Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
Easter Message

THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'Songee's Easter Message'
A Teaching from Songee 28th March 2001

Songee's Easter Message

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Songee comes to speak to us about the Message of Easter...

Songee: Easter, this is the time that you are speaking about – Easter.

Well to begin the time of Easter, that you know, is more truly known to those of you that follow the 'Path of the Christos'1 and those that follow the life of Jesus, as the time when Jesus was betrayed, brought to trial, castigated and whipped and made to carry the cross to the great hill above the city, where having been nailed upon the cross, the cross would be raised amongst others for the world to see. And the agony of this Soul passing from the life is the lesson for all humanity to know of the love in the heart that says for you,

"I come to this Earth, for this to come to pass.
For you I give my life, my Earth life.
I was born to the Earth to bring to you certain knowledge,
certain teaching, a certain way of life, a way of honouring.
Honouring each other, honouring life and nature around you,
honouring the Power of Light and Oneness – the God Power all around you and within you.
And now I come to this place to make the final sacrifice for you,
the peoples of the Earth,
I give my life for you."

So what does this mean? Because then Soul passed from the body after many hours of suffering. And the body was laid into the tomb – and White Eagle has spoken to you of the tomb and how when a Soul was lying in the tomb with the body, Soul then travelled out into the world to find the prisoners and to find where they were locked away. And with each and everyone of you there is a part of you that is a prisoner, a prisoner within your own being.

And as the period of earth time - three earth days - the Soul returned to the body, reanimated it and then rose up and a great stone that was in front of the tomb was made to roll away. And the soldiers that were guarding the tomb fled in terror not understanding.

So within each of you when the stone rolls away from the prison and the part of you that has been kept locked away inside, comes forth into the world, parts of you will run away in fear, in terror of this emerging part of yourself because it is so powerful, so beautiful in its glory. They will run away without understanding fully and yet part of it knowing. So it is the ignorant and foolish parts of yourself that will flee from the face of truth as it emerges from the tomb where you have kept it locked.

And so began the last part of the journey for this Soul. The Soul then went out into the garden and stayed with those that were in the garden. And the Mother always knows her Son, always knows her child. And so it is that within you your nurturing self will recognize the face of truth when it presents itself to you.

So at this time of your life this is a journey, a time for you to meditate upon the journey of the Christos, of Jesus and to liken it to youself and your life, to your emerging being, for your evolving being - into the Light. And then just as the Christos, Jesus walked among the people and showed Himself to the people once more and appeared here and there as if by magic, seemingly not bound by the rules and laws of Earth anymore. Traveling from place to place, speaking among people, some of them not recognizing Him because they knew that He had gone from the earth and they did not know of His resurrection. And yet when He had passed from them they realized this was the truth that they had seen. This was not an illusion.

And so within your being you will find your truths coming out and being faced and the illusions of life being dissipated from around you. And then came the time of showing to the people that followed closely this One and one who could not be at the meeting came later and doubted the truth of the others that they spoke. There is always the one that doubts the truth. There will be some peoples in your life that will doubt the truth. There will be always some part of you that will want to deny the truth. However the truth will not be denied because when the truth presents itself to the doubter and says, "Put you hands into my wounds, touch the flesh, feel the holes..." then the truth will be known even to the unbeliever.

And so there will always be proof somewhere for the path of the individual that needs the proof of the truth. Everything will become clear in the Light of the Truth as it shines forth. When the truth shines forth from within your being then all illusion will fade away.

And then you come to the place of your ascension. As the Ascension of that Soul, the beings of Light came from the Heavens and lifted the Soul up for all to see into the brightness of the Heavenly Realms. So your truth will lift your spirit up into the Heavenly Realms and all the Angels will sing in joyousness at your transformation. And so this be the process of growth, a process of meditation and a process of self knowledge and acceptance. And each time that you come to this place in your life, you will find a new truth emerging of the tomb from within your being. A new light will come and be added to the beauty of your Soul.

So bathe in the Light of this Truth, in all the days to come.


So Be It

Songee:And I will add to that the blessing of Jesus to all of you...

I will leave you now with the power of all these things.

Thank you Songee

Songee:SO BE IT

So Be It


1. 'The Path of the Christos' - Teaching at this link.
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Reference Number: 20010228

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© 2024 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
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