Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Surrender'
A Teaching from Songee 15th July 1999

Crystal Light Of Love
The Mighty Oak Tree - Meditation
Being the Example of the Songee Teach
The Sanctuary of the Holy Breath
Following and Sharing Songee's Teachings
Trouble at Work
Knowing when to move on
Songee's way to deal with problems
Dealing with the Barriers and Obstacles
Putting the Teach into Daily Life
The Path of Beauty - Meditation

Listen to Songee

Play Songee - Surrender part 1
Play Songee - Surrender part 2
Play Songee - Surrender part 3

Download - Surrender
These mp3 files contain the audio dialogue for this transcript.
We invite you to play, download and share this audio file, with the understanding that the copyright remains the property of The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.

This Gathering was held at Pt Chevalier in Auckland New Zealand with thirteen people present.
(The discussion that took place before the meeting began is at the beginning of the mp3 recording. The conversation is a follow on from Robert-Margaret's work she did while she was away when full-trance channelling.)
Close your eyes please -

Crystal Light Of Love

So Darkness leaves the land
and Light is born
and soars heavenwards,
then dives into the hearts of Mankind.
The Truth of Light within the Crystal doth lie,
to drive away the Demons of your Soul.
Hearken to the words that you hear,
the knowing within your heart.
Hear not the darkness of your mind
for reason it is blind,
it leadth you astray and further into darkness.
So put aside your reason,
the mind that tells you lies,
and hearken to the Light,
The Crystal Light of Love,
for within your heart it lies.
No other can have charge of this,
only you.
Crystal Light, . . .
So bright, . . .
Of many hues,
piercing through the darkness,
allowing none to be.
Only Light, Crystal Love, shall be
inside of Thee.
So ponder now upon this riddle that
I give to you,
and know its Truth
of Crystal Light
remain inside of you. . . .
Be at Peace. . . . !

(The Music of Denean's played this night was Tracks 15 and 16 "Sacred Fire" and "The Tree".)
Music: from the album "Fire Prayer" by Denean.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Denean's music in our dialogue recording.)

Songee: I am here however make the soundings...

(The Group listens to the Denean's music of the Great Oak Tree.)

The Mighty Oak Tree - Meditation

Songee: What do you understand by that sounding?

To have strength like the trees, strength and courage.

Songee: Strength and courage. There is something else in the story also. This is story that is being given to you with song and beautiful soundings for you to make singing and joy for your heart. And there are many such things of your life all around you. For many, many moons now humankinds have been making these soundings to bring joy to their heart, to celebrate, to grieve and to do all manner of things. And it is through the soundings of such things and the wordings that come from the heart that you can take your strength and your courage.

First of all close your eye and take inside of you deep Breath of Life and imagine, an you will, that you are going to visit a very, very old and ancient standing people - The Mighty Oak Tree. And as you approach and walk towards The Mighty Oak Tree you see what? What do you feel and what do you see?

Keep your eyes closed and speak. What do you see, what do you feel when you get closer to The Mighty Oak Tree?

Yeah the tree is putting its arms around you. Closing in on you. Giving you courage.

Songee: On you, or on I? So the Oak Tree is putting out the branches and gathering – who? Who?

Well I feel its arms, it's arms around me.

Songee: Very good that's right, that's exactly right. Arms around you. So you are now saying I, me – I can feel this thing happening. Everybody do this thing. You must take possession of your own experience. That is very important you know. So the beautiful oak is now putting the arms around you.

I can see a door.

Songee: And there's a door...

I see how we are also interconnected with the DNA, the history - it just goes on.

The birds.

Songee: What is that little one?

The birds.

Songee: Birds.

I see how the Tree links to the Earth and just keeps going up and up and up and up.

Songee: That's right, reaching up to the sky, Ancient Tree.

I see the Tree going up high, reaching up to the Heavens, up and its still connected to us because he relies on us, so that we see he is not damaged.

Songee: So go into the Tree now and letting the embrace happen. Go into the Tree with all of your weaknesses and letting the Tree impart to you its strength, its power and its compassion.

And as you stand in the embrace of The Tree feel the warmth surrounding you and as the warmth surrounds you breathe in the energies around you. And as you do so The Tree now changes and embracing you is the Christos, holding you, giving you strength, showing you the path that you need to follow, the things that you need to do in this life to honour the Oneness, to give you the strength to carry on. Because The Tree did not stay forever in the flesh, on the Earth. It went out, away off the Earth and when others went back to find The Tree it was gone and yet the flesh remains and is able to be touched in this way in spirit form, and can manifest when required on the Earth. Such is the power of this Love that has no condition, to bring you the peace to your Soul, to embrace you and to hold you from all harm. All you have to do is to go and find The Tree and put yourself in its arms.

The Tree now - as you breathe again, breathe, and as you are embraced now so the Christos now fades and you will find yourself embraced by the Mother. The Mother of All Things, holding you, cradling you, nurturing you.

And so it is for all time in your life.

And breathe again once more and let The Tree resume it's shape back to being The Tree once more. And as you step away from The Tree take with you the strength and the courage that The Tree imparts to you. The courage to carry on, to do the deeds of this life to which you have been called to do.

And when you are ready you say thank you to The Tree and you return back to you're here and now body of this life.

So when next you hear the soundings, learn how to go into the soundings to dance and embrace the story that you are being given. The story that you can take into yourself, to give You the qualities that you would like or need to have for your life now. All the soundings of this nature have been given to you for a purpose. They are not just idle musings of somebody. They have been given the words to pass on to you so that you will be able to find the strength within them.

Would you like to hear that sounding again and hear it now with different ears? And this time open your hearts to it, sing and celebrate. Close your eyes and sing to the tree and be at one with it. This is a very important lesson I'm giving you here - how to find your Soul.

