THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Christmas Message'
A Teaching from Songee 23rd November 2001
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Songee says -
Songee did come to you many moons passed now to give ‘you’ all warning about these things that were to come to pass on this planet.
Many hear the wordings and not believe, now they will believe.
So when Songee comes to give more wordings the people will hearken more closely with their ear. There will always be some people who will not listen, will not hearken to the words for that is the way of humankind. However in the midst of all of this there runs a Truth that has forever been and forever will be.
Do you know for what it is?
The Truth
So do you know for what it is, this truth?
For this is your message you know.
The Truth is that there is one Power of Light for all peoples. No matter where they are, no matter what Facet of the Diamond that they follow, Songee came many moons past to bring this message to the peoples of human-kind and the message is still the same now as it was all those moons past.
It matters not where your path takes you. It matters not what happens upon that path, the truth is all of the footsteps of every living Soul tread towards the one goal - The goal of Unity and of Oneness.
Of course, upon this journey of life and through the many life times of many peoples there are those that would upset this balance and stop you upon your journey towards your goal, towards Unity and Oneness. The trick is to learn how to discern when it is happening to you, when the Energies of Darkness are wanting to sabotage you.
When you learn this thing then the path of truth will be like a 'Ribbon of Light' in front of you.
When Souls of great enlightenment come to the Earth they come to restore balance and to bring Energy of Light to that 'Ribbon of Light' that all human-kind seek. Such was the Soul that you know as Jesus The Christ, you know. This is the one that human-kinds know on this planet, Jesus I say, and it is Jesus who come to bring the Light, show the Path of Truth to humankind, to bring the teachings of Light.
And so it is that each time of your Earth that you set aside for this celebration of The Birth of this Light into the World this is the time now for all of you to look deep into your own Souls and ask yourself, how far from the Ribbon have you strayed?
How often have you become lost to the Light?
For many reasons you will have become lost, lost mostly by self deception. Sometimes it is innocently done other times it is wilfully done, like naughty child – I won't, I shan't, so there!
So now it is time to look once more upon your Soul and to ask yourself this question,
How do I find the 'Ribbon of Light'?
How far away from it have I strayed?
And I give to you the simple answer –
It was given to you so many moons past, in the story of a Child that was born upon the Earth, that Child came to the Earth with Virtues of Light. To find the truth, the 'Ribbon of Light' all you need to do is to remember the birth of this Soul into the world, to celebrate it from your heart and from your Soul. To, in the physicality, light something with a flame to bring this Light into your life of your physicality and also to have its representation for you in your mind and in your heart, to light up your Soul and then thus you will rediscover your 'Ribbon of Light' – the Truth.
For those that do not follow this teaching it matters not. For even those that do not appear to follow this teaching they also are following a path that seeks the 'Ribbon of Truth'. And for them also is true that to find the 'Ribbon of Truth' they light something with the flame to bring into their life this Light of Truth.
Each Facet of the Diamond brings this Light into the life in the way that they best understand and know. They call it by whatever name they are going to call it, it is not for one to sit in judgement on the other as to how they call it. Let those at this time of your Earth that follow the path of Jesus light the fire of Truth in their life in the way that they understand, and allow the Truth of Light to be a flame in the eyes and the hearts of those that watch. And bear yea not judgement on each other. Celebrate each other in all your glory of Life, of Spirit and give your lives and your spirits to the one Power of Light whatever you name it.
So Be It

Reference Number: 200011023
© 2024 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart
Music: "There is a Dream" by Denean from the album "Fire Prayer"
"© (p) Denean / Sacred Earth Music, BMI".
"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.