Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
Songee First Visit to Stratford
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Songee First Visit to Stratford'
A Teaching from Songee 7th September 2000

Saturday Evening introduction and programme:

Sunday Morning:
Songee at the Sunday Service:

This was our first journey of two journeys (the other in 2003) to the Spiritualist Church in Stratford, a car trip of about 5 hours south of Auckland, a small township on the eastern side of Mount Taranaki and New Plymouth in the north Island of New Zealand. There were three of us from the Trust Roberta-Margaret, Christene and Heather. We stayed in the home with one of the ladies from the Spiritualist Church.

Saturday Evening introduction:

The evening before the Sunday church service we held a special evening with the people of the Spiritualist Church. Roberta-Margaret guided the people through the evening of exploring the concept of 'Life before Life' when we went deeply into our personal reincarnation and ancestry. At the conclusion of the guided meditation of a past life journey each person was to draw their impressions and experiences and then to share these with the others in the group. Roberta-Margaret then explained her process of being a full trance channel and how we had permission from Jeff Clarkson to use his music at our Public Gatherings. She then handled herself over to Songee while we listened to music. Songee channelled through to talk with the people about how they perceived their meditations.

The Aroma for the night was Lavender and the music mainly that of Jeff Clarkson a New Zealand artist, compiled from the 'Simplicity', 'Infinite Grace' and 'Botanica' albums. Other music from Robert Gass and Steve McDonald.

This is the programme used for that night -

Roberta-Margaret - 'Life before Life'
Questions & Answers
Reincarnation & Ancestry
Experiential Meditation - Past Life Journey (Personal Experience)
Drawing your experience
Talking about what happened for you
Completion of this work
Songee channelled by Roberta-Margaret deep trance channel

Songee introduces Herself

Songee: I am here. Greetings to you.

So once more all are gathered together. I am Songee. I am the energy that you know as The Earth beneath your feet. You have many names that have been given to I by many peoples, also I am the Female Creative Power to the Male Creative Power.

I am not a spirit person, spirit persons have had a life on the earth. I have not. I never have and I never will and I manifest through the Organism (deep trance channel, Roberta-Margaret) at this time of this millennium, to come to the peoples of the earth. No matter where you are, no matter how small your meet or large your meet, whether you are one or many the voice is to be heard by all who would like to know of the Truth. Those that come are coming to learn truths, to learn about the balance of life. Songee is all of these things, truth & balance and creative power also.

Another name - there are many names that have been given, is that of 'Holy Breath', or 'Holy Spirit'. It doesn't matter which Facet of this Diamond of Spirituality that you follow, there is this Energy that you have knowing of in your being.

And when you leave this earth and your body is no longer requiring to be a vessel for your Soul, then I once more embrace your bodies and take them back into I self. Whether you commit them to the soils beneath your feets, whether you commit them to the flames, or whether you commit what is left to the air, or whether you commit it to the waters deep - all things return to the Mother. And then your Soul returns to spirit and returns to the Energy of Mother Father, to be once more with that Energy, and prepare yourselves for the next journeys of life.

Have you got any questions you would like to ask I because that is what I am here to do, answer things that you need to have answered. Do not be afraid I not bite your nose off. (There is a long silence) Otherwise I will have to go fishing. It is not always a good idea for Songee to go fishing because very often I find things that you don't want I to find, you know? (Laughter)

Mind the shoes Songee.

Songee: Those are not belonging to Organism. So what have you for I, what things have you got inside that you would like to know? (No one speaks.) I see you have got birds flying. What would you like to ask?

The Key to Happiness

Ah um the Key to Happiness for a person (Words not heard).

Songee: Oh Key to Happiness. This is a very big thing is it not? To say that you are going to be happy, how are you going to be happy? How is anybody going to be happy? What makes you happy?

May need not do, like worry, start to give up worrying and be happier.

Follow our truths.

Songee: That is right and also to let go of fear, let go of fear! And to start believing, believing in youself not just in everything that everybody tells for you. Start believing in yourself...

(end of tape)

Songee: Are you finished? Very good, can I continue now?

You all have it in you to the sense of the potential or happiness for everything you need for your life, you have only to seek it and find it and put it into action. What gets in the way of it - is you! Your mind! This thing up here because you tend not to believe yourself. Not to believe what is happening right under your nose. And nobody can make you do this thing, you have to learn to do this for your own self. So to find the Key to Happiness is to start learning to believe in yourself, your own spirituality, your own power within yourself and to take it in both your hands into your heart and learn to trust it.

This (Songee indicates the head) will lead you astray, you know? You will be able to use your mind to tell yourself all the time that something is not that way at all. You imagined it, it wasn't true, it didn't really happen that way - and yet within the being is a desire and a craving, a hunger within to know that this was indeed true and to acknowledge it for yourself. Nobody can make it do that, you have to learn to do it yourself. And so does everybody have to learn to do this for themself, to learn to trust, to learn to look inside. So when you are looking inside you look for all the things, all the manner of things that are going to get in your way, and those things are your fears, you know? The things that you are most afeared of - "Will I not be liked?" "Is it really going to succeed?" " Do people really honour I?" How many times do you bludgeon yourselves with these words into yourself? How many times do you do these things? And say, "Oh that's not true I didn't do it right." "I am not good." "I am not very clever." "I make big mistakes."