This is not the right track.

Songee: It is not right. It would be different is that not so?

Definitely different music.

Songee: You need to have one and six.

That's right.

Songee: Is that right?

(And the music of The Tree plays again. See Lyrics3).


Songee: So the other part of the message is - Surrender.

Surrender yourself, surrender your life and everything in it to Oneness. Give yourself, everything in your life, everything that you hold dear and most precious to you and give it to Oneness. And know that Oneness will take charge of it and Love everything that you treasure as you would love it. Also to you give to Oneness all the not so good things of your life because Oneness will then take them and make your burdens lighter.

You don't have to struggle all the time. Because the secret of not struggling lies in this surrendering. It is as simple as that.

In the story of The Oak Tree, the Oak tree gives its life so that human-kind will learn something, so that those that come to talk to The Oak Tree and listen to its council and listen to what it has to say will learn something. And just in the same manner Jayzus1 gave his life so that you will learn something, so that when wanted to go to find Jayzus, Jayzus was not there, he had gone, so that now you have to seek this energy in other ways. You have to seek the presence and the love in a different way. You have to seek it by surrendering – you know. You surrender everything of your life, let go of your control, and this is the hardest thing for human-kinds to do. How am I going to let go when I have got all these very many things of life to do. I have to do this and I have to do that and I have to do some other thing.

Let go, and surrender your life up to Oneness.

You may not seem to get what You imagine in your mind that your Want. You certainly may not get what you seem to Want right at the moment that You believe you want it – you know. That does not happen sometimes - many, many times it does not happen however you have to trust that Oneness will guide your footsteps through your people in spirit to where you are needing most to be.

And the simple way to discern this – I give all this teach before however it has to be given again and again and again because its very important and you loose sight it this when you get caught up in your many things of your life - and that is the discernment is when the path is easy then you are meant to walk it. When it is full of boulders, when it has blockages in the way, then you are not meant to walk that path at that particular moment of your life. That does not mean that you are not ever going to walk that path, only that you are not going to walk it right at that moment.

Sometimes you have to stop and stand still and take a deep breath inside yourself and say, Very well Oneness you seem to want I to stand still for a moment so I come now to you and say – Where is it you would really like I to be? Open the door and show I so that I can walk through.

And you will find that this is what will happen. You will be able then to walk through the door. Sometimes you may be given many disappointments of life. You might be imagining that you are going to do great service for Oneness by doing some workings of life and earning Coin of Life in a certain way for yourself, however although Oneness recognises that you are needing Coin of Life for your life because this is how you are in your world now, Oneness will also say to you, However I would like you to earn Coin of Life this way. Do you understand?

So that you do this thing this way, is that right!

Is that right!

(No one is speaking, just muttering in the background.)

Songee: Everybody. Do you know this thing, do you feel it happening in your life?

(Some comments.)

Songee: Who doesn't?

I do. I honestly say that I do now.

Songee: You do?

Yep I have just given up agonising over everything and I just say I know my (people?) are going to guide me in whatever I need to do so I just trust my feelings. Whatever I feel is the right thing and I just go and do that and I have stopped grovelling over every little thing and my life has been better.

Songee: That has to be one of those things when you get out your coloured pieces of things and wave it around, is that right?

Yeah. (A magic wand.)

Songee: And say hoop la, its wonderful – is that right?

It feels good...

Songee: That's right, wonderful you have found this thing. And even when you may forget sometimes and loose sight of it - this is something that human-kinds do you know they go along like this beautifully for awhile and then something happens and they get caught up in all the things of life and they forget for a little while until somebody comes along and says, What are you doing? Have you forgotten about this other thing, about surrendering? And you say, Oh I have forgotten for a little while I must go back to doing it again. And so you go back to doing it. So don't beat yourself up or put yourself into big holes when you forget will you. Just remember Songee say this thing – don't put yourself in big holes just say thank you to whoever it is that has come along and say to you, What are you doing down there? What are you doing hitting yourself like that, have you forgotten to (?) yourself? You say, Thank you for reminding I that is very important - because remember Oneness will also send somebody to remind you because Oneness is very pleased when you do give your life over this way. Because do you know what is the reason? Do you know?


It's your destiny.

To loose control you have to do the work for Oneness.

Songee: That's right. Because you have given up control and you are offering everything in your life to Oneness to do whatever you can. And that's in the words of the soundings – You must carry on. Jayzus had to leave you and go to other places however you must carry on, you know? Whether you carry on for Jayzus, whether you carry on for Buddha, whether you carry on for Allah or whatever you want to have name or whatever Facets2 of the Diamond that you are following. It is all the same thing, you know. You are the ones that are going to carry on and the childrens are the next ones who will carry on so you have to teach the childrens these teachings I am giving you now. You teach them how to do this thing. You teach them how to go into the silence to find the center of themselves. You teach them how to find the colours of Light around them in their Aura. You teach them how to speak to Oneness and to give their life in love to Oneness – the good things and the not so good things, you teach them how to do both and this will then bring the world to a new way of being. Do you understand?

No one of you have to give up your Facets to practise this teach. Anybody from any Facet of the Diamond can follow this teach. Songee is not here to take your Facets off you or to say that you must follow this one, or this one. Everyone, everyone of the Facets is valuable in the eyes of Oneness because it bring the Soul closer to Oneness. Do you understand?

No one is to be over-looked or be made to feel small about themselves. Every single one that is called to the Light is valuable to Oneness. You are all precious to Oneness and Oneness is very patient, Oneness waits because there is no time and Oneness can wait for many life times for a Soul to evolve to a point where it gives itself completely to Oneness.

