THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'A Collection of The Words'
Songee Teachings - 1996 to 2000
The Word BUT
Management verses Control
The Words THINK and SHOULD
The Wordings
Managing the Bad Words
The Last 'Thought'
Each Teaching in this collection is an excerpt from a meeting. The links at the beginning of each Teaching will take you to the full meeting's text.
These teachings have helpful advice and examples of the pitfalls the Group experienced while mastering the lesson of The Words and Songee's counsel to aid us.
We have placed The Word Teachings in date order as this may be helpful for working through the process of moving on from the 'thinks', 'shoulds', 'if', 'buts', 'control' and 'whys'. Songee encourages us to explore the many other alternative words in dictionaries and thesauruses.
There are also two more Songee Teachings of 'The Words' and can be found in 'Songee's Chestnuts' on our website.
THE WORDS - 19980820

Songee's Teaching - 'MASTERING' 19960509
Songee: There is another lesson for this day for all to know so you may put it upon your paper as you desire when you are ready and it is to do with this word that is coming to you out of the mouth. Many is coming to the mouth that sometime the people say something about a particular thing in their life and then they say this word... 'But' ...and then they say something else. Before they say the something else become sensitive to that word 'but'. Whether you say for it or for somebody else say for it - become very sensitive of it, very aware and then listen to what is to come after it. Always that which come after it, is negative. Always, without fail, it is negative. Therefore you go with what is positive not with what is negative. In this manner you learn to identify within yourself your own doubt, your own fear, your own negativity. If you find yourself being the 'Butt' of another then you are becoming the 'butt' of the Dark One as a joke. Remember that, it will help you to remember, so do you understand how that can come to pass?
Yes, It comes to pass very easily.
Songee: Sometimes the words that are given, sounds so good and sounds so very clever and sounds so very special that you find yourself believing them and just perhaps they might be the right way. Ooh... very dangerous!
At times I find the first statement and the second statement with the 'but' in between, contradict each other.
Songee: So now you understand how that is. It is because the first is usually the correct one, the first one is usually born of much consideration.
Sometimes the first part of the words might not be something that you want to hear. It might be words that are telling you or helping you to understand that something that you desire to do, is something that you will not do, or must not do, however that does not matter, that is still positive and is the one to listen to the most, the one that comes after the 'but'. You may listen out of politeness, however stand back a little from it otherwise you get caught in the middle. This is one way to learn how to master. Not to use the words that cause fear, the words that cause doubt, so what I am giving for you is how to learn little masters. Mastery of little things first. You learn to master the little things and then you will discover that the bigger things are becoming mastered all by itself.
Do not fit the crown, the eminence of mastery, for if you choose this crown it will always be illusive and if you chase it for the wrong reason also, it will be a trap. So be aware of it.

Songee's Teaching - 'THE NIGHT OF CRYSTALS' 19970703
Songee can you see and can you tell me what work I should be focusing on right now.
Songee: I don't know whether to begin by chastising you first or giving you your answer first. I am going to play with you. I am going to say to you, what do you THINK you SHOULD do? (Laughter as Songee emphasizes the bad words.)
Songee: What do you...
I am not clear.
Songee: And how is it that you are not clear?
The things I feel I might be very good at I don't feel confident to do at the moment and the things that I feel I can earn money at, at the moment do not enable me with a great sense of self, or self esteem and I just wonder if I should, what I should do. I think I'm just keeping going but I'd like some direction.
Songee: So, first of all notice that at the beginning that you answer your question very well. You know exactly what it is, the difference between things. And then you come to the part where you start 'thinking' and 'shoulding' all over the place again, and that says... books about what is happening.
Now I want you to go back to how you express yourself about this two things. On the one hand you want to do something that gives you pleasure however it does not bring you... it does not bring, the rewards to you that enable you to function in your world. You do not have the money. I use the word eggs, they (the people in spirit advising Songee on words) say use the word money. So, on the other you have this, where, you can do this and earn the money however it gives you no comfort inside your being, is that so?
Songee: This is the two things. Now this is lesson for everybody to know, not just for you. Here you have two opposing things. And because they are opposing what do you have?
Songee: Conflict.
Songee: Conflict, imbalance. Conflict, imbalance. So what you have to do is to address, this bit, address the imbalance, address the conflict. And something that will give you that which you need to manage you earth life and as also something that you enjoy doing, is this not so?
That's what I'm after, that's the question, can you see what it is for me.