I know. I know!

My failing... (The person sighs deeply)

Songee: Ahhhh Clever. You planned them for your life, you know? So that you could learn something from them, as did you all you know and you life is your own. It is not anybody else's, it is yours. You have to own it, for yourself. So what did you learn from your mistakes that you say for them?

It may have been someone else's idea of a mistake.

Songee: That's right. Did it make you stronger person?

In the end. Yes. It took awhile. (laughter)

Songee: That's right, does take awhile, the reason you have a whole lifetime to do it, so that you are not attempting to do it all at the beginning time when you are like this little one here. You can't do all and be wise like this one when you are this age, can you? You cannot do that because that's not sensible is it? So part of your growing is learning is it not, learning how to be wise. And you don't become a crone until you get past your half century. (Laughter and lots of comments) When you get half century you are a crone. That is not an insult that is a compliment. The crone is the wise woman of the tribe, the elder of the tribe. Someone who is to be honoured, to be revered because you have lived your life.

What is the most important thing is that you have got to this wonderful age and you are still alive, and you still there, with all your faults and failings and all your learnings, so you have wisdom, and this comes as you become your half century. So for women kinds this is how it is. For men kind it is the same but they are not called this name crone you know? He does not have this, he just becomes known as a venerable person. Time of your life is to change it. You also are venerable when you reach your half century. And it is for you to make it recognised, and you do that by teaching the little ones how to grow and to be fulfilled and how to be strong and how to manifest themselves so that when they become crones they can say, "I'm a Crone and I'm proud of it, I am venerable." You know? This is the time of the woman power energy rising in the world. This does not negate man power energy, so don't get too worried will you when I say this thing because you are not going to be negated.

It is just that it is time now for freedom, not freedom for woman kind, freedom of all of human kind. Mankind, woman kind - for both. It is time for freedom.

Who Songee Is

So the childrens are having to be taught so that the freedom can grow up with them. so that all peoples can learn to be one with each other, to resonate with each other, to respect each other's ways and different heritage, because you are all, all my childrens - all of you, no matter where you are what you are or what you do, you are all my childrens. You all walk on I, you all babies in the waters that are upon the surface. You all grow your plants for your foods from the ground. You all have your animals that live on the earth and the soil.

All creatures, all living things are Songee. All living things - the dolphin swimming in the waters, that birds that fly in the sky - they are all part of Songee, part of the Energy. The standing people that put their roots down into the ground and raise their hands up to the Heavens, the great standing people are part of Songee because Songee is the Creative Energy, the Feminine Energy.

And it took two, took two energies - one male one female to create, and manifest what you have, and this is not just true of this place of living on which you are on now, this is true of all the many different existences through the many different Universes and Galaxies beyond your own. All of it and more into Infinity. And the Energy that is I is one small bit like this, using this form to speak with you. It was written many moons past, in a Book of the Words that there would come to the Earth the Voice of the Holy Breath that would come and speak the Truth to the people. And this was written and was given as a prophesy that would take place. This is what is happening now. Organism is only the vessel for the Voice and the Teach of Songee. I do not come to say to you, you going to have beautiful life. I do not come to say that you are going to have great coin of life or go on long journey across the waters.

Doorkeeper and Guardian

I not coming to tell you - although I suppose I could but not when Jack is here to visit you - however that is not important who is here and who is not. There are many Souls around you already in spirit, all here now, all visiting with you, you know? You want to know where they are? Close your eyes and 'LOOK'. You can't see anything with your physical eyes open, close with your physical eye and look with your Soul and feel them they are all around you, everybody here. And they know. And the peoples that are working with you in spirit, your Doorkeeper and your Guardian - everyone of you has got Doorkeeper and Guardian walking with you. You have your own Doorkeeper and Guardian doesn't belong to anybody else. They are with you from birth to death. They don't go to anybody else, they are not Guides, they are not Spirit Guides - they are your Doorkeeper and Guardian. And they are very, very specific to you.


Then you have the Souls that you know as Guides. You have Guides and Helpers in spirit and these peoples are transient. They come and they go. The Guides will come to you as just one visit to teach you something and remain with you as long as you needing the teaching. Suppose that means most of your life then they stay with you for most of your life. That does not make them your Doorkeeper or your Guardian.


The Helpers in spirit, they are very transient, they can go from one to another, to another. A little bit like messengers between the Guides, the Doorkeepers and Guardians to share the workings with Spirit and they do this thing. All of these people are here - and everybody has Doorkeeper, Guardian, Guides and Helpers, all with them. You have a team of people. So feel them, feel them all with you, with your Souls, not with your physical eyes.