So in the event you don't get it quite right in this life that's alright you can elect to come and have a go another life. (Long silence)

That's better I needed to infuse this organism with some Energy of Light, the Breath of Life. It is a little out of balance.

Is there anything that you want to ask I about this thing?

Being the example of the Songee Teach

Just a question regarding I suppose countries, individuals um a way of perceiving things I suppose. I was watching an overseas news broadcast and it was (?) the country of France. And over there you get situations where you get families torn apart and this was a situation of a husband had his wife had separated and taken his two twin little three year old daughters with her and gone and joined a religious group and I don't remember what their name was but anyhow there was a lot of legal action because the father believed that this group to be a sect and was misleading and mind altering her these children and in a not positive way, that was the way he perceived it.

And the government over in France has currently got legal legislation about how to deal with groups who are perceived to give the message of Light, how in a way - they come across to people as giving the message of Light however in some respects they are not, they are using and misleading and all the other things that are, can tend to go on.

The father perceived that this was happening, perceived it was happening with this group whether it is or not is irrelevant because what the legal thing was - was the government was bringing this law in to say that if the group had three legal cases against it in this manner that they would be disbanded and um the interviews that were going on as part of this was that the church was very much against this legal legislation. But I understand how come its happening is because people are frightened and there is a fear thing and they feel that some of these religious groups are not coming a lot coming from a positive point of view.

And my concern Songee about was really about (The lady talking is very emotional about what she is saying) In the work that we are doing to get out your word and your message for The Second Well Trust how do we best put it out there so people can see – is true?

Songee: The very openness of the teaching, because this is open, everybody can come and be and speak. Anybody can and say their wordings to Songee. And also too you are free, you can come and go as you will. You are not bound to do everything that you are being given to do. You can elect not to do these things. Songee have come to give you the teaching that will change your life for the better, that will enhance it.

You have to make you own discernment by putting into practice the (?) things you have been taught. You learn diligently, you put them into practise and see whether they make a difference to your life. In the event that you find that they don't – and that would be very rare because it would mean that you are not applying yourself - however in the event that you don't then you are able to then walk away. No body is going to come to any harm from anything that is being taught - and you will be living, breathing, walking examples of the teach. And this is how others will know whether this works or not.

The door is open it is never shut. Anybody can come and ask question. Anybody can challenge it, you know. That is the different between this thing that is coming now to you, to the people, and some of the things that are being taught.

Remember now in moons past - this is how it is it touches your heart in the way it is touching it, that many moons past and even now so in the World there is much fear about some of the things of the Spirit Nature. And in moons past – I get this right – in moons past many of the maiming and torturing of human-kinds were done by other human-kinds that claimed to be doing this in the name of Jayzus.

Jayzus would never say torture this person, pull out their eyes, smash their feets and their hands, burn their skins, crush their bodies! Oneness and Jayzus would never says these things. Jayzus would be Horrified at peoples doing these things in His name. Buddha would be horrified were anybody to do these things in His name. So how do you tell the difference between good and evil – because this is what you need to discern.

Evil is something that crushes the life out of another being, that does not give them power, that takes away their unique personality and their quality. The teach that Songee brings to you, to all the people of the World is for you to retain your unique personality, your qualities, your strength, your power. All of you have power...

(end of side one)

Songee: have glad times and sad times and so on and so forth. And many of these other things of which you speak they have closed the doors, no one is allowed to come in unless they do certain things. This is not how it is with Songee Teach.

Songee say to you don't use the word 'should' and 'shouldn't' and 'think'. Certainly this is part of the Teach I bring you however you may elect to follow that Teach or not if you so desire and yet you can still come and be part of the Energies of Light with everybody that wants to come and do this thing.

When you say to Songee, How do I change I lives and make better. Songee say to you this is a very good way to begin, don't use the words 'should', 'shouldn't and 'think' in your language of every day. Learn the meaning that is behind it, learnt to understand it, learn to comprehend it in your being and begin to change how you express yourself and the reason is that you will then find that you will relate better to people around you in your life. You will find that your life will become more harmonious.

And you can have all of this and go to your own place of worship where ever it is and worship in the (old) whatever way you want to do it. Do you understand? There is no – you must not do this, you must not worship in this place, you must not go to that, this is the only place that you can do your worship to Oneness. That is not how it is. And that is how it is with many of these other things, they say this is the only way that you can reach Oneness.

Songee says no. All of these ways, all of these Facets are Facets of the Diamond. That is how come this is the naming of the Words – Facets of the Diamond. All of you are belonging to different Facets. All of you have different ways of looking at your life and your peoples in your life that makes you each a different Facet of the Diamond. So there are many, many stories behind that one phrase.

Embrace all that Songee can teach you. Teach it to you little ones. Teach them to grow up with open hearts, open minds, not closed hearts and closed minds. Teach them to honour other peoples differences, teach to respect each other, you know? And even in the event that somebody that is close to you mayhap seems to be following a Dark Path you still - when you follow the teaching of Songee and the teaching of Oneness the way it has been given the way Songee have give it to you - you must still honour that person's right to follow that path.

You do not make judgement of them. You just offer Light and Love and Healing to the Soul because the Soul is on the journey of discovery, something it has set for itself. And sometimes the Soul will set itself a journey where it will travel this path almost to the fire and then the Light will come and they will step back from the fire and realise just how close they came to being burnt. You know. That is important, never ever sit in judgement of anybody else because they may be sitting in judgement of you! You know. Is that right?

So follow the teachings you have been given, the teaching Songee give you are the same teach you been given by Buddha, same teachings you been given by Jayzus, same teachings you been given by Brahman – all the same teaching.

Love each other, be kind to each other, don't sit in judgement, don't steel from each other, you don't have to want to go have hanky panky with the person next door.


