THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Interfacing of Spirit, Soul and Physicality'
A Teaching from Songee 29th March 2001
Roberta-Margaret Introduction
Crystal Light Of Love
The Accident
Instinct and Intuition
The Call for Help
Spirit and Soul
Learning to Shed the Violence
Asking for help in Violent situations
Prayers to keep us safe in our sleep
When the Soul comes into a new life
When someone has a stroke
Being creative to connect with Spirit
Sleeping with sleeping pills
Layers of Spirit
Help to overcome a spasm of coughing
Dancing to the Music
Listen to Songee
Play Roberta-Margaret - Introduction part 1
Play Songee - part 2
Play Songee - part 3
Play Songee - part 4
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Roberta-Margaret Introduction
Roberta-Margaret: Would all these dreadful people stop yakkering!
Roberta-Margaret: Have you been to anybody deep trance channelling. Have you experienced it yourself?
I know I have but I can’t remember when, it's been a while.
Roberta-Margaret: And do you involve yourself in the psychic and spiritual development?
Roberta-Margaret: So what is your understanding of deep trance channelling? I ask everybody that's new that comes to us these things because then I tell you what happens from my perspective.
I mean, my understanding would be your letting go to something beyond yourself.
Roberta-Margaret: Well OK, that that is what happens to me. When I do hand over and I let go of my myself goes out there and that's my reality and I come back here and I’m, I have made some deplorable gaps when I come back then, maybe something really sort of special has happened for people, and they're sort of all serious, and I come back and something's happened and I might blert it out whatever it is that I’ve been doing, that is my reality so I finish (?) in case I do that.
Everything that happens in this room is a mystery to me I have no idea, C tells me as we driving home roughly, you know, an overview what's happened.
If I’m lucky she remembers. (laughter)
Roberta-Margaret: It’s a peculiar sort of thing that when I come back I’m, I seem to be integrated and I seem to be able to converse and talk to be quite normally, normally! However, the next day I won’t remember anything of that conversation either it's sort of like it goes in my eyeball out the other, you know. At the time it makes perfect sense, but the next day, it doesn't, you know, so I have to be re-reminded sometimes of things so that’s what happens to me. I don't get tired, in fact it's invigorating rather than tiring and you know were it not for the doing Spirit work I don’t do the physical work very well at all. Anyway is there anything you want to ask me before I go away?
What is it making that noise?
(Everyone talks about the noise.)
Do you find that, that feeling of (someone else speaks over the top) catches up on you during the normal times and that feeling you are not quite there?
Roberta-Margaret: Ah How do you mean?
You’ve been in trance, and then you are out of trance, and then you don't recall, always recall for a period of time after that, I just wondered whether it came along and hit you at other times some where. I’m not being silly...
Roberta-Margaret: No, no, you mean the information does the information come along way to hit me?
Do you get the information or do you get a gap somewhere?
Roberta-Margaret: Well, the information no it doesn't come along and hit me and, and other than what I retained from what C or other people told me, maybe after the 24 hour period and as far as the gap is concerned, yes, I do get gaps because sometimes while I’m going about my daily life, Spirit will hijack me and I will go and do some work while I’m going about my daily life and doing my work and they substitute someone else for me while I’m out there doing something that they specifically want me to do and I'll come back and I will find that jobs have been done that I have no recollection of them being done so yes, I have blank spots like that.
So is there any signal that we can get that you are with us when we talking to you.
Roberta-Margaret: Not really.
One of the closest is to look in her diary and see when it was last turned over.
Roberta-Margaret: That's true, that's actually quite true, because I write in my, I write in my diary what's happening and sometimes I go back to my diary and I find that the little tag is maybe a week behind, you know, or a few days, but sometimes it's been as much as two months behind, you know, and I come back and I, I have sort of messages and notes and things that tell me and Christine and other people tell me so it's a little bit like - I’ve become very adept actually picking up the clues of what's happened while I’ve been away so that I can um...
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah and also to get the gist of, of what, you know, like you have the television programmes and they give you a quick rundown of what happened on the in the series the week before - it's a bit like that. I get these little snippets you know that come along just sort of give me the bare details, but the actual sort of like the real guts of it I don't have that, it's not there it's absent it. It may be stored away in my mental processes somewhere however I don't have time to go looking for it because I’ve gotta get on with what's there in front of me right at that minute. I mean I can be brought back at any particular time and even find myself in the middle of dishing out medications or all sorts. (laughter) You know, or I’m in a conversation with someone, but I’ve had conversations and C will vouch for this – I’ve had conversations with people and Spirit have hijacked me, I say hijacked I’m using that term quite loosely I mean, I’ve opened myself to them to be able to use me whenever they need to use me so you know, it's not done without my consent or my you know...
Willing participation.
Roberta-Margaret: My willing my participation. But they do when they hijack me and I come back, I will carry on a conversation that I started a week before from where I left off, that happens...
That's weird. (laughter) What, what gets me, we're used to it but Roberta-Margaret’s husband is, (laughter), it’s wonderful to watch him, it really is.
Roberta-Margaret: He sort of looks at me...
Looks at me and he raises eyebrows and says she’s been strange today.
And what if you are driving the car?
Roberta-Margaret: Well, person that comes to substitute for me knows how to drive a car. Well, it's all, all that, all that, all that information is all stored in my body and in my mind and everything. Everything that's stored in my mind, everything, all my skills all my you know, personal learned skills are all there integrated in my...
It's only the soul that steps out.
Roberta-Margaret: when they come in they can access all that information and they have to - this is taken years you know. I say years, I’m talking about from being a baby they have been doing this with me so they're well used to it, I’m also used to it. So it's no big deal.
It's us mere mortals that have a bother with this. (laughter)
Roberta-Margaret: I’m a mere mortal!
Have you ever had that experience of when you've been playing the drum and another source come in and take you off?
Roberta-Margaret: Absolutely, yeah.
That happens a lot.
What’s that like?