Feel the Energy and the Truth

And in the same manner stretch out and feel the Energy and the Truth of what I am bringing to you now. (Long silence)

Those of you that feel will know what you have felt. You will take it with you wherever you go. And whenever you feel doubt about it I will come and I will remind you of what you felt. Because Songee is not bound by this form, Songee only borrows this form for a short moments of earth time to be speakings to you.

You have contact and you can have speakings with I any time, any place that you want. Every time you touch a flower, or put your hand into the soil or into the waters of life, every time you take a big breath of life, down into your middle self, every time you raise your face to the great sun light, or let the rains fall on your face, every time you hold in your arms a small creature of the planet or put your arms around a large one, or put your arms around one of the standing people - and you can talk to Songee. And you can say, "Mother, I need some help. Mother take control (?). Mother I am very cross." Mother will say - there child tell I all about it, and I will do my best to send for you the help that you need.

Now that does not mean that you not going to have contact with the Father Energy because you will. That Energy is just as important as the Mother Energy. It is just that now upon the Earth the Mother Energy is becoming supreme. It was written it would be this way. Because when the Feminine Energy rises it rises in all things, it rises in human kind, in animal kind, in plant kinds, in everything - this will rise up.

Having Freedom

And the Feminine Energy is What? What is it? Shout!


Songee: What else?


Songee: Intuition. (Songee is clapping the hands)


Songee: Love


Songee: Nurturing

(Some of the words cannot be heard)


Songee: Trust... Harmony... Forgiveness. Very good. That was right. And in learning to do all these things you will become free.

People say, "If only I could be free." Free to do what? Free to go where? Free to be who? Free?

What is freedom?

Freedom is letting go of pain is it not? Letting go of the heartache that is inside of you. That's right. Freedom is forgiveness, love, forgiveness. I give this teach every time I come to speak with people because it is vital for you to learn about forgiveness.

How to Forgive

You cannot just forgive someone that has done something dire to you - (Songee claps the hands) just like that. It is not possible. Your human kinds and you do not forgive, just like that. You get upset, you get worried. You get distressed because somebody has hurt you, somebody has, considered you badly and perhaps treated you badly.

Now - how to forgive is very simple. Not always simple to do, however it is simple - the process is simple. You have to say - 'Thank You!' Somebody hurts you, you have to - you have saying, Jesus say to you 'Turn the other check.' Is that right? Did Jesus say you do it - to turn the other check. Jesus is Songee and Creative Energy Son, you know? So Jesus say, 'Turn the other check.' This is the true meaning that I am bringing to you now. "Thank You! You hurt I, you did I wrong thing however in the doing of that I have become strong. I have learnt much. I am powerful now." Is that right?

Yeah we can try?

Songee: No No No because trying doesn't work. You have to accept and acknowledge the strength that the doing has given you. Be strong in it, acknowledge it, take it inside you, own it - for yourself this power, this strength that this bad deed has given to you. Say, "Thank You. Had you not done that thing I would had never have found this out about myself. I would never have discovered what a strong, powerful person I am." You know? Many things like that. Start to look at this, in this manner, and start to change how you view things and then you will find that you will start to experience - forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not just a word - It is a happening.

A happening inside you. And with that happening will come freedom and with it will come the Key to Happiness. You know? So learn how to look at these things differently. Learn how to find a way of turning this things around in your life so that they are not burdens any more, they become instead - tools. Tools to free you from the bondage of Karma. So that, that you learn more and more and more through your life. To let go and to say thank you and feel and experience freedom through forgiveness, then, you will break the bonds of Karma.

Jesus say to you 'Come follow I, I am the way, I am the Truth and I am the Light.'

The truth is what I'm giving you now. The way is what I am giving you now, and the Light is what I am giving now. Because all of these things come from the same Source. They all come from the Power of Oneness - to you. Whether it is this way which you are hearing now, or many moons past perhaps when you were in a life time where you may have heard the words of Jesus yourself because you were living the life, and you went to gathering and heard the words of Jesus in that place, in that time - all those moons ago. And now - the Truth is being bought back to you again - now, for you to take into your hearts and change your life whatever it may have been to something better.

Songee working with a troubled person

(Songee is moving towards a person in the group. As She moves further from the microphone it becomes difficult to hear everything said. It had been raining all evening and now became very loud on the roof.)

I have to come because this is too important. You have a sickness. May I sit, no, no (The person offered Songee her seat a seat was bought for Her) - Close your eyes, take the breath. We are going to take care of the physicality of this, there needs also to be taken care on the spirituality also.