Songee: You know! All these things are things that you have to do to be honourable to each other, is that right? And some of these teachings you know are not honoured in some of the other places of which you know. Sometimes peoples lock themselves away and the doors are not open.

The Sanctuary of the Holy Breath

Songee: Songee has sayed to you that Songee have come to bring to the Earth 'The Sanctuary of the Holy Breath'. That there will one day be a place where everybody can come to this place this Sanctuary and for some this Sanctuary is of a physical nature in the mind, it exists as a great Temple would exist. Songee is not here to say it will or it will not be, however I do say to you that this Sanctuary of the Holy Breath is already in existence. It is already here. It is slowly being built right now. Right now at this very moment.

You are the Sanctuary.

You are 'The Sanctuary of the Holy Breath' because you carry within you the knowledge that is being given now, the teaching, you carry it with you. You go out into the World and take it with you. Whatever needs to be taught you will find the energy will come to you and you will teach it. It may only be a little bit here and a little there however that will be sufficient. And the more you learn of the teaching, the more you practise in your life and you walk in your life, the more you will find that other people will come to you to learn more and to learn more and to learn more because you will be the example. You will be the living, breathing, walking example of the teaching.

Do you understand? Does that make sense to you?


Songee: And this way what is there to make complaint about? Nobody is saying you have to leave your loved ones and come and live in this place of living. No one is saying to you that you have to surrender up your whole family and leave them and walk out and go and live somewhere. That is not it. The surrendering of yourself is surrendering yourself, your life to Oneness not leaving your loved ones, not walking away from your responsibilities of life. That is not what Songee is saying to you.

You honour the peoples in your life, if you honour your earth life more when you give it up to Oneness because you cannot give it to a more sacred power than that, can you?

What is more sacred than the Power of Light and The Power of Oneness of Goodness and Light. And when you give that all to Oneness all your trials and tribulations of your life - you say, Oneness well I'm not doing so good a job of it you do it you do better and I do. Oneness will go, Ahhh another child very well I will take up the burden and share it with you. And you are free. You are free to go and tell anybody and everybody this thing. You don't have to leave your homes and your families to practise these things. You don't have to leave your place of workings to practise these things, you can practise them all the time even when you are in your chariots you can practise the teachings – the breathings so that you don't get angry at other chariots, is that right? Is that so?

(There is laughter as people consider the images that come with Songee's words.)

Songee: Breathe deeply, like this Hooooo – when you are in the long line of chariots everybody go like this...


And the other drivers get angry with us.

Songee: That is not your responsibility to be responsible for other people's anger only your own and you can elect to be angry at slowness or you can elect to breathe deeply and give it to Oneness. And say, Oneness what a wonderful opportunity for I to relax the body, relax the mind a little and just enjoy the slowness and know that you will take care of I, get I home to this place of living safely. And let you mind be with what you are doing and at the same time be at rest and at peace and know whatever it is you need to achieve you will be able to achieve it. It will happen and that is what is meant to happen. And in the event it does not happen then it's not meant to be is it. Very simple. Is that right?


Songee: Sometimes there is great moanings and groanings about, Oh I'm so tired I can't so this, and I can't so that thing and so on and so forth.

Take a deep breath, down into here. Recharge your energies. Sing! You may not have soundings in your chariots, make some soundings. Learn something to make soundings and sing. Sing your heart out to Oneness. Ask the Angels of Light to join in with you with your singing and then it won't matter how slow you go in your chariots when there's so many like this, (?) - like pearls on a string. You know?

These are the teach I am giving you, these are the teach that everybody can have and this is very different from some of the teach that is in your World today where peoples are being taken away from their families of life.

Following and sharing Songee's Teachings

Can I ask another question about that Songee. The work that myself, Christene and Roberta-Margaret are doing promoting the working of the Trust, is there anything we need to consider to keep in mind in our work to make sure this, this pure intent by – I don't know how to explain it - make sure we are doing it in a correct manner?

Songee: Follow the teachings that I am giving them to you and then you will find that you will be honouring everything that you need to honour.


Songee: Because Songee is not teaching you to do anything bad or wrong to other peoples and when somebody have question and you are not sure, tell them to come and ask Songee.


Songee: Somebody wants to make great shoutings say come along and talk to Songee, do shoutings at Songee – Songee do not mind. You can do lots of shoutings at Songee, Songee used to it. Lots of shoutings go on to Songee and that's alright because shoutings come out of not understanding. It comes out of fear of them not knowing, you understand? And sometimes it's important for people to come and make the shoutings to get out of themself all this energies of not knowings so that then Songee can give back the knowings, the teaching so that they can look at it themselves and find out for themselves.

There will be many peoples of the earth that will want to do shoutings, that will want to criticize and make small the teachings of Songee – just as they made small the teachings of the Christos many moons past, that didn't work either. Is that right? And some of the shoutings will come from the peoples that say that they are following the Path of the Christos, you know, because there is among these peoples many of them, great fear and great intolerance of other peoples way of being and that is a direct opposite of the teaching of the Christos.

You follow the Path of the Christos, you follow the teachings of Jayzus then there is no room in your life to criticize or put down, or make small other peoples that follow other pathways to Oneness. You can honour them for their electing of their Path to Oneness. You have your Path to Oneness and you're there to set the example. You are there to be the living, walking, breathing example, is that right? Is that right?

The living, breathing, walking example, is that right, of Jayzus is that what you are suppose to do?

(Many commenting)

Songee: In order to do that you can not make small or criticize or be in judgement of anybody who does not do the same thing as you, no mater what they are doing. Even though you may not approve of it because remember one of the teach that was given about this thing is - who without you sin is going to throw the first stone. Is that right?