Roberta-Margaret: Oh that's fantastic because I feel like I’m floating up on the ceiling and I can hear this other person drumming and I know it's not me because I’m up there dancing and I can feel my hands up here dancing away and I’m doing stuff and I know someone's down there drumming. Yeah and it's very different and that happened a great deal, especially while working you know, when I was drumming down there with Fraser. Because there was so many drums it was lovely to get into that atmosphere it doesn't happen so much when I’m on my own because the energy build up is not quite the same. I can put a CD on and start drumming and yes it will happen then, because it's like I’ve got the other, the distraction of the other sounds as well, you know to go with. Yes, it does happen. It’s quite neat.
Because I had the experience right through when I was journeying by myself and I actually saw this white light, I was out there in the country and this, this secluded beach by myself drumming, you know, drum myself and I saw this what have been about this big circle, was like a big circle of light and it come towards me at about sort of jumping pace...
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah.
...and I thought Ohh that's interesting and I just keep playing and then I, I couldn't see around even, I could sense it so real energy presence and I just to, it was almost, it was almost like that I wasn't playing and it was it got really intense and ohh it good.
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah. Yeah it is, that's what it’s like, lovely.
So that might been, something like that happening to me?
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah, somebody coming in and joining me in the drumming.
Right, so is it...
Roberta-Margaret: There would have been some kind of invitation from you to for them to come that close they wouldn't just come that close without an invitation.
Yeah there was a moment when I saw that happening and I thought yeah this is it, I will go with this.
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah so that they would have received that and would have come along and joined you.
Is it normal to see, it to be able to see, like an etheric light like that?
Roberta-Margaret: Everybody sees different things - some people see an etheric light, some people will actually see a physical form, some people will actually learn to see both, um, essentially we're beings of Light and you know we can present in a form so that it is a familiar thing for the person that's seeing us. You know it makes it, normalises it, makes it ok, you know to see this thing. Um, some people just do see the essence you know, the Light. It can be too that the vibrational energy of the being is beyond your capabilities of seeing past that light into the form that that is there as well, so it's, it’s a bit of both, you know. Sometimes you have to hone your skills to a point where you can see past those, those lights to be the persona that is behind the light, yeah.
So could I consciously, I’m playing to say a, you know, invite...
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah.
...and I am gonna, need to come and play with my hands...
Roberta-Margaret: Yeah, the other thing too is your drum, your drum’s got its own spirit and if you talk to your the drum spirit and ask the drum spirit to manifest and find out as you as you're making that connection with the drum spirit as well, what its name is what, what it, you know. Like my one was Zazoo and it came to me out of the drumming. I was doing the drumming and then I was, you know, sort of really sort of mesh with this energy and I sort of wanted to know what the, what the name of it was and I got told I am Zazoo and it's male, it's a male energy in my drum. And there was one that I borrowed from Fraser and brought it home a little one, which was really quite a sweety, when he was L was fixing my drum and I played that at home and I talked to that one and very reluctantly and very sort of bit shy the spirit came out and talked to me and that was a female - forget her name now, but I did tell Fraser what the drum’s name was. I don't believe he's sort of really quite gone that far with his drums and I know he loves his drums and they are precious to him. However I don’t think he would have gone that far. Yeah understood it, hadn’t actually made contact with it yet.
Thank you.
Roberta-Margaret: That’s alright, you welcome. Yeah so when you find out your drum’s name let me know.
Roberta-Margaret: Never know there is a boy or girl?
I think it is a boy. Yeah that’s my son. Best child (smile).
Ok we are ready now. Ok uncross your legs and hands and sit up straight and I am going to read you these words.
Roberta-Margaret: Oh that’s right we can read the words and then I can go, we can put some music on and I use that as a focus to go away with that, that’s the other thing I didn't mention.
And shut your eyes because then it's easy to hear.
So Darkness leaves the land
and Light is born
and soars heavenwards,
then dives into the hearts of Mankind.
The Truth of Light within the Crystal doth lie,
to drive away the Demons of your Soul.
Hearken to the words that you hear,
the knowing within your heart.
Hear not the darkness of your mind
for reason it is blind,
it leadeth you astray
and further into darkness.
So put aside your reason,
the mind that tells you lies,
and hearken to the Light,
The Crystal Light of Love,
for within your heart it lies.
No other can have charge of this,
Only you.
Crystal Light, ...
So bright, ...
Of many hues,
piercing through the darkness,
allowing none to be.
Only Light, Crystal Love, shall be
inside of Thee.
So ponder now upon this riddle that
I give to you,
and know its Truth
of Crystal Light
remain inside of you ...
Be at Peace ... !
(The Music 'Fire Prayer' is played while Roberta-Margaret prepares herself to channel.)
Music: from the album "Fire Prayer" by Denean.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Denean's music in our dialogue recording.)
Greetings Songee.
Songee: So what have you for I this night?
Songee I’ve got a question. During this last week I was working in the garden at home and there was a car accident out, on the road in front of where I live and this, I went out to give some assistance see if I could be of any help and I got some tape to help this gentleman tie his door together because it wouldn't shut and he made the comment that he could see it happening like all this action of this, this accident happened so slowly it was like in slow motion and I’ve heard people talk about this before. What's actually happening, how come, how does this thing work?
Songee: There are two things, there's a physiological happening that is taking place and there is a spiritual happening. At the time of the event the Spirit is coming out of the body a little way and so they are no longer entrapped by time so everything seems to go so slowly, you know, like moving very, very slowly and all the events that are taking place their awareness their consciousness is taking it all in and absorbing it. On the physiological level you have things happening within the body where, when there is an emergency you have substances in your body that come to your assistance to help you to move quickly to do things very quickly to react, is that right, you understand what I’m saying for you, so you react very quickly because of this substance - thank you very much, is adrenalin and this has the effect of speeding everything up. However it doesn't necessarily speeding up your conscious mind it speed-es up your, your actions and how you manage to do these things, it will give you the ability to make your reasoning very quickly like this without ‘thinking’ about it, you know, you just get and do it, it is a an instinctive thing, do you understand, so it gives the effect of everything going very fast and that makes the conscious mind feel as though everything is going very slow. So there's two happenings that occurring in this time. It is not one or the other it is not, you know, you cannot separate them up.
It's both.
Songee: It's both. And... when, this is a very good question, because it actually gives me now the opportunity to tell you something that I’m going to tell you anyway this night because it is to do with how you use you intuition.
