Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
The Foundation Stones
THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'The Foundation Stones'
A Teaching from Songee

The Foundation Stones are the gems of truths
The first Foundation Stone
The second foundation Stone
The third Foundation Stone
The fourth Foundation Stone
The fifth Foundation Stone
The sixth Foundation Stone
The seventh Foundation Stone
The eighth Foundation Stone
The ninth Foundation Stone
The tenth Foundation Stone
The Foundation Stones

The Foundation Stones are the gems of truths that form a basis of all knowledge to stand upon. Do you know yours?

Songee: The foundation Stones are possibly the most important part of your knowledge. Because it is to these that SONGEE most often refers when people are getting themselves tied up in knots over matters of their life path. Most of everything that transpires upon your life path is easily reconciled once you have the knowledge of the Foundation Stones. When things go wrong, or are particularly horrendous, just remind yourself that "You chose this BEFORE you came into your body for this life" - second stone - Once this is out of the way then you can get on with the very important business of discovering what it was that you wanted to learn from all of this? Because this then refers to the Foundation Stone -sixth one - that reminds you that ALL of your life experiences, are for you to gain information, knowledge and personal growth from. At the same time, learning how "NOT TO" become jealous, vengeful, judgmental and all the other nasty things that humans tend to do to themselves and others on their journey through life.

Now the gems of truth, truth is eternal, it is the same in the past as it now, as it is in time to come, it will not change, you understand? This is Truth, this is not your personal truth, this is "A" Truth, you understand? So when Songee speaks of, I give you "A" Truth, this is what I am referring to, is this Truth. So the Foundation Stones, are the gems, the precious gems of Truths, on which human life functions, the manifestation of human life, your life, in this particular life you are living now, you understand? So will you go to the next bit please, readings.

The First Foundation Stone

"The first Foundation Stone is one of knowledge, of the Souls journey towards perfection."

So with this, you are looking at knowing in your conscious mind that your Soul is upon a journey. It is on a journey towards perfection, towards returning to Oneness and not ever needing to come away again, unless Oneness says, "Go, I want you to go and do some work." You understand? You are on the journey to this place of being. Next one.

The Second foundation Stone

"The second foundation Stone is knowledge, that the Soul of its own free will planned its Earth Life."

Now, in Spirit you have the will that is free. On Earth, not really, it is part of the illusion of life that you have Free Will, however you do have Free Will and it exists in Spirit, before you are born. Now the knowledge of this needs to be conscious in your mind. I will explain more as we go along.

The Third Foundation Stone

"The third Foundation Stone is knowledge, that ALL lessons that a Soul needs to learn at any particular point of development, are interwoven into the Destiny Path."

So everything that you need to learn is all part of your Destiny Path, its all part of that learning towards of perfection, and you need to have a knowing of this in your consciousness. Not just a knowing in here, in your mind, up in your head. You have to have knowing inside you, a feeling of it, a knowing, not just knowledge of the head.

The Fourth Foundation Stone

"The fourth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that everything that comes to you in any Life is within your bounds of endurance and capabilities."

Now, this is a most important one, because when you are experiencing anything upon your life and it is of such a dire nature that you believe that you cannot possibly go on any longer, that you cannot possibly manage your life any more, and you come very close to taking it. When you have the knowledge of this, it can act for you as something to hold onto. To stop you from actually making any steps from taking your life, your physical life, because you can keep reminding yourself that although it is seemingly very dire, although it is not very pleasant, although it is not something that you are enjoying, it is going to pass. You have obviously planned it for yourself. What can you learn from it? What is it showing you? What is it teaching you? What is the lesson in it all? And then when you have grasped all of that, then you can start to make the changes that you need to make to move forward, out of that space, out to that way of being, that you find so intolerable.

The Fifth Foundation Stone

"The fifth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that to discover how to live your present life to the fullest, all that you need to do is to be Silent and Still and look within."

Now, Songee has given many times the teach about going into the Silence, and supposing you haven't had this teach I am more than happy to give it to you again when you ask I for it, I will give it to you once more. So, you would go into the Silence, and you would go and find what it is you need to know. What are the lessons? Scribe them down when you come back out of the Silence.

The Sixth Foundation Stone

"The sixth Foundation Ston is knowledge, of when to look inside for the guidance that lies within and how to apply the answer to your daily living."

So, how do you know when to go inside?

Whenever you have got a spare minute.

Songee: Not necessarily.

I know, but that is what I would like to do.

Songee: You go inside at times of great troubles, in your life, times when things seem to be greater than you are. This is when you go inside, this is the time to go into the Silence, this is the time to do the workings and to find out what is happening deep inside you, this is the time to ask yourself question deep inside of you, understand? And then when you have the answer you will also need to know how to apply it in your life that you are living now. So that you can make the changes that you need to have take place. So that you can move forward, to this perfection.

The Seventh Foundation Stone

"The seventh Foundation Stone is knowledge, that you are not alone on this journey of the Soul. Help others to know their Foundation Stones and allow others to help you with yours."