Songee's Teaching - 'ALONG THE PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT' 19970818
Songee: Now, we have this question of the seeking of things. Seeking of the path to enlightenment. How do human-kind embark upon this path of enlightenment. Usually because they fall over it. Seemingly quite by accident. I say to you, there is no such thing as accident. No such thing as chance. Every time that something do happen upon your life, ask yourself what is the lesson, what is the message that is being given to me this day because all time there is a message and a lesson, there for you to learn.
Humankind go through their life, most of the time, without taking any notice upon what is happening around and about them. They do not have consideration of matters that touch their life, lightly. They only have, consideration of matters that come and smack them in the face, then they take notice! What Songee would like for you to learn is to take notice of the little things and in this way you don't have to have too many smack in the face. (Laughter) You have less smack in the face which for you is far more comfortable, than the other way. It means, for instance, when you practice this other way that, you can learn to overcome the little difficulties that come to you in your life and now you may say to yourself, "Oh but I don't have any difficulties, I manage everything". Although you will not use the word manage, you will use the word 'control'. I know this thing. It is not a good word. When you have control of something in the fullness of time, always, you will lose control.
That's right.
Songee: It is inevitable, it will happen. You will lose control, because you have everything so controlled. So how do you do, without this. You say to yourself, "I have got to have this in this way, and I have to have that in this way, and I have to do this in such and such way. And if I don't do it in all of this ways, I will lose control". I say to you, of course this is the way it is, however when you approach it from another direction, and you look at it with different eyes and a different heart and you apply your feeling to it, then you have this wonderful thing that takes place, it is called Management and you manage something and supposing it does not quite come to pass the way you first imagined it ought to happen, so what! Change it! Change yourself to suit the way that it is going. Or stop and discard it altogether and say, "Oh my goodness that didn't quite work, that's not the right thing to do so I won't do it, I will do something else".
This is not control this is management. Discard what does not work, keep that which does work. Not control. Control is, "I'm going to do it this way, I'm going to make it work and it is the only way I'm going to do it". And then one day something else comes along and it changes all the components and suddenly it doesn't work anymore and you are sitting there saying to yourself, "It should work, it should work, it had always worked before, so it should work. I don't understand, why is it not working now".
The Words - Should, Think, Why
So how many times have you done for this? (All agree, many times.) Ah, many times, I know it, I see it, many times done for this, through time past. So, what's wrong with all of this?...
Look also at the words that you give to yourself. The words of criticism, the words of, pain. The 'should', the 'shouldn't', the 'think', the 'try' and the 'why'. How often do you say to yourself, "Why did that happen, why did that person do that, why did I do that." How often do you say this? (To one guest.)
All the time.
Songee: How often do you say it? (To the other guest.)
Songee: More often than you are owning up to. (Laughter)
So... I want you to imagine and to remember something recent in your life where you have used this word in your life. Have you memory of this?
So how do you mean, instead of asking why, you just accept?
Songee: First of all, I want this person (the other one who did not speak) to say something about when they have used this word 'why', to someone in their life, recently.
To some ... (The reply could not be heard.)
Songee: So...
Did I ask somebody recently in my life why? Why they have done what they have done. I have.
Songee: So can you remember it?
Yeah I can remember it.
Songee: And how did you say it to them. What did you say?
I'm not quite sure how I put it, just why did they do it.
Songee: And what was your feeling at the time this is taking place?
Anger and hurt.
Songee: And what was the response you get?
Um... I'm not sure.
Songee: Did you get an answer?
I don't think so.
Songee: You don't 'think' so... Did you get a shrug of the shoulders or did you get an answer from the mouth?
Could have been a shrug of the shoulders.
Songee: Can you recall, what else the person do, when you say for this, the 'why' to them?... There is a purpose to all of this. Don't be afraid to say.
Walked away.
Songee: The person walk away from you?
Songee: So they turn their back and walk away.
Whenever I bring the subject up.
Songee: So still you are attempting to find out from this person the 'why'?
Songee: And still all time you not get the answer to 'why'.
Songee: Now first of all, let us look at the process that is taking place. Whenever you asking the why and you say to somebody, "Why did you do that". Why are you still asking the question? (Forcefully directed to the person.) How does that feel? How does that feel when I say that to you, that way?
Why am I still asking the question?
Songee: Why are YOU still asking the question?
For the answer.
Songee: How do you feel inside, doesn't matter, what do you feel? Why, why are you still asking the question?
Don't know.
Songee: And how do you feel inside?
Still angry.
Songee: So, you still feel angry, and every time the word is used to you, 'why', you feel that you must give an answer, do you not?
I'm the one that wants the answer.