Now when this phenomenon happens to human kinds and you have this big energy coming to you then you work on instinct, you work on self-preserving, you know this thing, you got to save your life, you have to save things, so it's saving youself or other peoples mayhap, so you have this instinct to do these things.
Now when you are learning how to be at ‘one’ with your Spirit people and with Oneness you must use you instinct. This is an important part of your development, in order to make the connection between earth and there you must have instinct and you must use it. We have had this speaking before time about instinct and intuition they are very different and yet they are very similar. And we have the book of words to look at them so mayhap you can go and find your own book of words and find the distinction for youself. I’m not going to give you everything, you need to go do some workings for youself, is that right.
So you have instinct and intuition. Now instinct is that which you do spontaneously, you do it without ‘thinking’. So you don't use your mental processes in order to come to a conclusion or a decision or judgement or something whatever it may be.
When you are in a matter of emergency you will act in whatever way is the best way that you perceive it needs to be done at that particular moment. And all the knowledge all the wisdom is already locked up inside here and inside here, you already have it and then all you have to do is to action it.
Now where does Spirit come in to this? Your Spirit people, your Doorkeeper and your Guardian are with you all of the time, when you are sensitive to their presence and their part that they play in your life, you will always be able to ask them to help you and the call to them can be an instinctive call for help, so that when something is happening and you are aware something is going to take place the first thing that happens within you is you have this instinctive thing that says, Help! You know and although physical ears will hear or not hear, Spirit ears always hear, you know. They will always hear you call and they will assist you to achieve what needs to be achieved or send people to assist you with what needs to be achieved.
Have you not wondered sometimes how it is that there can be nobody about and suddenly there is a great upset of some description, and very suddenly all these people suddenly appear from seemingly out of thin air. Is that right?
And very often this thing happen. It is because within the being there has been a call for help. Now this is true of the person who is lost and cannot find their way home or is laying injured somewhere and cannot move to get themself to safety. They are within their being, they will have called for help.
Now sometimes the physical help can be a little while coming. Sometimes it can take too long for the physicality to survive and be there waiting when the physical peoples do arrive. However as soon as they call for help Spirit are always there they always answer the call. Organism is now answering call for help with many other peoples answering call for help. This is where this is happening and all these many things that taking place.
Those people that are calling for help in their life will have the assistance that they require whether it be to hold on to physical life or to let it go. Sometimes it is their time to return to Spirit and this is the way they have elected to move on into Spirit once more and therefore they need to have some companionship. Their Doorkeeper and Guardian are now there for them however because sometimes of ignorance they do not see them, they cannot refine their sight to the presence of the spiritual beings that are with them.
So somebody that is still living in their body that still has that connection to earth is very useful to be there, to be an intermediary between Earth and Heaven, to take that Soul and say, Here, here are some people who will take you now the rest of the way - and give them over to the Doorkeeper and Guardian. And that is the role that you play when you leave your bodies when you go to sleep that is, I better make that very clear, when you go to sleep, when you have your rest and rest your bodies. Thank you very much Little Clam.
(Songee is speaking to the person who asked the question.)
Songee: So has anybody got anything else they want to ask?
Songee you often use the word Spirit and then you use the word Soul, are they synonymous because to me the Spirit would be someone that hadn't manifested on earth hadn’t had an Earth life, but a Soul was somebody that did.
Songee: A Spirit is a person that is in Spirit and does not have a connection to the physical life, that is true. They do not yet at the moment be living in a physical body.
All of you are Souls, you are beautiful, beautiful Souls and we had this before where you have the Soul that is being... ah what is this... the charioteer is the Spirit, you know. So the charioteer is the Spirit within the Soul and the Soul is all integrated within the physicality, is a short answer.
So when you are in a physical body you are classified in your little box as a Soul, you understand. Within you Soul there is a Spirit Energy, Spirit Power, Spirit Light, you know, and this Spirit Light is the part that when it sheds all things of earth is the thing that travels around.
Organism has taken Soul and Spirit, you know, to travel and there is Spirit Energy come to be with you, more than Spirit Energy. Were Songee not here then the spirit energy of another will come and be here were Organism not with you and that energy that spirit energy will move the body, do the things that need to be done without having to have the connection - how say I this?
You mean like the silver cord thing.
Songee: That is right. Now each Spirit when it passes into Spirit has the ability to create a form that it can use to make connection with a physicality.
We called it persona. Is what you're talking about?
Songee: That is right, and that is the equivalent of a Soul the Soul energy of that Spirit, do you understand, so that Soul energy will then inhabit the body and its charioteer will come with it because it is - Ohh thanking you that's very good Little Clam thank you very much, it is like interface between programmes on your machines. Is that it?
Is that was on my mind...
Songee: Thank you that was what is in your mind thank you very much. I now have a new concept I can use - interface – is this wonderful?
Songee: So this is what you Soul is like is like this thing it makes the connection between the physicality and the Spirit essence that goes beyond.
What happens to it? It doesn't go anywhere it is part of the Spirit so that when the Spirit goes up there the Soul is with it however it has no need of the Soul part of its essence while it is in Spirit so therefore it doesn't exist, you know, it doesn't be. However because in Spirit you can make whatever you want to be ‘Be’ they are able, the Spirit people, to create the Soul ready for inhabiting the body, the physicalitys, when it is required.
That is right, it is very, very similar to possession however this is, this thing I’m speaking about is something that is of the Light because the people that are allowing this to take place in their bodies are working in a Light. The peoples that have this occurring to them without their permission and the entity, the soul, with the charioteer has not good intentions and comes into the body then this becomes possession. And it becomes possession it's negative and it is destructive and it changes the life of the human kind and for not for betterment for being worse, and sometimes very evil and so this is possession.
When you, I’m, I’m answering your questions, when you go to a your moving pictures and you have these things you are opening youself up to this negative energy and making it possible to come close to you. Unless you are protected by complete innocence you are at risk and even those that are completely innocent are at risk. Now those of you that are already learn-ed and practise and know of many things like this for you to attend such things you are putting youself in ah, what you say ‘in the fire out of the cooking pot’.
Are you meaning that, the moving pictures that are particularly violent?
Or any movie...
