sometimes not always good way. However also bear in mind that sometimes you might need to give someone little kick in the soft place. So indeed you may get reaction and although it may not be very happy one sometimes it is all time important, is that not so Little Turtle?

Leader: That's right. I often get a kick in the soft place.

Songee: So now you do understand?


Songee: Take a moment to be silent, and consider, before you make an action...

Thank you

Songee:...and before you open your mouth.

Thank you.

Songee: That is action also! (Laughter)

Songee how can we counteract, how can I counteract to keep silent for a moment before I take any action.


Songee: You don't control! You learn a new way of being, a new way to live your life, so that you are not controlling. If you try to control and if you TRY anything, you will not succeed. You are making for yourself the burden that you can not achieve when you TRY for to do something. And every time you use for that word in your language and your speaking to others from about yourself, you are demonstrating that this is the goal that you want to reach, this is the amount of effort you are putting in to do it, and this is how confident you are going to do it! (Laughter) So, how are you going to reach that goal with all of that effort when you like this. (Songee pulls her head down onto the chest and hugs her arms about the body) That this is trying I'm trying to do it, you understand?

I do understand.

Songee: Don't TRY anymore. (A loud truck goes by, the traffic had been noisy all evening) Oh its very noisy in your world!...Just do for it and if you are not sure about for to do for it, don't do for anything. Oh there's making for another noise. (Laughter)

Student: It is time now Songee.

Songee: Is it time for I to go now?

Student: Its ten o'clock.

Songee: Oh do you want to do for very quick exercise?

Yes please.

Dancing to the Music

Songee: I have very special exercise for you. Would you put for the music, I have for the music, it is the woman of medicine, and you need to make lots of room, put all your chairs to bed and stand up. (Everyone gets organized) You don't want to fall over your feet... Very short exercise because of your time...Find yourself a place to stand where you will not bump into each other and stand with your hands by your sides and close your eye and take deep breath in and relax all of your body from the head down to the toes. (The music starts) And now just listen to the music for a moment, feel the music, dance through all the cells of your body, and make for your hands start to dance. This is a magical dance of the power of woman, its the power of all woman and mankind as well as womankind, feel the dance, let yourself move, and as you move feel the energy flow through all of your body. And all those in spirit join also with this Dance of Love.....Feel the Joy and the Love as it goes through all of you. You are power, you have power of womankind, feel the power as it flows, giving you strength, showing you, how to lead the way, that others might follow, feel the power of all the nurturing. Feel the power of kindness.

So children of Light carry with you through your day your Joy of Oneness and the power from kind, to strengthen and to keep you always in bright energy.


And now we will bring the colours back inside, and we say thank you to all those in spirit who have been with you, and we ask them all now to step back and we bring back the white light that belongs to you, back inside your body. And then we bring back the purple, and the indigo, and the blue, and the green, the yellow, the orange and the red. And put them all back for the charkas to sleep, and until you all meet once more as you surely will, may the blessing of the Oneness be upon all of you, to make your path light.


So Be It

I leave you now with the Power...

Leader: Thank you Songee. I would like to thank you all for coming along here and we hope that you enjoyed it and you have learned a few of the lessons that were given and the knowledge that was given and we hope to see you again sometime. Thank you.

Reference Number: 19961126

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© 2024 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.

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