Songee: So, remember it, well, because no one of you is perfect and in the life of human-kinds is a growing organism. There has been much destruction and maiming and hurting done in the name of Jayzus which is deplored by that Beautiful Light. Is that right?

Would you like to say that you're following the Path of Jayzus or the Christos and say to somebody, You ar not following the Path of the Christos you are in league with the devil I am going to burn you alive. Is that right?


Songee: Would you like to be this one that burns other people alive because they do not do what you say they much do? Is burning somebody alive what is being taught by the Christos?


Songee: NO! Never! Not Ever!

And The Christos did not say leave your families and go away and take your loved ones away and go and live somewhere else away from everybody else, is that right.

What this man was in this news story I mentioned at the very beginning was referring to was that his little girls of three years old was telling him he did not have Jesus in his heart and he found that very hard to take.

Songee: This is an example of how the negative power, the Power of Darkness uses the Power of Light to infiltrate and to deceive. It is the Power of Darkness that says into the heart and the mind of somebody, You must burn this person because they don't have the Christos in their heart. Is the same thing, it's no different now in this life, this person this mankind is not been burned, the flesh is not be burn-ed however the Soul is being tormented and tortured. The Christos did not say to do that. So those that profess to be following in the Path of the Christos are not in truth following it, they are following the Path of Darkness. Do you understand?

Trouble at Work

Can I ask another little question regarding this. I was talking to my brother earlier, actually last week, and he was telling me about his work situation. He went to a new job where he was a technician for um, in um, fixing up air conditioning within buildings. And he really enjoys the job, he likes the people he works with but however there is a real big issue there going on and I was attempting to my best ability to explain things like how Light and Dark work. And the situation is where his immediate boss is being undermined and is really fighting the boss at the top because another gentleman has worked his way into this situation and is influencing the top boss man into getting rid of my brother's immediate boss there and B was telling me that how the, his immediate boss was really good. He was teaching my brother, giving him responsibility and to look at and work through a job and he was very positive and about how if he made a mistake he wasn't undermined or anything, he would get a positive response - ah that's not quite right fix it do it differently next time. It was all very positive response to it.

Now the concern has happening that this immediate boss has actually been undermined and attempted to resign and out the door and his power has been considerably – how will I put it – its done in a very negative undermined way to get him out. Legally he's fighting it. And I said that he had - I told my brother, he had to do this stand in his own Light, stand in his own Power. He had to fight it.

And I was explaining to him how this gentleman who had worked his way in was um, I felt listening to what my brother was saying was working from Dark because everything he was doing was from a negative point of view, right. He was, in any discussion my brother had with this gentleman he was being undermined, turned and made to feel little. He would not get any positive or options to look at other... (The lady was getting very emotional.)

Songee: Don't fight it. It is touching something inside youself because this has been done unto you, so of course you feel it. Don't fight it. Don't stand alone either.

And ah... How that the top boss was, how he was being turned by the influence of this person who was infiltrating the company and all situations, so I was um attempting to explain to my brother about the Light and the Dark and how this was working and um about his people in spirit and stuff. He said something that went over my head because I wasn't um anyway...

Songee: So the teaching that needs to be given is the one I am giving you this night – to teach these people to hand over their life and everything in it to Oneness. It mayhap be that Oneness no longer requires this one to be in this place of working. It may be that Oneness requires them to go to some other place of working. However it may also be that Oneness requires the lesson that Songee is giving you now to be given to these peoples, to say Oneness – and they can do this from what ever Facet they are going to be working from you know, it is the beauty of this teach I giving you. Doesn't matter what Facets you are you can still do it. You can still say, Oneness I give my life to you show you what you would like I to do. And you can go into your place, into your little chapel and kneel down on your knees and do this thing. You can light for yourself you light your candle for this, to represent for you the Light to bring this into your life. You can go out underneath the stars and be a Pagan and ask the Nature of Light, of Oneness to help you. You can go into the Temple and ask Yahweh, you can go into another Temple and ask Buddha, you can go to another Temple and ask Allah – it doesn't matter where you are, what you are, what Facet you are in your heart or as you have been raise-ed from child in your family – you go to wherever you have to be and you say, Oneness I give this life I live to you. These things are happening in this life that I'm living, do I fight or do I surrender?

Cos what initially he keep asking that he couldn't quite understand was how every job that he had gone to at the beginning was really good and then it sort of turned to upset and I suggested that he look back into his earlier life to find out what the initial cause would be, would possibly be to resolve that and that difficulty was one of the things we were talking about and I was talking to him about how him and all his fellow work team mates had to stand together to support to one who was being victimised and to stand strong and in their Light there.

Songee: However the person that is being victimised also has to learn how to stand strong. So give them the teach of the Oak Tree. Teach them how to go and find the strength and the courage of the Oak Tree - to stand proud and tall and to be prepared to carry on with whatever work it is that Oneness wants them to do.

Sometimes it takes several visits to an area of learning before the Soul finally gets the message. So it may be that this brother of this life it is time now for this one to 'Wake Up' and listen to the teach. And you can say, You have to learn to Surrender yourself to Oneness. When you surrender yourself to Oneness then you will find that others will not have the same power over you. And you can give this teach to the one who is being victimised, and they also will be able to stand taller and proud in their own self, and if that is not whether it is time for them to move on or to stay.

Knowing when to Move on

Songee: Sometimes when it is time to move on you resist moving on, so sometimes a little nudgings have to take place to make you move because your time in this place has been done. Everything that you're meant to do has been done and it is time now to move on. Sometimes you don't listen to the promptings that you get that you have set for yourself, the promptings that say to you I'm going to move on now in this part of the life and do something else. It's time to give everything to Oneness so time to let go of all this, time to move into a new place of living and a new way of doing things of the life and so on and so forth.