Songee: I’m referring to moving pictures that talk about the possession of people, particularly.
Songee: This is what I’m talking about now, is about possession. So I have gone from how the Spirit charioteer works with the Soul and explain that, and now I am explaining, answering questions that are popping into your minds, that if you go to see your moving pictures you will find that you, if you have all this knowledge and that you have all the some of the training not all the training, some of the training on how to be sensitive, instinctive, intuitive, etcetera, etcetera, etceteras, then you will find that you will be quite vulnerable to the energies that are coming from these thing because the energies of this thing attract to it the negative energies that are part of Darkness, you know.
So how come your Doorkeeper and Guardian aren’t able to protect you?
Songee: They are able to guard you to a certain degree however when your mind, your physical mind is absorbed and engaged and focused on the images that are in front of you it is as though you are entering into another space almost like you are being hypnotised.
An altered state of consciousness.
Songee: That is right. So you are in this place and this makes you very vulnerable, and because of your mind is absorbed and focused on the story, you know, you are unconsciously inviting those energies to you. Doorkeeper and Guardian cannot prevent those things from entering that you invite. Do you understand? Don't invite them in the first place then you are, well, safe.
There is something, a myth, a legend that is among you people that says that the vampire cannot come and drink your blood provided you don't invite him into your house in the first place, have you heard that? You don't invite this energies to come into this house of you body in the first place. So when you are learning all about Spirit Energies and all about how your Spirit Energies work for youself and so on and so forth, you must also learn ‘discipline’ you need to learn discipline, self-discipline and also integrity. You have to have a very strong sense of integrity within youself. And you have to to a certain degree curve, and I’m using that word very deliberately, curb your curiosity. It is one of those times when you need to have firm boundaries on your curiosity when you are learning especially, because when you are learning that is when you are at your most vulnerable that is when you will be most susceptible to some of these things.
Keeping yourself focused always on a Light, keep yourself focused on things of Purity, of Honesty, on Integrity and so on and so forth. When you go to see things of your moving pictures or listen to this things of soundings that tell you the stories of life, you need to protect yourself and surround yourself with Light. And say to you people in Spirit, I want to investigate and be aware and alert and know of these things, I don't want to hide the head in the sand, I don't want to be uninformed however I ask for you to protect I from the Energies of Darkness that surround these things, so that I can see it as an observer. Do you understand?
So that although you might find that you are in company of peoples who would like to see something of violence, and now I’m coming from possession to violence because Little Clam suggested about violence. There is much violence in your world, there is much violence within all human kinds and those of you that are coming to work in the Light you are learning how to face the violence within your own beings and hopefully shed it.
I trust that you will learn to shed it. That is part of your journey part of the purpose of your life is to learn how to shed the violence within your bodies within use of your own beings, you know, your need to be violent. That is the ultimate goal. You will not always succeed at it. It is something that often takes many life times. However when you are looking in your eyes from your inside and you're looking at this moving pictures that are violent, you know with one part of your mind that this is somebody making believe, it is pretending.
Songee: The aspects of these things are in your lives that they do exist in the world, that they have been brought together mayhap in one story to make a story and to make it exciting. Where you have somebody who is not terribly pure overcoming something that is positively evil, so that the one that is not so perfect or not so pure is becoming a Champion for the Light. Sometimes even though they might not want to be Champion for the Light they may be a reluctant knight, you know.
So you have these exciting stories and in times past human kinds have been in these places of doing these things and are still in the places of doing these things, is that so? So for everybody the story is a very powerful thing, you tell stories to your childrens, do you not. You tell stories to your childrens to teach them how to be strong, how to be good, how to have good values for life, how to learn about truth and integrity and so on and so forth.
And so the story’s a very powerful thing. And then when you come and you're in sensitive mode and you go and watch these things on your moving pictures you need to know before you go that you are watching in part make believe and pretending, and in other you are watching the cruelty, the inhumanity of human kind. And you need to be accepting of that within your being in your knowing part of you and at the same time ask for protection so that the energies over do not come to you. You don't want to attract this kind of thing into your life and into your world of your life.
Any questions about that? Nothing!
We would be imbalanced if you could do that because the artistic side of you would be looking at the whole performance and the logical side would be looking at the reality. Would that be right?
Songee: That is correct, however when you are sensitive and learning how to be sensitive in the Spirit Energies there is a vulnerability that you have developed and therefore you need some protection. That is where your Doorkeeper and Guardian come in that is where they can assist you to be protected from inviting towards your life the Energies of Darkness that do surround the shadow sides of humankind.
Do you understand?
Songee: That is what I am saying there. So what you're saying is quite correct there is a balance and in an order to maintain that balance that is when you need your Spirit people assistance. I am speaking to you as Beings of Light, people who are learning how to walk the Path of Light. I am not talking to you as people who know nothing at all about spiritual development.
Asking for help in Violent situations
Would that be the same as real life scenarios like situation for you for whatever reason that you have to be around the violence whatever, whatever, could you apply that sort of...
Songee: Oh most certainly. What you do in this instance you know that is going to be violence in the situation and so you ask your Spirit people before you begin your day, I know that life around I can sometimes become violent or violent in emotion, in physicality in, in many different ways and so I would like protection from that violence please. Do you understand?
Songee: And you ask for it every single day of your life, ask for it. When you go to sleep at night you say your prayers to Oneness before you go to sleep like you teach small childrens and if you're not teaching small childrens then that's something mayhap you’d like start doing. How to say their prayers to Oneness when they go to sleep. And you say, Ask Oneness and your people in Spirit to watch over and guard you through the night and keep you always in their Light and in their Love, and show them how to do this thing. It's very important. And you also need to do this thing. It can be a very simple thing such as, Well Spirit I’m going to sleep now you better watch out for I, I can get up to all sorts of mischief, make sure I stay safe, and then go to sleep. (Songee makes a snoring sound.)
They already know that.
Prayers to keep us safe in our sleep
Songee: Is that right? So you do this thing and as grown people you can be that you teach the little ones first of all gently and you teach it to them to be like a story, a little story, a little talking that they make within their own being to the Light of Heaven.
