THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Roberta-Margaret's Introduction to Channelled Healing'
"Who" and "What" has the power to be a channel for the healing energies of spirit?
Where does the healing energy come from?
How does it get to come through?
What things are often used to assist the process of passing the healing energy from Oneness to the person sitting to receive it?
What techniques are used to bring the Healing Energies to the sitter?
How is it that there are so many different techniques?
How do these different techniques work?
Do I really have to have any of these techniques?
How come it has to be so complicated?
How much is this going to cost me?
What are the funds used for anyway, if the Healing Energies come from Oneness (God)?
What is the Healing Energy anyway?
Do I have to learn how to do this?
What happens if I don't want to become a "working channel" for the Healing Energies?
What happens if I decide that I want to learn how to become a "working channel" for the Healing Energies?
"There is no greater gift that one can give another than to be a channel for the healing energies. For this truly is a demonstration of Unconditional Love - Love with compassion, for such is Unconditional Love. So every time that you offer youself to be a channel for the healing energies, be aware that you are compassion . . . personified." SONGEE
Roberta-Margaret says, The art and craft of Channeled Healing is something that everything has the power to be. This is because as the CHANNEL there is not much that needs to be known in the early stages of learning except for some basic rules regarding safe touching, respect and prayer. This is not to minimise its importance. For to my mind the craft of Channeled Healing is THE most important of the gifts of spirit.

"Who" and "What "has the power to be a channel for the healing energies of spirit?
Human beings
Where does the healing energy come from Oneness (God)?.
How does it get to come through?
The power of Oneness sends the Healing Energy through the ethers of Spirit.
It comes to the Doorkeepers and Guardians who act as mediums in spirit through which the energy is passed.
This then is passed through the person on the earth that has offered to be a channel for the Healing Energies. In the event that there has not been a conscious offering as with the Mother and small child, the love of the Mother and her desire to alleviate her child's pain is the catalyst for this to take place.
The Healing Energy then enters the Aura or Light of the person on the Earth and passes through to the person who needs to receive it. There are many ways that the Healing Energies are passed through from spirit to the flesh, using many techniques.

What things are often used to assist the process of passing the healing energy from Oneness to the person sitting to receive it?
The hands
Crystals - earth
The voice - chanting - sound
Incense - fire
Musical instruments -Music - sound
Flowers and plants - earth
Animals - paws - cuddling - affection - licking - purring
What techniques are used to bring the Healing Energies to the sitter?
Channeled Healing as taught by Songee and The Second Well Trust
Therapeutic massage - using the hands
Aromatherapy - using aroma oils
Breathing techniques
Meditation & Music
Dance and movement
Different therapists use numerous other specialised techniques.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Magnetic Healing
Aura Reading
Tarot Reading
Shell Essences
Bach Flower Remedies
Healing with the Rainbow Rays
Dance Therapy
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Pranic & Psychic healing
Chakra &; Aura balancing
Colour Therapy
And many more!
All of these techniques have one thing in common; they are all used to benefit the human organism to achieve an improved state of wellness and wellbeing. They are all used to effect a Healing change in the body of the receiver. The practitioners of these techniques are usually skilled in their selected craft and will assist you in any way they can.
How is it that there are so many different techniques?
The reason that there are so many expressions of healing techniques is because there are so many different human beings on the planet. Not everyone seems to respond to the same technique.

How do these different techniques work?
The Healing Energies of Oneness are directed by the practitioner through the use of their individual approach to effect a positive change for the client.
Do I really have to have any of these techniques?
No not really, however you may be a person that is looking for a "quick fix" to a long-standing complaint.
You may even be a person that wants the "quick fix" to be a "cure" for your complaint, whatever it is.
You may be a person that perceives that they do not have time to look into themselves and to work through the many layers that have contributed to the complaint.
How come it has to be so complicated?
It is not really as complex as it sounds.
To receive the Channeled Healing energies all you have to do is to go to a reputable Channel for Healing. Someone who does not say, "I am a Healer!" Rather someone who says "I am Channel for Healing Energies" This way you will know that the ego self is not engaged in the process.
How much is this going to cost me?
With The Second Well Trust there is no charge it is $10.00 or a Koha (donation) only, therefore FREE to those who have a need and no money.
Other practitioners have their own scale. Some will have a charge and some will work as a Koha (donation) or minimal charge. You would need to ask them.
What are the funds used for anyway, if the Healing Energies come from Oneness (God)?
The Second Well Trust uses the funds to assist the Trust to fund itself in the achievement of reaching out to others through advertisements, teachings, publications, general running expenses of the Trust. The Second Well Trust is a charitable Trust that offers services to the people, very often work is done for free.
We in turn donate a Koha to other charitable causes that we support in the community.
We do not have knowledge of what other people do with their funds; they would need to be consulted.

What is the Healing Energy anyway?
Unconditional LOVE - which is compassion.
The feeling from inside a person acts as a catalyst for the Healing Energies to begin to flow to the person in need. The feeling is COMPASSION that the Songee Energy tells us is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Do I have to learn how to do this?
No - in the event that you are a natural channel for the Healing Energy of spirit, working through the medium of love for the person in need and have no desire to set about learning the process. In this event you will simply be used as and when required.
Yes - in the event that you want to become what is called a "working channel" for the Healing Energies. To learn to actively apply your mind your knowledge and your whole being in a conscious effort to be a Channel. In this event you will become a person that is sought out by others who will approach you for the express purpose of receiving the Healing Energies of Oneness.
Either is fine.
What happens if I don't want to become a "working channel" for the Healing Energies?
You become one of those many souls that other people simply feel better when they are around you. They are not able to give any reason for it; they simply feel better for being with you.
What happens if I decide that I want to learn how to become a "working channel" for the Healing Energies?
Generally you would seek out a teacher of esoteric subjects.
A person of many years standing and of good reputation and skill.
Someone that has experience in teaching you about the power of spirit, the ethics, integrity and values of being a Channel for the Spirit Energies of Healing.
Someone that will teach you comprehensively the following:-
- How it works.
- How to respect it.
- How not to let your ego run away with you.
- How to practice safely, how to get to know your Doorkeeper and Guardian in spirit.
- How to come to know yourself and to help you to come to term with your inner fears that may block you from being a truly effective Channel.
- How to learn about dedication.
- How to learn about self-discipline.
- How to learn about the Chakras.
- How to learn about yourself.
- How to learn about being a Channel for the Energies of Healing - what it entails.
- The responsibilities of being a Channel for the Healing Energies.
- The prayers of intervention that you use to assist with safe practice.
- Safe touching - learning about the need to practice safe touching so that clients can feel safe with you as the Channel.
- Learning about how to work closely with your Spirit people without being frightened of the energy that powers through.

Reference Number: ChannelledHealingInfo
© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Written by Robereta-Margaret Wiggins