I have to look into it thoroughly and into the peoples around you. The one who wishes to do you mischief, you know? This one is sending for you from spirit, not good things. And it has manifested on the physical plane, in this way. Songee is going to now banish this from you. This does not mean that you will not have to take care of the physicality, you must take care of the physicality, you understand? You need to see - man's in the white coats, you have to go see the man's in the white coats however on the spirit Songee will ban this thing. Those that wish you harm - this is going to be stopped, you understand? Banning this taking place upon your life in recent days, that have been causing you great distress. And they are now going to stop. Part of what is happening is coming from the whispering of dark energy in the ears of this one, who has great energy of the jealousy in their heart, and this is going to stop now. Your neck is going to hurt (with this thing?) however the poison now can be drawn out of the flesh and bought into the light of day. The darkness will be drawn out where it can be seen and can be dwelt with. And this is not just true of the physical emanations, is going to happen also in the spiritual. You will find that those in your being to leave this thing, going to manifest - you will find a way now, and this (?).

This is part of the kind of thing now between yourself and this other person. You cannot break the (?) need until both of you forgive and forgive your also say thank you. So you need to go, let go (?) whatever pain you are feeling now. (Much not heard because of the heavy rain.)

And understand... And now is the most important tool that you will have to battle the dark energies.(?)

Do not neglect to do this, all levels not just on one. The healing will continue (?). (Songee continues the work in silence. Then speaks some more.) You have a (lump?) here.

You have to speak the truth. There are things in your life you have not (?).

All the things that are bad humour to this self down inside will come out. You must seek your truth. You must tell people, not hold it down inside you and pretend that things are right, when is not. Understand? In particular one person that is causing more difficulty at the moment, you know? Let it out and then this will go away. You know?

Channelling healing energies

(There is some laughter as Songee moves onto a young person who has slouched right down in his chair.)

Songee: You. Look at this child, you see anything like this. And then - look standing up, come over here, come over here. Standing up, standing up and then there is wondering how come it is sore down here, you know? Sitting like this, all bending over. It's not good you know. This is not good. You have to make for this - Little Mother, I give you job to do. Sit, where is the soundings. What soundings have you got.

We have the Child of Music.

Songee: Oh very good, we have more of the Child of Music. That right? You lost the Child of Music? Healing that is channelled for you child. Little Mother is very good. Anybody else want some?

(Someone else speaks)

Songee: Very good. Who of you is already working to do Channelled Healing, comes? Sit - sideways. (These are chairs with backs in them, when the person sits sideways the back can be touched.) Now. That's right anybody else. (Songee is setting up many people to receive Channelled Healing. Mainly the people who can already channel healing energies.) This lady is wanting some, come turn round, that's right. Who else, who else wants some of this energy? Oh come I am going to teach you, you need to be taught. Now this lady here because we are teaching, sit, I am going to teach you how to be, oh a channel for healing energies. All people no matter who they are or where they are or where in your life you are one - I show you. Listen to this soundings, can you hear close your eyes. Take a deep breath inside you. I am going to place your hand. (One the crown chakra) And before you do I want to say that (?) and as I say the wordings you say after I.

Infinite Spirit, source of all Light and Love and Power, I offer I self to you in service to be a channel for the healing energies for this Child of the Universe. I ask that nothing of mine passes to them and nothing of them passes to I. So Be It.

(The Music is playing and while Songee is still talking it is not possible to hear all Her words.)

Songee: Now. You are very good, you have lots of beautiful healing energies. Where shall we go? This child needs some help. You have love in your heart.

(There were many people sitting on seats in a large circle with other standing behind them channelling the healing energies while Songee helped those in need of assistance. When this work was completed Songee continued.) Now remember to bring your hands back to the crown of the head, say thank you for allowing I to be a channel for healing energy. Then perhaps when your partner has come back from their journey, back to the chakra... (Lots of chatter)

Songee: Now that your time is complete so I am going to leave you now after this very short visit, however I hope that in your hearts you will remember to talk with I whenever you can...

(end of tape)

...I am going to go now and I am going to leave you all with the Power of Love and Knowing and Sharing of Unity of being one with each other.

And before I go I am going to ask Little Mother to play the soundings from the Child of Music - 'Life'. That's the one 'Life'. You know life, you are going to sing about Life.

(The music is found and made to play.)

Songee: Life and Love everybody to sing it because there is joy of life and love and peace, acknowledge the unity, I will leave with you this night, to walk with you all through your days. Enjoy it!

I will excuse you this night! (Heather our dear friend who was filming the evening was still busy with her camera. Songee is making a point to her as she does not like to dance at any time.)

Songee: Close your eyes and take a deep breath and listen to the words of the Child of Music, this is one special child. Songee's special child playing for you about (?). (The music is playing very loudly)

And as you are holding hands with each other, feel the power of light passing from one to the other, this way and into ... wave your arms.

I leave you with the Power,

So Be It

And as Roberta-Margaret returned she was so amazed to see everyone standing in a large circle with their arms around their neighbour. This was a magical night and everyone gained a great deal from their experiences and from the Songee teachings.

Sunday Morning:
Roberta-Margaret introduction

Roberta-Margaret said - I haven't got a clue about what is going to happen, I don't plan anything. All I got told last night when I was considering this day, we were looking at this and I said - well what do you what me to do and I got about the how we were asked well would you do this - yes that's ok however I don't know what's going to happen. White Eagle came and said to me - I would like to come and speak. So if it is alright with you I would like to hand over for White Eagle to come to speak with you. And um there you are, you can tell him when to shut up. (Laughter) Can I just pop some music on.