And sometimes because you are going to be so stubborn you write into your life a very big lesson, (Songee claps the hands) is that right, that separates you from where it is that you imagine that you were going to be. You have done everything that you need to do in that area of your life and it is time to move on to go where the workings are that Oneness wants you to do because remember when Oneness gets you to do workings it is a great big adventure. You never quite know what is round the next corner. So it is very exciting. All you have to learn to do is to learn to listen to the promptings, learn to listen and look for your signs. When the path is right it will shine brightly in front of you. You will know that this is the path you must follow, is that not right my little one?


Songee: And when you do this thing and you stop struggling and you stop fighting and you stop saying, I want to do this and I want to do this, so on and so forth, and you give it all to Oneness then the doors can open for you.

My brother's concern was that when he was talking, he has only had this job for about three or four months, it's a change in industry he was concerned that he didn't have enough experience and work history in this particular industry to be able to run a similar one in this type of thing so what would he need to know about that?

Songee: To continue as he is doing and give him the teaching that I have given you this night and the teaching mayhap about the words of 'should' and 'shouldn't' and so on and so forth. These are very good practical lessons...


Songee: ...because even when somebody seems to be coming along like this and seeming spreading their evil tentacles around, when you have handed yourself over to Oneness these do not have power over you. They may seems to have power over everybody else however when these tentacles come and touch you they will retire like that, you know, they will not be able to wind themselves round like this and pull you in because you are walking in the Light, the light is around you, you have the power of Oneness. You have the gift of discernment, you can see what is happening, you can feel what is happening and you can be 'awake' to it and not have any illusions about it. So this will not have power to take you in, you know, it does not have the power it will pull back like that.

One thing I really talked to him about was he was referring to this gentleman by an un-positive name. I said B don't do this. I explained to him what he was doing, he was buying into the negative energy, buying into what was happening and I, cos I know you were talking about that last week about that type of thing, and um so I was explaining to him about what it was he was actually doing by doing this.

Songee: Anybody got any other question, (these things?) we are speaking about?

You content with this?

Songee's way to deal with problems

Can I just query something thank you Songee. I agree with everything you have said and yet I don't know if its my upbringing or my own thinking, I think its more my own thinking, but up until now I would have thought that if a problem came along I shouldn't say Please (?) I give it to you please help, please help Allah I can't deal with this. I really thought that I should learn to deal with it. There is a problem and that's how I make myself stronger is dealing with the problem and confronting it and working it out rather than saying, Oh I can't I can't deal with this, over to you. In inverted commas.

Can I give an example of this...

Songee: Moment please – hold that don't go away with it. Keep it up there.


Songee: First of all listen to how many 'shoulds' and 'thinks' you just used! You are beating yourself up. Using the words 'shoulds' and 'shouldn'ts you are beating yourself up. You are making life very difficult for youself. You are making it very tough. You're being tough on yourself. Songee's not saying you don't work out your own difficulties, certainly you will work out your difficulties. Songee is saying is that give your life and everything in it to Oneness, you saying, Oneness I need some help with this. And in what you will have happening is that you will find that you will get inspiration, you will get the knowledge, you will get the strength and the power and it will happen like that. It may have been that you have been asleep and on the dream spirals and you will wake up from your sleep and know exactly what you have to do because you will have gone on the dream spirals and someone will have come and shown you the answers to your difficulty. You won't have to struggle to find the answer, do you understand?

Yes. (Very hesitant.)

Songee: You don't have to struggle for it. In... In your life you may have up to now, have had to work your life this way, you understand? What I am offering you is a different way of managing this thing of your life so that instead of struggling and fighting to find the answer you don't need to anymore. You know when you give everything, your life and everything in it to Oneness that the answer will be given to you. It will come to you like that. So simply. You have lived your life a certain way to this point and you have elected to do that, you wrote it into the plan of your life and then you come to meeting Songee and you are now hearing another way of learning how to manage your life and you have been given this teach so now you can take it up and go on with the rest of your life in another way. You do have to fight and struggle to find the answers now, the same way.

Of course you can elect to ignore it and keep struggling with your answers and doing this thing, and that's alright to, you can do this thing nobody is saying you can't do that either. Mayhap you get a lot of fun out of doing it that way. Is that right?

No I would rather take the more easier way that...

Songee: Some peoples like to say it is challenge. They like to meet this challenge of working out a conundrum you know. And certainly if that is what you like to do Oneness won't take that delight off you. Mayhap you like to do this thing, you like to have puzzle in your life. Oneness won't take it away if that is what you are needing for your life.

When you give your life to Oneness you won't have taken off you the things you need to do for your life and if you like to have a conundrum and you like to have to puzzle things out then that's what you will be able to do. However when you get to a point where you haven't been able to puzzle it out mayhap then you can say, I give up Oneness what's the answer to the puzzle? You know. And Oneness will say, Oh you give up now well here is the answer here it is it is right under your nose all the time. And that is how Oneness is with you. You can not have to worry about having to give up the things that you feel you need in your life. You don't have to make a great ah one after the other things down like this scribing down for yourself about what you want.

Do you mean a list?

Songee: Is that what it is.

Lots of words on a piece of paper.

Songee: And it goes down like this.


Songee: Sometimes you need very long scroll for this, paper goes on and on and on you know. However you don't have to do that when give your life to Oneness. You say, Oneness I can't list everything its too much I give it all to you, You know what it is. Every time it goes through the mind, through the heart, ever time it occurs to I consciousness I know that you will manage it and deal with it. And you will go through your life and enjoy the conundrums of your life and the communion with others in your life and the little puzzles that will be sent to you and the little responsibilities of learning to get on with each other, all these things you will still have coming to you in your life, all the lessons of life – those won't go away just because you give your life to Oneness. Because you need the lessons of life that's what you come to do is to learn.