Songee: However Songee say to you - why are you still asking the question - you gave response, twice. This is because inside of you, as in most human-kind, this is a lesson I'm giving you, you understand? Inside of you, there is this, programming to respond, to the 'why', to justify yourself to the person that is asking 'why'. Now the person that is asking 'why' is making the other have to make a response of some description. Quite often most of the time, the person that have transgressed, that have created this 'why' question in the first place, doesn't know, why. And supposing they have some idea of, 'why', they will not say, because they are frightened that supposing they give an answer whatever the truth may be, they will be rejected.
So you have a number of things taking place here. First of all you have person who has been hurt, wanting to have an answer and person who have created the hurting, is also hurting themselves and they don't know how to give an answer. They have no way of giving it. It can be for all sorts of reasons, the main one is because of fear.
Now, you may never have your answer to this particular 'why'. Having said that, you now have to start learning how to change your way of saying something, so that you can find out from people, why they do things, without asking 'why', you understand?
Songee: So... when somebody does something and causes you hurt and distress, you say to them, "Your actions, your deeds have caused me emotional pain and I'm feeling very hurt and very angry". You don't ask them why. You tell them how you are feeling and then, leave them, to manage it. You might like to say to them, "When, you 'feel', you are ready, perhaps you would like to come and tell me how it is, - not why - how it is you came to make those actions."... And wait for the different response. You may never, ever get your answer.
Then you move onto the next step and the next step is to learn to heal yourself and to forgive, you understand? And that is the next task that you will have as human-kind, is to move on from that and learn to forgive and in that process you learn to let go of all that anger, all that hurt and disillusionment. All that pain and you learn to forgive and when you forgive something wonderful do take place. All of a sudden, it doesn't matter anymore. And you can look at the person and say, "You do not have the power to hurt me anymore because I have forgiven you and I now moved on." And nothing that they can do, or say will change how you feeling about yourself and your own strength when you come to it. And you don't have to continue to deride them or be angry with them or have the strain of it anymore because you let it go. And that will help, you, in your life and give you the power in your life for what you need to do for yourself. You do not be overly concerned for (what?) the other person is going to do. They must learn to come to their own healing in their own way. And when they see that you have truly forgiven and moved on and have no, no bad feelings, and perhaps no good feelings either, it matters not, it is not important anymore, you have moved on.
Sometimes, in these people, it is like a little needle going in, under the skin, (Songee shows us what this would look like) and they get irritated because this person is not reacting the way they SHOULD react, anymore. So they might come and say to you, "You're being very funny, you don't behave the same way, don't you want to know why I did such and such thing?" And you say, "And you are ready to tell me I will listen otherwise no, it matters not." And they say to you, "Well I did it because"... only by that time it does not matter what the answer is, you don't need to worry about it. It is gone.
And so then you can turn around and start teaching this person, how they also, can learn to stand upon their own two feet, with their own strength, so that they don't need to keep repeating the mistakes of hurting that they made with you. Every single one of you that steps upon the Path of Enlightenment, is beginning a journey, a journey of self discovery. Not a journey, of, everybody else discovery. A journey of self discovery. And as you learn to discover yourself and your own power and your own strength, then, again something really beautiful starts to happen. Inside of you, your Soul, that has been moving through life, at, just a gentle pace, and moving like this, (Songee makes slow rippling motion with the hand) glowing a little, like the embers of a fire that are almost going out only not quite, just glowing nicely. And most of the time humankind are content to just glow like this, understand?

Songee's Teaching - 'PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT' 19980304
Songee: Now I know that this is an old message that I am giving to you. However it is not old to some. And it is the boring message about your WORDS. When you say words in your language, in your vocabulary every day of your life, you are not being true to yourself. Doesn't matter how much you argue about you are not being true to yourself. The words ...
(Another train goes past.)
Songee: Have to have a word with the peoples about this, machines. There is less noise in a large field. So the words, what are the words, those who know?
Should, shouldn't.
Songee: The worst ones are the think, the should, and the shouldn't. The most important for most people, it is the should and the shouldn't, because these are judgmental words, they are words of criticism, words of great hurting. They are like knives, when you use these word in your language about anything, you are hurting yourself, you are damaging yourself. And when you throw this word it at somebody else it is as though you are throwing a knife at them. A weapon, hitting, stabbing, ponder on it for a moment, it is very important, it is very serious to know this.
The parent says to the child you should do this, you shouldn't do that. And every time the parent says to the child, this should, and shouldn't they are being critical and judgmental. And they are teaching the child also to be critical and judgmental. This is all part of the conditioning you have received from your parent.