It's already to go.

Roberta-Margaret: Um Ok yeah.

Roberta can you explain what a trance is able to do.

Roberta-Margaret: Oh yeah sure I will do that. I was waiting to hear which track he wanted.

Have you experienced full trance channelling before? Have you seen it? No OK. The people who haven't seen it, haven't experienced it what happens is that my reality leaves this room goes out there. So a bit like astral travelling, a bit more than just astral travelling I actually get taken to do work. When I come back I haven't got a clue what has been said or what has happened while I have been gone. So you need to talk to Heather or Christene or anybody else about what's been happening rather than me because what you will get a blank look from me. I haven't got a clue. Right. That is the short version, that's my reality is not here, its out there, and what happens here is your reality.

Six, six. (Meaning the track of music to be played.) I can't channel with my shoes and my glasses on, they take them off and put them somewhere and I loose them. OK. You might like to join in and have a listen to this and have a little sing along. I just use it as a focus just to take myself away.

White Eagle

White Eagle then overshadows Roberta-Margaret and channels through to talk to the group.

White Eagle: AHO. This is a very special time for you of the earth now.

Can you all hear White Eagle speaking? You may need to speak up.

White Eagle: Do I have to make louder for this voice?

Yes please.

White Eagle: I am here to speak to you about this Earth, the Mother beneath your feet, about Sky Father, Earth Mother, and about Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun. About all your relations, your ancestors and everybody around you. The creatures that are part of your life that are with you now.

Open your hearts to the Mother, not just the mother that is by your side, the mother that is gone to spirit. Open your hearts to the Mother of All Things. The Mother God Creative Power, the Mother beneath your feet and the Mother that is the Universe around you.

I come from the Shoshone. Many moons ago the Shoshone were driven off their land by the Blackfoot that came from the north. We were peaceful people, we lived on the land, we honoured the land. We grew plants for our sustenance for the people and the people who came from the north to conquer us could not understand how it was that we wanted to grow from the soil of Mother Earth. They wanted to kill all the animals around and eat only the flesh of animals. They did not believe in growing from the Earth. So we had to move, move on from where we were to a new place of living and so it is with you, with your lives and with your Souls. When something comes to conquer you that comes to take away from you all that you know and all that you would believe you have to move your place of safety, a place of new beginning. This going to a new place of new beginning is something that happens to all of you. It happens in your spirit, your spirit has to journey and sometimes it is necessary for you to have great trials of pain and suffering. For when you endure the trials of pain and suffering your Soul journeys forth to find the new place of being.

So do not despair when things of your life are very difficult. Look to the Powers that will support you in your trial. Look to the Earth, look to the sky and look to your heart and you will find your path, the one you need to walk. We call the Path of Life the 'Red Road'. It is called the Red Road because it is called the Path of Blood. The path that the Soul must walk to attain purity of vision.

In the tribe it was the warriors task to undergo certain trials of strength and of fortitude. A young warrior was sent from the people out to learn to be strong. He was sent as a small child - to you, a young man - to the people. He was sent with just a knife in order to cut the wood and defend himself. And he was sent with his medicine bundle, his blanket and his loincloth, and that was all. And he had to go into the wilderness and survive for many moons by himself. And when this child was doing this thing, at home in the village was mother, mama worrying about her precious child out in the wilderness. She would come to the Shaman and he would say, "Mother pray with I to the Sky Father and the Earth Mother for my child, the safety of the child." And this is what we would do with the child. And the mother would take the (?) and go on a journey along the dream spirals to see that the child is safe. And when she was there watching over him he would know that his mother was there watching him.

So the warrior grew to manhood, honouring not just the Mother Earth (?) the mother that gave him life and who watches over him from the spirit realm whether she is in spirit or in flesh she watches over no matter where in the world he is.

And this is true, moment (White Eagle seems to make some adjustment to Roberta-Margaret's body) this is true also of the woman child when it is born the mother watches over the woman child and the woman child trials are different. She does not get sent out into the wilderness however she has to go to the women's house at the right time of her moon-cycle. And when she comes to this place the other women for the first time are with her and they assist her in the passage from childhood to womanhood and so the women teach the female child how to travel the dream spirals so that they will be able to watch their sons when they go on their dream quests.

All things complement each other. They come together like this (White eagle interlocks the finger of both hands together) in unity. Everything is like this, including you are like this.

So open your hearts now to all around you, to the Power of Light and the Power of the Earth and the Sky. And may your hearts be full of this.


(The lady who was managing the meeting thanked White Eagle for his wisdoms that were given with love. The group then went on to sing their songs of praise. During this time Roberta-Margaret returned to us and was asked what she would like to do now.)

Roberta-Margaret: Again I'm prepared to just hand over and someone will come and be with you, is that alright.