Yes thank you I will follow that. So you are still given the lesson that you need to learn. It's just that initially it sounded a form of I suppose irresponsibility was the word. I don't need to tackle this its all yours...

Songee: That's not quite what Songee is saying. This is not to say ah, I is not going to make the effort to find it...

The efforts yes...

Songee: You have to have to make effort. You get up from your dream spirals and say, Oneness I'm back in the body, I give this life of this day all to you everything in it, the ups and downs and everything, what would you like I to do for you this day. And then while you are waiting for the answer you go and you get your foodings and put on your skins and you make yourself beautiful and you go out to earn your coin of life, you know. This is not putting away from your responsibilities is it, and yet you have said this thing in the morning where you have come back from the dream spirals and you given your life to Oneness for the day, so don't be surprised when Oneness says to you when you are walking down the road this way and Oneness says to you, Ah I want you to go that way. You know! I want you to now turn go this way. You don't question it you turn and you go that way and you will find where Oneness wants you to go.

It may be that in your life of your workings that you are busy doing your workings and suddenly you feel a need to go and get up and go and do something else. And where you go to do this something else somebody may have been sitting there and they are leaking from the eyes because something has happened in their life. And you walk in and there they are and out comes all this thing that they need to say. You know. And when that little task is done for Oneness back you go to the workings of your earth life. You never know where Oneness is going to send you in your day just like that.

(end of side two)

Dealing with the Barriers and Obstacles

Songee: ...because they have to give up the control of their life to say, This is what I am going to do this day. I'm going to do this and this, and this and this and this. There is no room for I to go this way or this way. I'm going to do this and this and this. And when something comes along and takes one of those things away, or makes it so it is not possible, can't go through this barrier (Songee is hitting one hand against the other) because there is a barrier there you know. You cannot do that thing because there is a barrier to doing it. Some obstacle, something. It may be time against you - so you imagine – and it may be that somebody gets in your way. It may be that there is not enough fundings for it, you know – Coin of Life. It may be that there is not something else there.

Or you went to see somebody and they weren't there.

Songee: That's right. You go and they are not there. So you have this, (hitting one hand against the other) this thing happening.

When you give your life to Oneness you come to this place, you feel the barrier and instead of hitting it like that you feel it and then you follow it see where it is you are meant to go. It may be that you have to stand still for awhile. It maybe that you have to go back to where you came from and take another way around it. Do you understand?

When you follow the Path of Light and you give your life to Oneness you don't worry about this barrier because you know that it has been put there to stop you advancing and you haven't got to go forwards because its not the right path for you. So then you have to say, Where is the right path? Maybe this way. It may be that way, may be that way, or that way, or even that way. Is that so! This is only to let you know not to advance down that path. This obstacle and it is telling you to take a deep breath of life – BREATHE. Wait! Be patient. Open your heart, open your Soul, wait for the next step to be shown to you. It may be that the person you are waiting for will suddenly return and that barrier then will go away. Is that right? Don't be impatient.

This is a new way, a different way to manage your difficulties and teach this way to other people so that they can learn this way to manage their difficulties also without violence, without anger, you know without being made to feel small so that they have the power inside them. Sometimes it is powerful to wait rather than to push forward, is that right? Is that so?

Perfect to Light...(?)

Wait until you are invited.

Songee: When you say you wait until you are invited whose inviting you?

I was just thinking of, I'm considering my circumstances, a member of the band I haven't seen for two years I'm just considering if it's best to wait until I'm invited...

(Other comments?)

Songee: So, you wait until you are invited however how ever how do you know that the other peoples are able yet to put down their barriers of self pride and make the invitation. You cannot do that sometimes. Sometimes this is part of the teach that I have been giving you this night, it is the whole part of this teach. When you walk in the Light you have to be the living breathing walking example and that sometimes means you have to step out and take a chance of rejection, you know. You have to take that chance. You have to say, Well - knock knock on the door and then you wait to see if it is going to be opened...


Songee: ...May be it will not be opened and that's alright. You say, Very well. (?) I come back another day. And while you are doing that you can say, Oneness do you need I to open in this door? Do you need this door or I to knock on it? And in the event you don't need to be knocking on it you will find that there will be obstacles to prevent you knocking on the door. And so you just say, Oh well Oneness doesn't want I to knock on that door just now. It doesn't mean that you stop every so often making an attempt to knock on the door however – Ah that is very good, thank you very much – I can give you example, beautiful – you have your bells, your bells. This is your way of knocking on door, is that right? You use your bells to knock on the door of another person. And sometimes you go to make your bells ring and something will go ffflitt through your mind and you say, Oh I go and do that. And you never get to make your bells work. Is that right?

Yes that's right.

Songee: That's because Oneness say, No No no don't knock on that door. Too soon. Too soon. Not to happen yet. Mayhap never to happen in this life time, doesn't matter you must not push against that barrier, keep sending lots of love and Healing Energies and lots of Energy of Light and then listen to the signs that are being given you, you know. Let them be shown and heed them when they are shown to you. That's it. That's right?

Yes. That's right.

Songee: So don't be worried when you go to make scribings down and you can't find the scribing thing. It has mysteriously disappeared.

That's right.

Songee: Or you go to, go to do this thing you find the scribing thing and you can not find the papyrus to put it on. (Songee is laughing) You know what I mean? Is that right? It has disappeared. You know it's there, you have it, however you cannot find it. It's a great mystery. These are obstacles, you are not meant to do it. You are being told don't do it. Its not the right time, not the right moment.