So you now have the gift, to over (sit?) this, were you to apply yourself diligently to the process of learning to do it. No one can make you do it, you have to want to help yourself to learn. Those that come to speak with Songee, have this same teach given to them, it is not new, it is old teach, it will continue to be given, because it is a Truth that you are being given. And I am here to give you Truth. I will not tell you lie. I will not pat you on the head - it is alright.
You can say it as often as you like because it doesn't matter. It does matter. It hurts, it's a word that is damaging and it hurts. When you look around this planet, you look around and you see so much disharmony, and disease around you. So much is not being done to help the planet upon which you live. And as the Child of Music says it is the only one that you have got to live upon at this time. Is that not so.
So you must take care of it and in doing so you must take care of yourself. And you look at all these peoples around and about you all saying to each other, 'should' and 'shouldn't', "You should do this and you should do that." Someone in your life is not happy, they are sad about something. They don't know how to make it right for themselves. Or indeed it is yourself, you have something that is not right in your life, that is not comfortable, that you are not happy about. And somebody comes along to you and says that they would like to help, they would like to listen to whatever is going on in your life. And so you tell them, you tell them all that is in your heart, and they sit there and they say, "Well maybe you should such and such, maybe you should go and do something else." Or perhaps they say, "Well you shouldn't have done that."
How does that feel inside you? Do you feel like doing this with your body? Or do you feel like doing this with your body? Feel it, imagine it - you have had it done to you. Many times you have had it done to you. Feel it inside.
The 'should' and the 'shouldn't' that hurt like a knife. Ponder on it. And learn to use other words in placement of it. Kinder words, gentler words, that will express the feeling without hurting. And then it doesn't matter, you can get angry, you can get sad, you can say whatever you need to say. Just don't use those words.

Songee' Teaching - 'LEARNING THE LESSONS OF LIFE' 19980601
Songee: Have you heard of ALCHEMY?
(Some of the people have, some haven't.)
Songee: Would someone like to explain what is alchemy?
Songee: That is the word you have this time. In times past, alchemy was a word that was applied to the magic of the realm, to things that people did not understand, and what it pertains, to, is the changing, the transmutation of some substance, of something from one way of being, into another way of being. You understand? So what takes place when you step on the path of enlightenment is in the old fashion word, alchemy, where you are transformed from this way into, this way. From one way of being into a new way of being.
And how do you get this alchemy to start? By learning how to use the correct words in your vocabulary in your everyday language. Changing your words. How you use them, when you use them to people, so that they hear you differently. You understand?
They don't then hear, what they have been hearing from you before, they hear kindness, they hear consideration. They hear interest, and love and not only do they hear these things, they also will FEEL these things. And you, as the giver, of these words, also, will learn to hear and to feel inside of you, as you practice.
It is not simple matter to do this, you have to practice it. Changing the words that you are using, changing the words of 'should' and 'shouldn't'. First of all, pick a word that you would like to use, to become a habit, in place of those words, and use it - all the time, every conversation you have with anybody, anywhere, in your life.
And change the word 'think', because when you have the word 'think' in your language, of every day, it always follows on in your language with 'should' and 'shouldn't', somewhere. "I think, I should have done that! I don't think, I should have done that!" Do you think I ought to ... So instead of 'should', you can say ought, or ought not.
Too many times in this world that you have living in now, there are short cuts of speaking words. You understand?
Songee: Many, many moons past, many moons past, human-kind did not use less words to speak, they used more words to speak, and people of your planet now don't use the same words because they are, too busy going fast. I say to you, slow down. Consider your words.
Words to use, consider and ponder.
These are words that take you into your feelings, not into your mind. You use the mind, (Songee touches the head.) to process these things, however you need to use your feelings to express how you feel about those ideas that you get in your mind. Do you understand? So by practicing all of this, you can learn to change, how people behave towards you. How people deal with you, or you deal with other people.
Songee: It effects every moment of your time, of your interactions with others, no matter how seemingly small those interactions are. When you go to your place of trading and you want to purchase something, from this place of trading, how often do you go in to these places and you say, "Well I don't know what I want, I think I want this. I should get that." How much better might it be were you to say, "I don't really know what I want, however what I want to achieve is this ... have you any suggestions?" It may be that you want to have the soft paper to wipe you bottom, not the crunchy paper to wipe your bottom.
(The students laugh.)