You don't have to use great big words alike God or Allah or Buddha or anything else, you just say to them the Light, the beautiful Light of Love, and let them get the concept and a feel of this wonderful Light this Love that is there. Remember that childrens are newly come from Spirit. They are closer to the concept of Spirit than you are. You have come further away from it than they have so for them it is very simple matter to come back to Spirit when they are little, you can teach them, they are very close to Spirit. They don't find it strange, they don't find it peculiar, they accept it because they remember it, somewhere in their being they remember it, they may not be able to speak about it but they remember it.
You can tell by talking to (?) all of a sudden they talk about Spirit and the Light. Their eyes light up when (?) and they'll start jumping up and down and everything and then they'll start to be (?) in the room and that, yeah, their whole face lights up and they give you a whole full on commentary. I don’t know what they’re saying however...
Songee: That is right you don't understand it because they cannot articulate their voice box to make it work but the brain is working, that's Soul and Spirit in there, you know, with the charioteer and then the chariot is all there and it is ‘interfacing’ well and doing everything it is meant to do, and you cannot simply understand because they have not yet grown to give you the wordings however inside every child there is an adult mind.
Or even with Olivia I asked her she missed where she came from and her little face frowned like you could see that she was missing because her connection would be stronger than mine and her whole face frowned and I knew exactly that she was stiff and it flopped and jumping up and down I could not understand what she was saying but it was very evident because her connections extremely strong. But it was really funny because her face frowned when I’ve said that and she just raved on for ages and I didn't need to understand what she was saying because I knew what she was saying. I’m sure you heard what she was saying. (smiling)
When the Soul comes into a new life
Songee: All babies are like this they don't like to be on the earth. When they are in Spirit they say, Yes I’m ready to come to the earth I know all about it, I’m going to be there. Because their adult mind is saying this is right because they have no great emotion about things. They know that this is going to be something they going to learn. They have all the life mapped out in front for them to know and to see and they say this is a good story, and I’m coming now to live the story and have a great adventure. And then when they get into the little bodies they realise they have to ‘feel’ everything once more and they get very cross and some of them are, are crosser than others.
Some of them when they come they are delighted to come and be because they know they have got things they are going to do and even though their life is going to be difficult. They have been gifted, and gifted themselves as well as being gifted by Oneness, with the gift of happiness, of joyfulness, of good humour and of acceptance right from being born. And these Souls will go through their life and all the adversities that come upon them they will come out of them and still be smiling and still have a presence of Light about them. And you will find these peoples growing from small childrens to grown people, you will find them in your life around you.
Also too when you're looking at a small child that is lying there and they say to you - the peoples in the white coats, the mens in the white coats say to you, Child cannot see, child has no vision, child is not able to discern things. From the physicality perspective that may be true however from the spiritual perspective that is not true. Have you ever seen newborn child lying there looking at things and wondering what is they're looking at? They're looking at the Spirit people and the fairies that are all around you and that have come to see and to look after and be there with the child, with the Soul, and to help the new being into the transition into this world.
The Spirit people do not go away from the new baby. Sometimes a new baby will switch the Spirit people off because they get so cross. They will switch them off, however for the most part - and this is in the best way of things - the child will still have connection with Spirit and will contain that connection for a few years, earth year, you know. Sometimes it will never be severed, in the instances of some peoples it is never severed, that veil never comes down between themself and Spirit ever and so it is. And other childrens for the most part when they are baptised they will lose their connection their memories of Spirit, they will not remember any more about Spirit. Doesn't mean they won't see Spirit they don't remember their time in Spirit and this is true of all humankinds you are given the blessed release from your memories of Spirit for a reason.
How old is that? When baptised?
Songee: It can be when they are baptised or it can be when they come to about two years of age. Because when the child gets to be two years of age they are beginning to integrate more into the earth life and so in order for them to fulfil their journey, their nature, and the story of their life they need to not have memories from the before life. To have memories of the before life will be very conflicting.
It would cause greater disharmony and great dissatisfaction because Spirit is so beautiful, you know, and you don't want to leave it and when you were left it all that you can consider is how am I going to get back. So it would be very destructive for the Souls to have memory, conscious memory of the before life after a certain age. It is not in your best interests. And so Oneness has decreed that there will be a shutting down between your consciousness and your spirit memories. So the only way that you can access your spirit memories is to dream or to go to do meditations which are very like dreaming and other methods of coming into the dream state or as you have said before Wise One the altered state of consciousness, to come into that is the only way you can access your memories of before life, the life in Spirit.
A few say we're a parent and you have a young child and...
Songee: I am not a parent I’ve got no memories...
Ohh yeah I was meaning in general...
That’s specific.
No no not specifically you and...
Songee: Then say youself.
Yeah ok if I was a parent, and I had a child and you kept on talking about Spirit and that in front of a young child would that help retain...
Songee: And who keeps talking to them about Spirit from a young age?
The Mother, yeah would that help to retain the memories and all that sort of stuff or would they just completely switch onto it?
Songee: No, no. If because you talk about it to the child doesn't make them remember it, it makes them understand that there is such a thing, it becomes part of their life, part of their culture of life but they do not all remember it, they only have your word for it. And the, they only have the word of anybody, such as any of the facets that you follow, that you, that you go to do. You only have the words of others that tell you this is so, this is the truth, is that right?
Like stories handed down.
Songee: Stories handed down. However your memories of your life, your own life there's sometimes a memories of your childhood that you do not remember in your physical life, so you go to your Mama and you say, Mama what was I like when I was small child and Mama will tell you how you were when you were small child and you have to believe that because that is what Mama has said. However remember that Mama is seeing you from the perspective of Mama. Mama is seeing you from this height and you as this height mayhap, and this, that is the perspective that she sees you. You don't have memories of being this size or this size, you may not have memories of what it was like to look up at this great tall person because now you are the same height as this person and can meet them eye to eye. Do you understand?
So your perception has changed as you have grown. You will remember what it was like to look from say this height up to the tall person and this height until slowly you come to be on the same level with your eyes unless of course somebody gets very tall and you always stay very short.
I feel that mother has said if it got some perhaps daughter but especially a son, I’ve noted, they get to a certain age what could be 17, 18 or 19 the mother story goes when they are at that age when, when they're 30 or 40.