And this is the most difficult one for most human kinds, because they all want to do it themselves, without anybody else's help. They all believe that they are by themself, they don't need anybody else to help them with these difficulties and so they struggle on with their difficulties and they loose sight of the knowledge, that they are not alone. They have got peoples in spirit. First of all you have go peoples in spirit, because they were with you when you were born, and you have Oneness, and then you have all around you, will come the peoples that Oneness will send to you or will send you to. And sometimes you have to be reminded of this particular Foundation Stone. Because when you are, sploshing about at the bottom of your little holes, and you don't know how climb up the sides because they are so slippery, you need to remind yourself when you are down at the bottom of those holes, and that is when you go to seek assistance. That is when you go and ask, that is your place that you ask Oneness, that you ask your peoples in spirit, you ask somebody, "Please!" Now, you have to know when the answer is being given to you, you have to accept the answer when it is being shown to you and given to you, because very often the answers come to you and you reject them. I am not speaking to you just personally, I am speaking about everybody, you understand. Peoples get answers from Oneness and from spirit help and they reject it, they throw it away. Like so much rubbish, and then they turn around and say, "Woe is me, nobody bothers to tell me anything, I don't have any answers from Oneness, nobody speaks to I." Everybody does it!

Yes, I do it well, Songee.

Songee: Everybody does it, at one some point or another.

Do you know I was being very solicitous.

Songee: So, that was wrong word, I believe.

Oh probably is.

Songee: However, I will not worry about that. So, when you are in need, that is when you need to find others, and ask Oneness and others will be brought to you, and then when you have learnt how to do this a little, you will learn to recognise when other peoples are doing it, so you will be able to lean down into their hole, and say "Hello down there, I know what it is like, here give you a hand up. Oneness has sent I, I have found you, come along." And you help them out of the hole, because you know what it is like to be down there. Do you not?

Songee: Oh yes, that happens too. Its much simpler, to learn first, to learn to look inside of yourself, to a degree, where you no longer dig the holes and put yourself in it, is it not? Then you don't require a ladder to climb out.

And then somebody stole all your digging tools.

The Eighth Foundation Stone

"The eighth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that your Life Path must be honoured, so that your Destiny Path can be achieved."

Songee: What is this meaning do you suppose, your Life Path and your Destiny Path, are they not the same?

No . . .

No, I do not believe so.

Songee: Your Destiny Path is towards perfection, the Life Path is the one on which you are walking now, that contains all the lessons you are living and working through.

Would the Destiny Path be that of the Soul, so that it goes on, forever?

Songee: That is what we are speaking about. So the Destiny Path is working towards perfection, and it comes into a life and lives the life with all its imperfections and in order to manage it, it must recognise and honour it, with all its imperfections. So that when the soul returns to spirit, it can look back down on their life, in the hall of the Akashic Records, and say, "Well I did that well, I could have done that a little better. Oh my goodness, what did I do there, I didn't quite get the story on that part."

It's called loosing the plot.

Songee: Oh, is that what it is. So when you go back to spirit, you can look at your life and you can examine it. So you must honour it, to the best of your ability.

The Ninth Foundation Stone

"The Ninth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that the Destiny Path is the path that the Soul chooses to follow in any given lifetime."

So, in order to reach perfection, you need your Destiny Path and you need your Life Path. So you travel your Life Path and you honour it and in doing so you honour the Destiny Path for that life. And the ultimate destiny is perfection.

The Tenth Foundation Stone

"The tenth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that All the other Nine support it . . . It is the Mental, Physical and Emotional Being that you are in any given life and it must be treasured and nurtured, supported and guided by ALL the other Stones."

So, that Being that is yourself, sitting manifest in this place of being, this You, in your entirety are the tenth Foundation Stone. And all those others support you in this life, support the Being that you are. Do you understand? So any of the questions that may come up about all of that, write, and ask. Ponder on them all and then when you are ready ask questions, and we can speak about them some more.

The Foundation Stones

The Foundation Stones are the gems of truths that form a basis of all knowledge to stand upon. Do you know yours?

The first Foundation Stone is one of knowledge, of the Souls journey towards perfection.

The second foundation Stone is knowledge, that the Soul of its own free will planned its Earth Life.

The third Foundation Stone is knowledge, that ALL lessons that a Soul needs to learn at any particular point of development, are interwoven into the Destiny Path.

The fourth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that everything that comes to you in any Life is within your bounds of endurance and capabilities.

The fifth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that to discover how to live your present life to the fullest, all that you need to do is to be Silent and Still and look within.

The sixth Foundation Stone is knowledge, of when to look inside for the guidance that lies within and how to apply the answer to your daily living.

The seventh Foundation Stone is knowledge, that you are not alone on this journey of the Soul. Help others to know their Foundation Stones and allow others to help you with yours.

The eighth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that your Life Path must be honoured, so that your Destiny Path can be achieved.

The ninth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that the Destiny Path is the path that the Soul chooses to follow in any given lifetime.

The tenth Foundation Stone is knowledge, that All the other Nine support it ... It is the Mental, Physical and Emotional Being that you are in any given life and it must be treasured and nurtured, supported and guided by ALL the other Stones.

Reference Number: songeefoundationstonesfacets (19900110)

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© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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