Songee: So, you say, "I'm wanting something soft, where might I find it? Where would it be in your place of trading?" Then the person says "Oh!, it's just over here." They don't say to you, unless course they are ignorant, they don't say to you, "Oh, I think it's over there." Either they know, or they don't know and you can say to them, "Well is it or isn't it, do you know, or do you not know." Very simple! They can say to you, "Well I'm not sure, I do believe it's over there. I'll go and look, or you go and look." Or, "We, will go and look." And you have COMMUNICATION. This wonderful thing, that happens between people when they start to be nice to each other. This wonderful thing, beautiful, and before you know where you are, over something so very trivial and small you have made a friend. And next time you go back to this place of trading the person sees you and remembers you, remembers you face, and is pleased to see you. It just happens that way, because your light, is glowing, so they are attracted to you.
Songee: So how does that all fit with how you were saying before about allowing? I did hear you ...
Songee: Which is allowing, accepting, allowing. Accepting ... (Songee pauses to give time for understanding of this and then continues.)
And then you move on from there. Accept and then you need to heal. You cannot just accept, because sometimes when you accept you also accept the pain, the resentment, the anger, that has all come inside of you. Be careful of what it is that you are accepting. Acceptance is, good, however, know what you are accepting and when you have accepted, then you need to sit down and talk to yourself about whether or not you want to continue with the acceptance.
This is called management, not control. Control, accepts and doesn't do anything more about it, and says, "I've accepted it there is nothing else I can do about it." This is wrong reasoning. Understand? You accept, initially you accept and then you have to sit down and feel through everything, and say to yourself, "Now I have accepted, the event. I've accepted the pain. I've accepted everything that has happened with it, however I now no longer want to have it with me, so now I am going to change it. I am going to apply, the alchemy of transmutation, and I am going to change all this and heal myself, and let all of this go back into the Universe."
The energy of it can go back into the Universe and be made into something beautiful and good for others, to have. It does not have to be left inside of you. You understand? This is the art of management. Not stopping at something. Controlling gives you boundaries that are inflexible, walls around you. Management, allows those, 'not walls', boundaries yes! You need some boundaries, some discipline. However they are flexible, they move. They flow, and they move around you. Whatever way they need them to move. You understand?
And as you learn more and more, it will make your light glow. Those boundaries move out further and further ... And you can feel them moving out. (Songee moves the arms slowly outward to the fullest extent.) Until they are so far out, that it doesn't matter where they are, because anybody, that comes within-side of them, comes into this light that you are sending out. Comes into this love that you are sending out, that you are allowing to be out here ... (Songee extends the arms out wide.)
I hear this little voice saying, "That sounds very beautiful, and very nice, however, it sounds far too difficult." This is understood, however before you can get to this. (Songee expands the arms very wide.) You understand? Before you can get to this, you must practice these little steps, as you move along the path of enlightenment, and that will lead to this, expansion. Understand? In the fullness of time you will come to this expansion. All you have to know is that it is possible, and then forget about it, and practice, each of the little steps, one at a time. Before you know where you are, where you have been like this. (Songee makes the hands close together.) You will be like this. (And expands the arms outward.) Then you will be like this.
So you still feel angry, and every time the word is used to you, 'WHY', you feel that you must give an answer, do you not?
However Songee say to you 'why' are you still asking the question. This is because inside of you, as in most humankind, this is a lesson I'm giving you, you understand. Inside of you, there is this, programming to respond, to the 'why', to justify yourself to the person that is asking 'Why'. Now the person that is asking 'Why' is making the other have to make a response of some description. Quite often most of the time, the person that have transgressed, that have created this Why question in the first place, doesn't know, 'Why' And supposing they have some idea of, 'Why' they will not say, because they are frightened, that supposing they give an answer, whatever the truth may be, they will be rejected. So you have a number of things taking place here. First of all you have the person who has been hurt, wanting to have an answer and the person who have created the hurting, is also hurting themselves and they don't know how to give an answer. They have no way of giving it. It can be for all sorts of reasons, the main one is because of FEAR. Now, you may never have your answer to this particular 'Why'. Having said that, you now have something, so that you can find out from people, 'Why' they do things, without asking 'Why'. You understand?

Songee's Teaching - 'DISCERNMENT AND MEDITATION' 19991217
Songee:And part of the way that you can learn this is to learn about the wordings. I know that this is one of Songee's Chestnuts however the Wordings are important they are part to learning about discernment. When you use the word 'should' and 'shouldn't', and 'think', and 'why' - you then can be immediately alert to yourself. It will tell you immediately when you using these words in your language, with other peoples that you are working from your personality, from your head and not from your heart, do you understand? That is the secret, it is really very simple.
