Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
Angels, Souls, Ghosts
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Angels, Souls, Ghosts'
A Teaching from Songee 17th January 1997

Demons of Darkness - Poem
Who Angels are
Angel of Darkness - Lucifer
Rescuing Souls from the Dark
Crossing the Void - becoming a New Soul<

On the 17 January 1997 Roberta-Margaret offered herself as a channel for Songee who came and talked to two of the Second Well Trust's teachers who are of course students and what follows is a transcript of that meeting.

The student detecting Songee says, Welcome.

Demons of Darkness

Songee speaks these words

Demons of darkness
Shed no light and cast no shadow.
They bring not to the world, Wisdom's Light.
They bring not, Love's Peace.
And yet, within, the souls of mankind,
The shadows are enslaved.
And to discover their form
The soul must find
The Light of Truth,
Do not, use, the mind
To use the heart
Of this kind,
And push inside, and find this place
Where shadows are enslaved.
And bring the Light of Love, of Truth,
So that shadows can no longer hide
And when set free
These shadows, will be found to be,
Part of you
That was lost, before
And now by Truth, set free.

Songee concluded these beautiful words by saying -
So we have for this!

How lovely.

Who Angels are

Songee: I have word for you this day. It is word for you about these beings that you call ANGEL.

In the people there is many who have this question about Angel. What is Angel? Who is Angel? Many people believe that The Souls of those who have left the earth plane and gone on, are now coming back to help those upon the earth and that they are Angel. It is important, before more time pass, that this matter is set to rest.

To begin, the Oneness create Angel Beings. The Cherubim and the Seraphim and all the others that come. And those task, that they were given was to create the Worlds and the Universes, that you understand.

The Angel beings owe not their life to physical being, they do not incarnate upon the earth plane, they do not have physical substance upon the earth, or other place of existence, of other planets. They are their own being.

(The Students understand and agree.)

Songee: The souls that pass from the bodies of those who live upon the earth plane, although many are very kind of heart and bright of soul and to many they are called 'as Angel' they are not the angel of that which we speak of this time. So...

Angel influence, do come to bear upon humankind in many different way. It comes through the agency of those who would channel the Energies of these Beings.

However that does not make the channel an Angel. Also too, the Angel do come, and will guide "A One", towards the Light and this is not to be making mistake, in believing this is the Doorkeeper or Guardian who is doing for this. Sometimes it is Angel who come to do this task, appointed by Oneness... More time than not for you upon the earth, this is not known or recognise, Angel works quietly, Angel works silently and does not make the loud noise about their presence.

Now do you have a question about this?... It is important that people have understanding now, before they move too far forward into deception. There is some deception that is among the people of the Planet, and it is needing to be correct.

Mmm as though they are souls, which of course they aren't... angels that is. So what sort of work would they do? Would they steer people along the right path?

Songee: The Angel Being will do anything that Oneness request, that be done, they do not come at request of humankind, they come because Oneness appoint them to have task. And indeed this is so of all those who come to help in Spirit, who come in the Light, the Oneness direct for them to do the task that is there.

Are they a separate energy?

Songee: They are separate again.

When they haven't got a task to do, do they just... Are they just created for this!!!

Songee: They over-see the wellbeing of all the Planets of the Universe. Many, many, many, many Universes, there is much to over-see. And if there is Soul that is requiring special attention, Oneness will sometimes send Angel to point someone, in over that way.

Gee, they were all created at once? At the beginning of...

Songee: Oneness created the Angel Beings at the beginning of time, as you understand time to be.

Would they be used as a balance, for a balancing effect? To balance out a dark influence living a life?

Songee: I come to this in a moment, to begin first of all you have to address the nature of the Dark. The nature of the Dark Energy is a fallen Angel.

Ahh, Oh...

Angel of Darkness - Lucifer

Songee: The one that you know as Lucifer, is this name you have, there is other names that are given however this name is the one that many know, before time. There are, lesser Angels also, of Darkness, who serve all 'that One'. Only 'that One' is the Leader of this Dark Energy, and this is the Dark Energy that is the counter-side of the Light, and set itself up in opposition to the Oneness...

So we come back to this matter of the Dark One being opposition to Oneness. So what was it you want to come from there?