Songee: That is, that is true however that is not quite what I’m saying I’m, I’m talking about memories. At that age you, you will have memories of being that age is that right, all of you. What is the earliest memory that you have of your physical life this life?
There is one of the earliest memories was going back to about the year of 3 and I was remember sitting on the kitchen floor and someone feeding me that was earliest time going back.
Songee: What about anybody else?
Yeah I have that three and a half to four.
Songee: That's right. Most humankinds is this is when you will find that you begin your earliest conscious memory is when you are about three. Certainly between the age of two and three because the veil comes down at two years or earth to separate you from the memories of before life, your memories of Spirit.
Where are these memories stored?
Songee: Where is the memory stored? In your Spirit.
What about brain? Is it different memory?
Songee: Your memory of your brain contains all those things that are essential to your living of this life. It stores away every thing, every impression, every, every small thing that comes to you from the moment of your birth. Your brain absorbs everything, it begins to absorb it before birth while it is still within the mother, while your body is still in there inside the mother. Your brain becomes active at a certain point of development of the of the child, the physicality of the child, you understand, and the physical brain begins to absorb all the, all the impressions of everything that are around it, do you understand?
Songee: Now when the Soul and the Spirit interface with their physicality they bring with it the knowledge and the wisdom of their memories of other lifetimes in Spirit and so on and so forth, you understand?
Now the brain is a wonderful, wonderful thing because it can contain all of this information however when the veil comes down to separate the memories it means that the Spirit memories are not conscious in the conscious mind, they are not there in the conscious mind you know, they are hidden they are secret they are not accessible and the only way to get access to them is to learn the right method by which to reach them. And I say to you, you do this by dreaming and by meditations. You use your intuition and your in...
Songee: That's right... to find these things. You have been doing now for, ah with Songee, you have been doing some, some drawings is that right. These, doing these drawings is assisting you to access some of the memories of your dreams and your meditations. Your subconscious self it's helping you to find those things because the information that you gather when you go into your dreams and into your meditations and you do it every time you go to sleep sometimes you do it when you're sitting down and you're resting and you're listening to something or not listening to something and you're very tired and you don't go to sleep you just doze as you call it, is that right.
When you doze in you are going into this other place and there is information there that you are beginning to get together and to get in touch with. All of that information is then brought back into the physical mind and stored away in the physical mind...
Very good that's a good idea I will use that as well, thank you Little Clam. You have you machines and you machines when you first get them ah they have this thing called ah... what is it, it has got disc on it...
A hard drive.
Songee: That's it. And this has got a memory, you say memory. Now in order for you to do workings on this machine you have to give it information, is that right, in order to make it work, is that right?
It's almost like giving you a process to run like...
Songee: That's right. Now the small baby that is growing inside the mother's womb at some point of its development its brain starts to form, you know. It starts to get its disc and its memory, is that right. However it has got nothing there. The physicality of that small creature has got nothing there, it is devoid of anything, it is a nothingness in here, you know. And then the Soul enters it with its charioteer Spirit and all of a sudden it comes to life, like that (Songee snaps the fingers) and energy starts to flow and information is fed into it and as it is switched on by the Soul and the Spirit charioteer it becomes ready then to absorb all the information that it needs to have from around and about it and it absorbs it at a very great speed, faster than you would imagine. And it learns very, very quickly, very swiftly and it learns all the physical things and all the things that are happening.
And then the memories of Spirit and the before life are then transferred to the physical memory to the physical brain. However they are not in the forefront of the mind, they are there too, so that they are there so that the organism that is the child is able to make the connection between itself and its Physicality and its Spirit Home, do you understand?
Yes. Who selects which knowledge is going to be manifested or accepted and which one will be in background.
Songee: The knowledge that the Soul brings to the physicality is a knowledge of the story of the life that is going to be led. It brings with it the adventure, and that is in the forefront of this organism that the new organism that is coming into life. The Spirit memories remind the - property of the Spirit, do you understand, they are the property of the Spirit, and the physicality can learn to be at one so that it has the information. How I say this, it's very difficult. You have another machine you have the bells and you, you talk to each other like this, you know, this thing.
Songee: It is like this thing, it's like a communication between the Physicality and a Spirit, you know, and a Soul is the interface between the two.
So the life is actually aligning Soul knowledge with brain knowledge or opposite actually.
Songee: They become like this. Brain knowledge and the Spirit knowledge become like this and the Soul is the, is the means by which they are connected...
Songee: you understand, that's how they come to be connected.
Songee: So when, when somebody becomes damaged in their brain and they are told, the families are told, they are not alive. Without the functioning of the brain the physicalities cannot function, you know, we can keep the body alive with the machines however the intelligence then, the personality is not there any longer.
What has happened there is that the Soul has become disconnected from the brain, from the physicality of the brain, so it is moving off back into spirit, so the Soul and the Spirit vacate the body and go back to Spirit, you know.
A body can be kept functioning by you machines. You have the ability to do this thing now. Many, many moons passed humankind did not have this ability and so the... the Soul would leave and the body would die, is that right? So it was erroneously believed that the brain was the part of the body that made the personality - I know you've, many had this (Songee is smiling) wanted to know this question - believe that the brain is the personality of the humankind. That is not so, the personality is the Spirit within the Soul body and never gets lost, it doesn't disappear, it doesn't become damaged, it doesn't, you know.
When somebody has a physical disability and part of their brain becomes impaired - what have you this - thank you very much, is a stroke, somebody has a stroke. What has happened? On the physical level there has been something that has made there something in the brain go bang, is that right. And so something becomes damaged in the brain, that's the physical thing. It is already known that peoples who have this happen to them can, with love and care and the proper attention, their brain, their physicality will grow a bridge in the brain between the part of the brain that is working and the part that is not working - there will become a bridge around the damaged area so that they can retain, or regain some of their functions. Sometimes not always as good as they had it before, and other times so close it's, it's, it's almost as though they've never lost it, and some peoples never regain it at all.
However this is because the physicality has received a damage and it means then that the soul cannot interface with the physicality at that point but it does not mean that the Spirit and the Soul are not intact. Any of the humankinds that you see that for you seem to have no mind or their minds seem to be impaired in some way or another - the elderly who are getting old and coming to the end of their life and they seem to not be functioning very well in their minds, you know, and they don't do things very well in their physicalities and they muddle things up and they don't remember things, you know, and sometimes they fall over things and sometimes they put things down where they don't remember where they are and sometimes you don't have to be very old to do this thing do you?