Roberta-Margaret: Two. (Again meaning the track number for the music for Roberta-Margaret to channel to). I know these warnings Songee is coming and She is already climbing on board I can feel Her Energies. I am like this from my toes all the way up to the top and it stays the whole time She is with me. (Roberta-Margaret's skin is raised in bumps - we call them goose bumps.) By the way is anybody able to see the auras and spirit people? Right so keep a look out for anything that is going on around. You might like to share it later with anybody, tell them what you saw and what you felt and what you experienced, you know I mean especially with the White Eagle thing. He doesn't come through very often. Anyway alright, put our music on again. (The music is played.)

Songee at the Sunday Service

Songee: I am here.

Hello Songee.

Songee: Greetings to you, to all of you.

(end of tape)

Songee: Oh do you have to run away? I am very pleased you are not going to run away I would be very upset. What is this sounding?

(The local fire siren to call the volunteers to a fire began to make a loud noise and its purpose was explained to Songee.)

Fire. It calls the men to fight the fire. Emergency.

Songee: So there is big fire? Oh I do not know of these things, thank you, thank you. Very exciting I am learning about many new things. I learn about fire sticks, I am learning about machines, I am learning about chariots, I am learning about many, many different things.

Does anyone want to ask I any question?

How are you, greetings. (The previous evening during the workshop one of the members was experiencing very serious health issues caused by the behaviour of someone close to them. Songee spent much time bringing healing to this situation and it seems that She is talking to the same person from the night before about what had happened.)

Greetings, thank you.

Songee: All is well now?

Yes it is thank you.

Songee: So the bad humour has been dispersed. That is good, that is how it was meant to be. Songee does not like peoples using energy for dark reasons, it is not good. I have very serious things to say to peoples who do that manner of thing and I don't allow it, and I have serious speakings to the Doorkeepers and Guardians also of that one.

Thank you very much.

Songee: So they are not allowed to do it anymore

Now I am not here to tell you about all your people, your ancestors and everything else. I am here to bring you Truth of Life, to talk to you about what's happening upon your life and all that things that are happening. Oh many, many things - where do I start... It is better if I look this way - Ah.


So I mayhap I have to speak about... about friendship. About friendship because sometimes when you are friends with someone it does not all time go smoothly, you know? You have difficulties where perhaps one of you wants to do something and the other person does not want to do it and one is very insistent, and the other is very insistent and you almost come to fisticuffs over it.

This becomes very serious, especially when you are involved with each other in business. And you know who I am talking to. When you are in business and you are friends also you need to have a little bit of a separation, sometimes between you. You must allow the Winds of Heaven to fly between you, you know? To breathe, between you, so that you can retain for yourselves your own perspective of what is required. And then you won't get into battle of wills with each other. You will find that things will go more smoothly. So when this starts to happen ask yourself, "What is this resistance within I that I am feeling? How is it I am so resistant to what it is that they are wanting to do?" And also, "How is it that they are so resistant to what I am wanting to do? How is it that I am so insistent upon it? Is it because I believe I am right all the time? Or is it because they believe they are right all the time?" So there needs to be a balance - does there not - between you? A balance, you know? So that you can learn to have harmony.

What is harmony if not balance? Everybody talks about love, about feeling peace in the heart and about harmony, and harmony is balance. Songee comes to teach you about balance, about truth, about love and about forgiveness and all those manner of things.

So learn to balance. Learn to balance by speaking your truth, you know? Not hiding it inside, speaking it when you are needing to. You don't have to be harsh or unkind, you just say what is in your heart. Be careful because it is very common to say what is in your mind. (Laughter) I know and the mind it plays tricks, you know, it plays tricks on you, doesn't tell you the truth all the time. It will say to you, "Oh it's reasonable for I to pick this up and put it over so because that makes it better to see this person here however this is not so beautiful so I put it back there." (Many people are laughing as Songee moves a vase of flowers around the table.)

I am very pleased, I love all my childrens you know, love all the childrens. So this is what I mean you can make any reasoning you want, however the thing that was there was right in the first place, was it not? Because you have not just these beautiful flowers... (Laughter as Songee is looking closely at the flowers in puzzlement)

We are waiting for this.

Songee: Silk! Oh it comes from the worm, is that right?

Yes it does.

Songee: Beautiful these doesn't...

These are dried flowers.

Songee: That is real, that has life in it, you say is dry, it's got life. This one, this bit has got life. This bit, is little different... so... Like that. (Songee is looking at everything on the table so see how it is although She looks puzzled.)

About the mind.

About making tricks. (It's as though people are reminding Songee where She was up to.)

Songee: That's right. That is exactly what happens, you forget. So the mind will tell you any manner of things - to lie to you. So you can say, to your partner in business, "Well I want to do it this way, and the reason I want to do it this way is this and this and this and this." The partner is standing or sitting there getting crosser and crosser and crosser with you. And you can see this happening. And then part of you behaves like child and says, "Well you want to be cross then you be cross because I am going to do what I want to do." And your poor partner is sitting there feeling as though they have no power, nothing, they can't change anything because you are so stuck with what you are going to do.