That the Angels that we know of as the ones that we feel are blessing, are balancing the one that are from the Dark, obviously!

Rescuing Souls from the Darkness

Songee: Also too, the Angels of Light, are there to assist to carry The Souls that are rescued from the Dark. To bring them from the Dark into the Light, across the void. Do you understand about the void?...

Ahhh, many do not know about the void.

So there we have the next part of this, that The Souls of humankind, who become ensnared by those ways of darkness, who exclude from their way of being, all forms of Light in the way they live their life. The manner in which they deal with other people in their living of their earth life, and they do not come to a point of their life where this Light can come and shine upon them. Their souls when they pass from the earth plan, they return immediately to the realm of the One who rules the Darkness, so their souls are taken for there.

However they are not abandoned by the Light. They are not... discarded by Oneness. Oneness does not value One Soul more than Another, although it can appear so. The Souls that go to the Darkness, may remain in this place, it is not very pleasant, and they are given opportunity to find their way back to the Light. And this is done by using The Souls of the People of the earth who are already living upon, the earth plane for this. And the Soul at night is taken by those in the Light, not your Doorkeeper and your Guardian, although they come some of the distance with you, the Angels come to do this task...


Songee: take the Soul of the living - to the One in the Darkness within the pit - and, to talk and be with That One, to bring them closer to the Light, to the realisation of needing to be in the Light. The Soul in the pit cannot look upon the Light of the Angel. The Soul in the pit cannot look upon the Light of the Spirits of those who are in Spirit of Light (Souls in Spirit who work in the Light) - they can look upon the Light of the Soul that has living body only, because they are immersed in physical body, so part of that light is contained by the physical body. This is not too bright for that Soul to see.

I understand.

Songee: So then that Soul can be encouraged to come into the Light. Now, when that Soul, reaches the decision within itself that it no longer desires to be with the Dark, then it will be taken up by 'The One' who has living body. And it is carried by 'That One', across the void, with the Angel accompanying them.


Crossing the Void - Becoming a New Soul

Songee: And the Doorkeeper and Guardian of The Soul also accompany across the void. And as that One is being carried across the void... they change - their form - it change, and it go back to being small child, in the arm, and when it is coming into the Light, it is very small baby in the arm, and it is born into the Light, and given to the Angel. And the Angel and that One's Doorkeeper and Guardian, go then to Oneness, with this New Soul that have come and been born back into the Light.

Mmm Lovely...

Songee: And so it begin. It have to begin its growth all over again.

So in actual fact the New Soul can actually be an Old Soul?

Songee: It is no longer Old Soul. However, what you say is correct in understanding, to help you understand, it is not longer Old Soul when it is born back into the Light it becomes New Soul.

Does it recall anything that happens?

Songee: It have no knowing of any more of that which have transpire. The 'All' is wiped clean, so it is new beginning, new for all time, so the journey of the Soul must begin once more. And move forward through The Ages...

And are those the ones we do rescues for?

Songee: Not all time ones that... not all time, the ones you are talking about, The Souls that you talk about, in 'Rescue', are those Souls that have become ensnared upon the earth plane whether by others or by themselves, mostly by themselves, by their wrong believing, wrong way of being. So they become stuck, they cannot move.

So when the physical life finishes, they are stuck, they can't move on to Oneness or anything else?

Songee: Because they live with this belief - that they are not passed over sometimes, and they do not understand that they have someone to watch over for them, so they do not look for this person, they don't look for the Light, the Doorkeeper and Guardian. So they do not look for the Light. And then you have Souls that believe there is 'Nothing' when they pass from this life. Nothing at all, only themselves. And if they retain that belief when they pass from over, then they become locked in this. However that does not mean that all these people become locked in this failure, it is not so. Sometimes the Soul have enlightenment enough so that when it pass over it let go of that knowing and reverts back to the Spirit Knowing, and so moves into the Light. So it does not - it does not follow if that One is doing for this, that all of them will do for this. So....

Mmm Yes, I did wonder about that, knowing the people who have this sort of belief so strongly in this life...

Songee: I will go, and I will leave you now, and leave you with The Power, The Light of the Oneness, to go with you through your day, and through your life path.


Reference Number: 19970117

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© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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