That is true.
Songee: However for those that are very old and this is happening to them, remember that life the small child inside that body and that malfunctioning brain there is a perfectly, healthy, sound, functioning Soul and Spirit and for you to make connection with them you have to talk to the Soul and the Spirit not the brain, do you understand?
So how do you go about doing that because I’m, I’m right in the middle of working my father and I’m, I’m watching him getting more and more into this phase and his continual forgetting, his continual question asking and some of them are questions are getting so simple things he would have not had a problem with that he's asking me how do I do this. So how do I, how do I communicate to him.
Songee: On a physical level you have to have great patience. You have to take a deep breath of life and you have to be resigned to repeating yourself over and over again the same things.
Right, so I just keep on going.
Songee: You just keep doing this on the physical level. On a spiritual level you can talk mind talk to the Spirit of the person and the Soul and say, Well I know you're having difficulty on the earth plane and I’m doing the best I can however I’m aware that you are there.
Because what happens is because the brain doesn't function as well as it used to is beginning to get tired and run down now, you know, the Spirit and the Soul inside sometimes get very cross because they want to make it function and sometimes they can remember perfectly and in those windows they remember and they also remember how they've been forgetting and they get very cross and very grumpy and very intolerant and this is how you get grumpy old people, you know. It is because they remember some things and don't remember others and certainly there are physical reasons for this and the mens in the white coats have given you many physical reasons for this that are quite valid, I’m giving you the spiritual aspect of it.
So when you meet up with grumpy old person smile at them talk to them as ordinary person and speak to their Spirit at the same time. So as you say good morning to you sir, madam - on this you say, Hey g'day, how are you, life is really quite beautiful. And let them know that you know that they are inside there. Acknowledge them and that will stop them from being quite so grumpy, you know, it will make them feel as so they have made some connection with the earth plane.
So would that get to a point where you’d actually be able to hear them back?
Songee: Sometimes you can learn to hear them back certainly not everybody can learn to mind read and mind connect. It is a gift that is given to some and not to others.
You will probably notice their behaviour becomes softer. They've been not in first contact because they will act from the habit, but later they won't be grumpy towards you instinctively...
Songee: That's right.
... they would sense you as friendly, let’s say friendly.
Songee: That is right they do and they will begin to be...
Songee: That's right. And that is true with anybody that has a difficulty with their minds. When you communicate with them with their minds and you send them gentle, gentleness and love they will absorb that.
So Songee what difference between the beta and alfa states at children when they are around 7 years of age?
Songee: What happens to it?
Seems the barrier, the barrier becomes firmer between the two states. So their imagination becomes less.
Songee: It is part of the process of letting go of Spirit and of moving into the life and moving into the story, the adventure that they have come to live. So in order to stimulate these Souls at this time, your activities for them need to be the things that I have been teaching you, how to, how to make pictures this will keep that energy working, it will keep that imagination going, it will keep the intuition alive. So using any of the tools that you can to keep this alive through this growing phase is important. Do you understand?
Yeah. Is good to stimulate the other hemisphere when the questions are being asked in the logical sphere.
Being creative to connect with Spirit
Songee: That's right and all that is happening on a, on a daily happening so you have to in order to have balance, you have to have creativity. When a person, and watch it in the people around you in your life, when a person is not accessing their creative self they are usually very tired, very, very worn out and almost reach a point where they wonder what their life is all about. Give them an opportunity to be creative and they will come alive once more because it is in the creation that you will make your connection with Spirit, you know.
You must be creative to be in connection with Spirit. It can be using your imagination to write the stories, it can be using your imagination to write poetry, it can be your imagination to do beautiful drawings, it can be your imagination to make things, to construct things, to make things beautiful. Not everybody can make pictures, not everybody can write stories, everybody has the ability though to be creative somehow. All you have to do is find out what that somehow is and assist somebody to find out what that somehow is, you know. Mayhap you build dwellings for people to live in, that is creative, is it not?
So by stimulating the right hemisphere you're going to stimulate the crossover in any case which might compensate for the (?) to be connected. That be right?
Songee: That is a different...
Songee: ...That disharmony that you're talking about is created by a damage that is done to the physical brain by a substance that is coming into the body and suppressing of other substances within the body that create the possibility for the Spirit and the Soul to come together, you know with the physicality - it interferes with it and the, deteriorates it, that ability for that to come about. So that is a very different thing. It is not as though, being creative is not going to fix it, you know. It will - while the Organism is in the early stages of this disharmony, this disease, the creativity will enable the Spirit and the Soul to remain integrated for a bit longer than perhaps otherwise would have been possible however it does not stop the process. Being creative will not stop the process.
What will stop the process is to, is to stop the substances from being in the body in the first place and that is very close to happening now. The peoples in the white coats have discovered many things now about how to stop this process from taking place in humankinds, this deterioration of the ah I’m going to liken it to a membrane or something between the two, you know, between the Soul and the brain, it stops that from taking place.
I was interested in what you’re saying Songee because my mother who is about 74 now is losing her memory quite, well it's accelerating and my father seems to think that it was the sleeping pills that she was taking just one that is...
Songee: That is, that is not going to assist because when you take this substance to make you sleep and is ah, what say of this - it is not natural, not natural substance, and what it does is it interferes with your dreaming and if you cannot dream, you cannot go back to Spirit and bring the memories back and your Soul becomes very frustrated and so does your charioteer and it becomes very, it becomes desperate for the connection to bring that connection into the consciousness. So it is far better not to sleep and to have some time awake and sleep at another time, to sleep when the body needs to sleep and be awake when it needs to be awake. The difficulty is that this is not always convenient, you know, it's not always convenient for the peoples that are looking after such a one. They want to go to sleep and there's such a one wants to stay awake, you know. Because the time of Spirit is at the three of your hour in a morning, you know. That is the time of Spirit, that is when your Spirit-self and everything is easier to connect with your physicality and so very often people that are old and losing their memories will want to be awake at night time. They want to be awake that's when they are at the most creative.