So all feeling words someone is saying the more likely they are to be channelling from spirit?
Songee: That is so.
And the head words come from the ego-self?
Songee: Comes from the ego-self.
But being conscious of what you are saying wouldn't that be working from the ego, just to be aware of what you are trying to say rather than actually letting it come out?
Songee: No, because it means you are 'thinking'. You have just had to 'think' all of that through however what you need now is to feel. You feel inside and you say whatever the feeling is. "I feel I need to speak".
So will you look at first of all what was happening when you were listening and what was happening within yourself while you were listening to the wordings of Songee, what did you feel inside?
All the time I was just actually trying to compartmentalise it. I was trying to break it down.
Songee: That is so, that is exactly right, that is what you were doing. And that is something you do with your head, it is not something you do with the feelings. Now although you use your intellect to sort things out, then you have to take the results and put them down into your feelings. And when you express yourself you begin to express yourself with words of feeling.
The gift of discernment will show you that when people are expressing them-self with their personality - from their mind, they will use words of the mind, not words of the heart. Does that make it a bit clearer for you?
Yeah it does.
Songee: So that way you still using your intellect, that is not going to stop because this is part of the process of how you work things out. Songee refers to this as pondering. Pondering is much better than 'thinking'! Thinking is doubting, pondering allows you to go on a journey, a journey of discovery, of examining things, of going down into your feelings, about things. Not just having it up here in your head when you want to then express something, to express it from your personality. You hear it often when human-kinds say, they hear a number of things happening about them and they say, "Well I 'think' it's this. What so you 'think'?" And the other people say, "Well I 'think' it's this." And someone else will say, "Well I 'think' it's this." Before you know where you are everybody is 'thinking' something different!
Songee: It's very exciting however it does not get anywhere.
It sounds like a crowd of doubting Thomas's to me.
Songee: That is so because 'think' implies a doubt, doesn't mean it is a doubt, it implies a doubt. And doubt is fear. Whether it is a big fear or a little tiny fear, doesn't matter - fear is fear! No matter how big or little it is. So when you say - somebody says to you, "Well I would like to go and sail on the great oceans, what do you 'think' about that?" And you say, "I 'think' I'd like to go, I have to 'think' about it."
What is that saying? It is saying that you have a little doubt about going sailing on the great ocean but it does not say, for what reason you have the great doubt - does it? So better to reply, "Well I don't know about 'thinking' about it however my feelings are that I am not very sure, and I'm not very sure because, my tummy gets upset when I go on the great waters - or I have got something else in my life I have to do that, that moment I don't feel I can come with you." This then brings out the truth of the situation not the 'think'.
All time it will do this thing, it will bring out the truth. And that is how you learn to find the truth and also to learn about discernment. When you hear yourself, be alert, know that you have a little fear of some description inside of you about either what it is that has just been say-ed to you or what it is that you are about to say to somebody else. Does that make sense?

Songee's Teaching - 'WONDERMENT' 20000217
A Student is asking a question about other people saying the 'shoulds' and 'shouldn'ts' to her.
Songee: It's much better to begin first of all by (being?) silent. Not to say anything at all, you know. That is the first thing you have to do it to 'keep your tongue behind your teeth' and practise silence. Listen carefully to what peoples are saying and how they are saying this manner of things.
In the ordinary course of your life, when peoples are using these wordings and they have not the teachings that you have, it is not sometimes very easy to let them know about these teachings because their hearts and minds are not ready to hear it and to feel it, you know? So you have to be very brave and learn to be open so that the energies of these words do not cause you any damage in your emotion in your psyche or in your aura in any way at all. Do you understand? And that is how you manage it.
The teacher does not go to the pupil. The pupil must come to the teacher. When the teacher gives instruction it is the responsibility of the pupil to listen, to take to heart the teaching, to practise it and then to be prepared when the moment comes to pass it on. However suppose that the pupil goes to the teacher and the teacher gives the information and the teach, and the pupils decide in their infinite greatness of their wisdom of earth that they don't require this teach, that it is not being given to them the way that they want it to be given to them. So they make effort to attempt to turn the teacher to say what they want to hear. Do you understand? And they attempt to bring argumentations to you about how you are to say this teach to them and that indeed mayhap they know the teach better than you do - even though they have only just heard it. However this is not so and the wise teacher stops there, puts the tongue behind the teeth and waits.