How do you change this? You let the Winds of Heaven blow between them. You take the deep Breath of Life down into your middle self, bring the chi energy together, make it strong and then you offer Power of Life to your partner and you say, "Well partner, my feeling is to do this thing. It feels right, it feels good however I would like to hear your feelings about what you would like to do." And then the next important thing to do is - LISTEN! Listen very carefully to what they are saying, and you just might find that there is something in what they are saying that holds a little truth. And somewhere between both of you, you will find, a truth, that will hang together so that some of what you want to do mayhap does not need to be, and some of what they want to do mayhap may not need to be. And so you bring together two choice and you have unity of purpose and, creativeness, because this is honouring the Mother Energy of Creative Power. This is how you do it. You honour it in this way by bringing these things together.

Use your intellect, yes you use it to reason out your life, to make arrangements, to make plans for steps in your life because you have come to this life largely without knowing what you going to do in it. You don't know whether you are going to have chariot to drive or whether you are going to stand on your head or your heel self, do you? So you have to work blind - like this, you can't see anything and you have to work with faith. Do you not? Faith that everything is going to turn out alright - sooner or later. Preferably sooner, is that not so?

So that brings me a little towards your Foundation Stones which I am going to say for you. Have you got The Foundation Stones Little Mother?

The Foundation Stones

Yes I have.

Songee: Because these are important. Songee all time come to speak, to tell people about The Foundation Stones because you have one, two, three, four, through to ten that are right for you.

You read them.

OK I read them.

The first Foundation Stone is one of Knowledge of the Soul's journey towards perfection.

The Sec... Do you want to talk about them in between?

Songee: Does anyone have a question about it?

The Soul's journey towards perfection...

The Second Foundation Stone is knowledge that the Soul of its own free will has planned its earth life.

The Third Foundation Stone is of knowledge, that ALL lessons that that Soul needs to learn at any particular point of development, are interwoven in its Destiny Path.

The Fourth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that everything comes to you in any Life is within your bounds of endurance and capabilities.

The Fifth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that to discover how to live your present life to the fullest, all that you need to do is to be Silent and Still and look within.

The Sixth Foundation Stone is knowledge, of when to look inside for the guidance that lies within and how to apply the answer to your daily living.

The Seventh Foundation Stone is knowledge, that you are not alone on this journey of the Soul. Help others to know their Foundation Stones and allow others to help you with yours.

The Eighth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that your Life Path must be honoured, so that your Destiny can be achieved.

The Ninth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that the Destiny Path is the path that the Soul chooses to follow in any given lifetime.

The Tenth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that All the other Nine Stones support it . . . It is the Mental, Physical and Emotional Being that you are in any given life and must be treasured and nurtured, supported and guided by ALL the other Stones.

Thank you.

Songee: These I have been bringing to people now for many moons because anything that happens to your life, all your relationships, all your trials everything that happens. When anything is so bad that all you feel like doing is taking your own life and returning home to spirit, all you have to do is to remember The Foundation Stones. You will find an answer in there that will help you to turn yourself around. You will never, ever have anything happen upon your life that you do not have the strength or the abilities to manage. You are born with those strengths, those abilities. You gave them to yourself, especially for just that moment of trial so that you will have it there. Just remind yourself, "Songee says it can't be this bad, it is definitely is going to be better because I have the strength, I have the Power, I have the tools." Remember it!

Humankinds are worriers, they worry about things, they say - Oh this could happen and that could happen and what else is going to happen, and it all comes from up here! (Songee indicate the Head. There is laughter) Does it not? And you get yourself into terrible pickle over it.

Ho nonsense stop it, start learning to trust yourself. You are very, very beautiful Souls. You are also very clever Souls, you are also very wise Souls and you came here with all the skills and all the knowledge ready to do your task. You not stupid, not when you are in spirit you are not. And that's where you are making all your arrangements before you came here. So trust yourself. Every time something seems to be so bad say to yourself, "Well Songee says I'm not stupid." Your conscious mind might disagree with that however remind yourself - you are not stupid, you are very intelligent, you are very bright Souls and so there has to be a solution to the difficulty. There is always a solution, even when the solution means putting everything down and turning around and walking away from it. Sometimes that is what you have to do. Sometimes you can't struggle on and on and on because that is not what you have planned for yourself and your struggling is part of the resistance to your Path, that you are needing to honour. So you have to let go of the resistance... (Much laughter as Songee is looking pointedly at someone in the group.) ... Don't you? (Songee is laughing) All of your resistance and then everything will just go like that, like a small river on its way down to the ocean and it will sail over the top of all the lumps and bumps and rocks and boulders and things and it will get itself all the way down to the ocean. And it will mingle then with everything in the ocean. And then Songee comes along and sucks up all the water and dumps it all back on top of everybody again. Did you like all your wet? (Last nights rain)

Yes it was certainly quite a (?).

Songee: However it was requested of I that this be changed this day, so it's changed.