Listen to radio all night.
Songee: That's right. That’s right. So sometimes it's more important to indulge that and not worry too much about the sleeping, so long as not, not sleeping is not creating sickness. There needs to be a balance between being awake too much and be getting natural sleep. Natural sleep is the most important thing. Use anything you can to promote natural sleep rather than the substance that the mens in the white coats give. Whenever possible otherwise by giving these substances very slowly you will find that the Soul and a Spirit will vacate the body and move on because they cannot connect, they cannot bring the memories to the physicality, so there's no point to continuing, so they go.
Thank you.
Songee: And if that happens that is a part of the process of living, you know this thing that you are going to come to this part of your life youselves. Everybody comes to it, you know, you're going to come to it youself. And you need to know that this is part of what happens to you, and it is not something to be afeared of, it is not something to ah, not, ah to run away from. Don't run away from it. It is not that you are losing anything of youself, you are not, they important part of you. Your Soul and your Spirit are whole. They will always be whole and will never be anything else. Remember that and you will remember it even though you may lose your memory you will remember that. Some part of you will retain that knowledge so don't be afeared of it.
And also too don't forget that you will have written into your story of life and your adventure when the adventure comes to an end. You will have written it down when the adventure is to come to an end and you will have written into it how it is going to come to an end. And part of you will not, you will not remember this because this is part of your before life memories that have been shut away from you so that you live your life to its fullest capacity for as long as you possibly can, in every way possible.
That is right, that is how it is that you have the peoples that can go to into their long sleeps and the human kinds around say that this person is no longer in life and yet their bodies are maintaining themself without machines, so you cannot stop them from living and then one day the Soul and the Spirit come back into the body and the healing has taken place and they once more can integrate and the person wakes up and says, What day is this?
You mean in a situation like coma or something...
Songee: That’s right. That is how it is possible for that to take place, because the Soul and a Spirit are intact they are not lost.
What would be a normal time of keeping someone in coma?
Songee: There is no normal time.
Songee: There is no normal time. You can have peoples that have been asleep like this for many, many moons, many earth years, and other peoples that will come to the termination before they even wake up. They never wake up. You understand?
(Someone is coughing)
Songee: It’s alright. Do you need some help?
Songee during the Meditations when I’d leave and I go somewhere I leave some part, I leave a Spirit body behind and I move on, what happens to it if I forget to pick it up?
Songee: You wouldn't be allowed to not pick it up.
Right so it's happening anyway I just don’t have the awareness of it.
Songee: That's right.
OK. That’s good. That’s what I was...
Songee: You wouldn't be allowed to not pick it up it is part of you, you would have to bring it back. I won't go into that.
No, no that’s alright.
Songee: That’s right, because that is a, is a very different subject...
I know it is.
Songee: ...about the different Layers of Spirit1 when you go back to Spirit and so on and so forth, and I have talked about it before, however now your earth time is very short.
Help to overcome a spasm of coughing
Would you like some help with that? (The coughing is still happening, the person has a bad cold.)
Yes that would be nice that's one of the reasons why I came tonight.
Songee: So one of the things that you can do is - I’m going to teach you this first - close your eyes and when you feel inside the spasm coming to make you cough, instead of coughing take a deep breath down into here, into you middle self, and hold your breath and every time you feel that this spasm coming take in a bit more breath and hold it even more. You will explode a few times until you begin to get the ability to do it.
It is possible to manage this so that this doesn't happen, so that it does not disturb you quite so much. It is important to manage you breath, to learn to manage you breathing. And to do this you need to have a straight spine. You need to breathe into here, you need to develop a calmness and the trusting within youself of your Spirit people to be with you and assist you with this, and breathe so that anybody can learn to do this.
You can all practise this so that you breathe out and then breathe in, keep breathing in, now hold that breath until I tell you to let go.
Do you need to breathe?
Yeah I’m a bit dizzy.
Songee: Breathe out. You need to breathe.
One of the things you can learn to teach youself, and it is part of this breathing pattern, and it will assist you so that this does not keep happening so often in your life, you know. Going to have to bring this for seating and then come over here. Ah...
You can sit over there.
Songee: Behind youself, that’s right. Now one of the things that you going to, to learn to do and everybody can learn to do it is to breathe in. And when you breathe in, I show you. Breathing into your middle self into here – like that. And you just stay like that. You don't let the breath out... Breath.
(Person breathes out).
Songee: So you hold it, you learn to hold the breaths for as long as possible. That right.
(Long Silence.)
Songee: Breathe inside.
(Long Silence)
Songee: Take a deep breath inside.
(Long Silence)
Songee: So, you have to do this practise it, the breathe in.
Now there is one thing left for all of you to do. On you feets. You can stay there. (To the person Songee had been channelling Healing Energies to.)
Songee: And we are going to have the energy, lots and lots of energy. And all of you to dance, disappear in a dancing – close your eye and dance.
I will leave you before the end of the soundings. This is for you to celebrate life. Dance! Move your bodies and dance, you know, and it will bring your energies up and make you feel alive. It will bring your charioteer, your chariot closer into here and help you to be more creative. Are you ready?
Yes I am all ready. (Smiling)
Songee: Let us dance and celebrate with the Child of Music - lot's of sounding...
Deep breath! Deep inside...
(Everyone is standing and dancing to the Music.)
Music: "Love Just Is" from the album "Botanica" by Jeffree Clarkson.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Jeffree's music in our dialogue recording.)
Thank you Songee.
Songee: I leave you the Power of this Love to warm your hearts and you Souls and give strength to you Spirit.
So Be It
So be it
And may the Light of the Oneness strike it
And bring forth its brilliant colours of light
To drive away the darkness from your Soul
Be at Peace.

1. Layers of Spirit - Songee’s Teachings of ‘Soul and Spirit’ at this link:
‘Soul and Spirit’
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Reference Number: 20010329
© 2025 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed September 2024
Music: "Fire Prayer" by Denean from the album "Fire Prayer"
"© (p) Denean / Sacred Earth Music, BMI".
"Love Just Is" by Jeffree Clarkson from the album "Botanica"
"© Jeffree Clarkson Global Music".
"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.