How often have some of you been on the receiving end of just such a manner of thing from organism? Because you are not allowed to be given the teach over and over and over again without you doing something about it. You, something about it. You can rebel, you can resist, you can attempt to control all the situations about it that is your nature to do these things, however it will not change the basic teach and it will not change that in the event you want to learn then, and you go to this teach, this is the one that is going to be given to you - you go to the teacher that is going to give the lessons that you need of this life.
So when these people come to you and you are beginning now to move from being simply a student or a pupil, you are starting to move now into the areas of being a teacher. A teacher by example rather than a teacher of telling people what to do. Because the best way to teach is by example, you know. Those that are around you that do not use these wordings that cause great disharmonies within the Soul are the ones that will demonstrate it in their speaking and in their life of every day. And you will be able to find them and perceive the effects that this has upon the life.
Just asking one question regarding that - I was in a situation today where we have just produced a home buyers guide and one of the ladies I was working with, in association with us, they said well what do you think about it. And I wasn't quick enough to respond and understand and how best to turn that situation around. My people sort of showed me afterwards that just say I feel about... and change it. Is that the best way to respond to it?
Songee: That is so. However what you do, is you don't have to be quick. This is the whole point of what I am saying to you. Put your tongue behind your teeth and slow down! Everybody goes too fast in your world, you know. It is time to slow down a little bit. You know everything is going faster and faster and faster, and I am saying to you SLOW DOWN! Come back a little bit, you are going far too fast. You know? So put your tongue behind your teeth, consider that word that was used, listen what is being implied because you know that the word 'think' implies doubt. And because this person is asking you what do you 'think' they are saying to you I'm not sure of I contribution to this whether it is worthy or not. This is showing their insecurity whether they are aware upon it or not. So you put your tongue behind your teeth and instead of giving them a reply that is going to further take their power, because what they are doing when they do this they are actually offering you their power, putting themselves in your hands - and so when you do this you are kind and you do not take their power off them, you say to them, 'Well actually I don't think very much about it at all, however I feel that it is absolutely wonderful.'
Thank you.
Songee: And that's the kind of response that you might like to consider giving to such things.
Right, Thanks.
Songee: Does that make sense to everybody? And there's all manner of such little happenings in your lives where this sort of thing is very important, that you learn how to do these things. And it will make big changes all around you.
Can I ask another one? In regarding like.... (The person was talking fast, mixes up all her words and is very emotional.)
Songee: Slow down - breathe. Take a breath. One word at a time and you will get it all out.
One word that gets thrown at me quite a bit is the 'should'.
Songee: Oh yes this is a very dangerous word. It's a terrible word is it not. It is the most, it is the most destructive word that you have got in your language.
So how best do we do we respond to this? What... (The person is crying.)
Songee: You have several ways that you can manage this. As you are in a very sensitive phase where everything is going to be hurting you, it is best at this point of your development when somebody says 'should' to you, for you to use body language - to put your hand up in front of you like so and say, "Please I am going to request you not to use this word 'should'. I do not want you to tell I 'should' and 'should not' do in my life. I am not going to tell you. I would like you to respect not to do the same thing to I." And then you can bring your hand down and address what it was they were saying to you. And say, "However in answer to what you are wanting to know which is about such and such, my feeling about it is this..." Or "My conjecture about it is this..." "My intellect tells me that this needs to be done." You understand?
All these wonderful, beautiful descriptive words that you can use that comes from in here (Heart) And not from up here (Head). Do they not? Can you feel the difference when you hear these words instead of these other words? The other words of course are the 'should' and 'shouldn't', 'think', 'why' - these are the most, most dangerous ones, so we will stop at those for this moment because this is a big teach that Songee gives all the time. The 'should' and 'shouldn't' are like blows, they are like knives, they are like clubs - they are vicious, assaults on your senses, on your psyche, on your emotions and you are bought up with this abuse from childhood and then you continue to abuse each other and your own children as you grow. Songee has come to help you change it, to stop doing this thing and to be different.
When you encounter peoples of your life that are using these words, and they are in the words of the professions of helping others - that is the most... destructive place that they can be used apart from the mother to the child or the father to the child, because they are like hammer blows to your being.
And when you say these things to youself you are hammer blowing youself. Not very sensible. However what you are saying Little Snake is very true - that you have to learn. As you go through the process of learning not to use these words, in your vocabulary then all manner of things start to happen in your emotions. You are not able to push down inside all the things that you have pushed down inside before time - all your angers, all the discountings, all your fears. You cannot push them down any more because these words are not part of your life any more in your expression of yourself. And so all those things that are locked inside must come up to the surface and be looked at. And peoples become very angry when they have to learn not to use the word 'think' in their vocabulary, of everyday speakings. Because they become very angry and they come to Songee and shout and say, "Songee I have to use my mind, I have to think, I have to think things through. I have to do this." And so on and so forth and so it goes. And Songee says, of course you do, you will use your intellect. The difference is you are not going to use the word in the way you speak.'