So this is what you do when you have difficulty, troubles - childrens that won't do as they are told, you know? And mother says, "Oh I don't know what to do, they are such a trial to I." Is that not wonderful that you have arranged with this Soul to come and be such a wonderful child to you. (Songee is laughing) Oh wonderful! There is a joy in this, find it. When you look at the child and you say, "Ah well you are my trial and I have to take joy in you." So you love the child anyway regardless and the child then may look at you as though you have gone completely up with the birds in the sky and say, "Are you feeling well this day?" So there you are.

You can change things around by looking at them with a different eye, looking at them with the knowledge of The Foundation Stones will assist you to look things with a different eye. It will help you to change how you see yourself, how you see other peoples, and how you get along together, how you bump together. You know? Everything will change for you.

Has anyone got anything they want to ask I now? ... Don't be shy I don't bite nose. Not this day.

Who is Songee and where She is

Will you come back?

Songee: Will I come back? Where?

To here.

Songee: To Stratford? Oh I am here all the time, you know. I never gone, I am all around about you and everything is here with you. You want to speak to the Mother, all you have to do is put your hands in the ground and all you have to do is to plant something near you. Hug a small creature, talk to the wind and put your arms around one of the standing people that White Eagle speaks about. You know the standing people? The Trees, the great trees. All you have to do is this. From this day forth whenever you need to talk to the Mother, remember this thing and all you have to do is say - "Mother I need you, I have a problem". And you will hear Songee voice come back to you letting you know what you have to do - the counsel that you need for this.

There is only that much of Songee Energy using this form this day with you. The rest is out there only that much (A very small amount) in this body because to put all that in here this body would be no more. It would cease to exist, and I have to take care of it because it is the only one I've got this millennium to use. It has been selected to come and speak to bring the Truth to the people of the World not one place, all places. And this is coming to pass slowly more and more now. And when you want to have the speaking in this manner certainly I will come back for you, however don't believe you don't be able to speak to the Mother anywhere anytime because you can. Just as you speak to your Father God you can speak to Mother God also, for that is what I am. You don't have to believe it, it is not for you to have to believe anything - feel it! Feel the Truth in your hearts, feel it in your being. You not sure, close your eyes, take a deep breath - put the image of this physicality out of your mind and feel the energy that is within it at this time with you and then you will have a true feeling of the Energy of Songee.

In many different places I have been give many different names - that is to answer your question. I have been given name of Statai, of Isis, and many other names besides. And of this land Papatuanuku is the name that is given to the Mother Earth that is also the feminine half of the Male Creative Power also. All are One, not different. So when you hear of somebody who comes to you and says that they are channel for Isis, they would only be channel for, the concept of Isis because the Earth Mother which is the Energy of I, is not using those channels to speak in this way. Do you understand?

The Children

Oh look at the little ones, it is beautiful to have the little ones, do you want to bring them down here? (Songee is speaking about the children who are part of the Group.) Oh Songee likes the little ones because it is the little ones we have to teach you know. Greetings little ones, beautiful. And you have making beautiful crayonings on here. I know these things because I have been taught that these are called crayons, is that right?


Songee: Look at this beautiful, you are so clever. Beautiful child. So teach the child how to know spirit energy. How to feel them like this special child here. Oh are you alright? You looking as though you are very cold. Are you cold? What is happening?

Healing Energies

Yes it certainly is... (Rest can't be heard.)

Songee: Is there much pain, there child? So you like to come to these meetings. (Songee is talking very softly to this person and bringing healing to him and saying about Jesus. Songee seems to be bringing healing to this young person.) So when you are going to work to be channel for healing energies you must always ask for the healing energies from your heart and ask for it in the name of Jesus, you know? You know of Jesus? (Songee pronounces this word as Hayzeus and it confuses some people.)

Our friend Jesus.

Songee: That's right. Jesus, you know? Always ask from your heart for the Blessing of Light and ask for Jesus to come and Jesus will come for you, for that is how the healing energies come from Oneness through you to the people. They come through your Doorkeeper your Guardian. And when you ask for the Blessing of Light in the name of Jesus and Mother Father Energy that is exactly what you get, no more no less, all of it. And when it is given this Blessing of Light, always make - that is lovely (the children are with Songee showing Her their drawings) - you will be with Jesus and then you will know that the healing is going straight to the Soul.

Now how is your earth time? (It is long past their normal meeting time, no-one wanted to mention this) I have to leave you now. I am being told, White Eagle is saying it is time for I to leave you.

Are we allowed to have little song?

Yes we can sing you on your way. Number 13.

Songee: So, just before you do I would say to you to close your eyes and take inside of you the deep Breath of Life down here into your middle self and to say to say with I - Thank you to the Power of Light and to the Power of Oneness for all that you have in your life, and upon your heart - no matter what it is.

And I am going to go now and leave you with the Power of Knowledge and of Love and Light,

So Be It

So Be It. Thank you Songee.

The people sang their closing song and spoke their parting prayer.

Reference Number: 20000514

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© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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