Sometimes you have to wait, like this is the waiting I am speaking about, however it will sometimes come to your heart, Oh I will go and knock on that door. I haven't done that for a long time. Mayhap I go do that. And sometimes you will be allowed to knock on the door because the person on the other side has to hear somebody knocking on the door calling them. Doesn't mean they are going to respond however they have to hear the call, you know. So sometimes you will be allowed to call and make the call through the door. Knock, Are you in, are you in, are you there. I know there's somebody there. Answer, answer are you there. And they other may decide not to answer you know. And that's alright. That door in itself is the obstacle however that's not an obstacle to the sound that are going through the door. Do you understand?

So sometimes you may find that you have the papyrus and the scribing and will be able to put them together and send them to this, this door and the door has little hole in it you know, puts the thing through it so it gets through the other side. It doesn't mean that the other side is going to respond. However it doesn't change that the energy has gone in this way.

So there are many ways to look at this thing of waiting, of the barriers and of giving yourself to Oneness and finding the path.

Now your time of your earth?

Five minutes.

Does S want share what she was going to...

No I'm good.

Songee: You were going to give example. Did you hold it there?

Mmm yeah I did.

Songee: So share it.

Putting the Teach into Daily Life

OK um well its my job it had three weeks of training and it had a lot of things to learn a great deal of things that I had to go out and put into practise. A lot of things to be considering all once while you are dealing with people, and like about twenty different things simultaneously. And um yesterday I was sort of for about ten minutes I was just like close to tears cos I was struggling with it and I just wanted to run away from it and um then I just you know just went outside on my break and I reconnected myself. And then that night I just kind of said well you know in the past I have sort of agonised over am I meant to be there and something this way, was it right blar blar blar, dar dar dar all very tedious. And then I just said well you know I trust that I'm meant to be there and it's a really good place and I love the people there and every thing. I just sort of admitted that I felt like shit about it basically and then I just said well I need your help with this and um can you please help me to improve myself in this role and you know rise to the challenge basically. And just left it at that really. And its sweet as, today was just like a breeze. I totally by myself and was doing it all. Piece of cake. And the lady who's been helping me she was like – I'm so proud so proud and everyone's like Ohhh. It wasn't like that I had given away responsibility I had simply I had actually taken on more responsibility by just acknowledging my feelings and um yeah and asking Oneness to help with it basically. And just keeping it simple you know, that's the whole (?) like not agonising and carrying on. Going with the flow and just doing it, it's easy.



Songee: That's right. Well done.

So that was the lesson that this came to teach you. This was the little prod that I speak about before time, that prods you to remind you to do this thing, to go back to this oh giving of the self back to Oneness. When you loose sight of it everything starts to seem very difficult and very hard in your life and then when you go back to this thing, this way of being, acknowledging all the parts of you and giving them to Oneness then everything starts to go into balance once more.

Now just for you now before you go, one more sounding for you to celebrate for yourself.

The Path of Beauty - Meditation

Songee: The Path of Beauty. This is a very important one.

It's the one we nearly had before.

Songee: Ahh...

A slip of the fingers.

Songee: That's right. And this one. Listen to the soundings of this because this is telling you a little of this I have just given you. And as you breathe and get ready to let your soundings come out from inside you from your heart, breathe the Healing Energies of this place that are there for you to bring strength and power to you, to bring you the courage you need for your day of your life, all the days of your life. Is that right?

Are you going to dance and to sing.


Songee: Beautiful sounding, Beautiful, The Path of Beauty.

Close your eyes and breathe, sing with joy.

(The Music was from Denean's Tracks 13 "The Path of Beauty".)
Music: from the album "Fire Prayer" by Denean.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Denean's music in our dialogue recording.)

Songee: Remember to breathe.

I go now and I leave you to walk the Path of Beauty, to let the Healing Light go through your hearts to human-kinds around you and animal-kinds and plant kinds, all kinds around you.

May you always walk the Path of Beauty


So Be It.

Thank you Songee.

And remember to allow the Crystal Light of Love to burn bright within your heart
And may the Light of the Oneness strike it
And bring forth its brilliant colours of light
To drive away the darkness from your Soul
Be at Peace.


1. Jayzus - Songee says this name for Jesus. Songee explained that by expressing the word in this manner the energy of Jesus would be recognised by other cultures. (Maybe Jēsūs would be more correct.)
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2. Facets - Songee speaks of 'The Facets of the Diamond' as all the different religions on the Planet.
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3. The Tree Lyrics - The Lyrics by Denean © Copyright 1991 Sacred Earth Music, BMI. All Rights Reserved.
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All Denean's Lyrics for Fire Prayer at this link.

Sacred oak tree standing tall
What have you to say
I will listen with my heart
Speak to me this day
Teach me of your strength and courage
To stand proud and tall
But to humbly give completely
Teach me most of all
I came to you when I was weak
These were the words I prayed
You took me in your warm embrace
There to always stay
My heart did yearn, so I returned
To find that you were gone
But in my heart I heard you whisper
"You must carry on"
"I give to you my life", you said
"The strength and courage too
The lessons of complete surrender
These I give to you"
"Take them now, for I am with you
There's work that must be done
In the healing of our mother
You and I are one"
"In the healing of our mother...You and I are one"

Denean's Note: There was a tree, the sacred oak. This tree gave me many gifts and taught me many things. Giving itself, I now carry forth it's message to you. It is the message of unconditional love, selfless giving, strength, courage and wisdom. This tree lives forever in my heart.

Reference Number: 20000824

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© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

Music: "Sacred Fire" "The Tree" "There is a Dream" by Denean from the album "Fire Prayer"
"© (p) Denean / Sacred Earth Music, BMI".

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.

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