You will use words that come from here, not from your head. Do you understand? That is the subtle difference. You are going to use feelings - words of feeling. And you will use words like 'ponder', 'consider', because this take you from here and integrate your mind and your heart and your middle self, and bring everything into unity. So that when you express yourself you express your truth. When someone says to you, and you have had a very busy day and you are very tired and they say, "Could you please come and do this for I?" Because they know they have always been able to ask you to do something and you always say, "Yes!" And yet you reach this point when you start learning not to use these words that you begin to feel the resentment of this that you have locked away inside for so long. However you cannot, cannot display the resentments to them because it is not their responsibility that you have allowed this to happen in your life. It is you, it is your responsibility. So then you have to learn another word - NO! Very simple, no. And then you may and you see that there is something you need to say further and you may say, "I will not do it because..." Or you simply say, "No and I am not giving you any reasons for it." It is entirely up to you how you be. Is it not?
Wonderful word especially for Mummas - No! So this is very good. Because otherwise the demands of others on your earth time and on your earth energy can be so great that you feel as though sometimes at the end of your day that you have got no legs on which to hold yourself up in upright position. And some female-kinds complain because they feel as though all their body is aching so much they have no power left in it and all they want to do is lay down and go to sleep all the time. Is that not so?
Oh my you have a very busy peoples. (Something has dropped on the floor.)
Spirit people in the kitchen.
Songee: Most likely it is pussy cat.
No it was a piece of newspaper blown over onto a bowl and knocked it off the bench.
Songee: Very convenient. However you understand what I am saying do you not? So the theory is you change what is inside of you and that will change the external things around you. And that is a truth I'm giving you.
When you practise these things I am giving you, everyday, you will discover the truth of it. You don't have to believe it because Songee have speaking it to you - practise it! Prove it to yourself! Very easy. Prove it to yourself. Do it. Practice it, practise it, practise it. And how do you know whether it is effective? You do much scribings down into your books and you write about how things have happened over the course of your earth day. And you keep doing this and then one day you look back and you say, "Oh my look at all the different things that have changed in I life. Look at all the things that I have learnt, and look at how many things have changed around in my life because I have done this thing." And you will find that you will be able to prove it to your own self.
That is the nature of the Teach that Songee brings to you. It is that you learn to prove the truth to yourself. Just because I speak it doesn't mean that you have to believe it for that moment. Just be open, allow for the possibilities, accept the teaching and practise it.
Mayhap you like to look upon it as an experiment. However be aware that in the process of this experiment you are going to change. And at some point it will cease to be an experiment and will become a way of life. I make no tidings of this - it will become a way of life. However it will be a welcome one when you reach that point so don't be afeared of the change because it will happen gradually. (Long silence.)

Songee's Teaching - 'SERVICE TO ONENESS' 20000413
I feel responsibility, yes it may be presented as a gift but it is an act of responsibility for the person
(?) to sort themselves out not to place the responsibility onto the second party.
Songee: This is where human-kinds get locked in their 'control'. This is a very good example, thank you Wise One, of getting locked in 'control' because when you give yourself to Oneness there is no worryings about where it is going to be. Because you accept the gift, the action of the gift, you don't have to take the gift itself, whether it is a kitten, whether it is a scribings or any other manner of thing. You say, 'Well that is a beautiful gesture, beautiful offering and I am going to say thank you to you for the offering I cannot however accept the responsibility.' Does that answer your question?
Songee: What you need to do is let go of your control. Stop worrying about it. Take a deep breath and get on with your life. Live it! Instead of worrying about it. Every day that you live is precious! You will never get it back! This day will be gone, it will never come to you ever again! Ponder on that! Never, not in any lifetime that you may live, this is never going to come back again. This opportunity is never going to come to you again in this life time in just this very way, in just all the vibrational energies that are around at this moment because everything shifts and changes all the time. This life time is the only one you have got - right now. Doesn't matter whether you have got ten thousand yet to come...
There was a person I knew who said you look lovely today what do you think of me?
(Lots of laughter.)
Songee: Well the first thing you do that I don't like is you say the word 'think'. I don't 'think' anything of you at all however I feel that you are absolutely wonderful.

Reference Number: wordscollection
© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart
"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.