THE SECOND WELL TRUST presents 'The Beginning of Things'
A Teaching from Songee 7th Decomber 2000
Crystal Light Of Love
Songee answering the unasked questions
Immaculate Conception
Training a Copy of yourself to do all that STUFF
Clearing the Throat Chakra
Did Jesus Continue life beyond Crucifixion
Lessons of a Dark Life
Tides of Life
Redressing the Balance
Mad Cow Disease
Star People settling on Planet Earth
The Myths and Legends
Being Kind to Each Other
Songee's Thank You
Listen to Songee
Play Songee - The Beginning of Things part 1
Play Songee - The Beginning of Things part 2
Play Songee - The Beginning of Things part 3
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These mp3 files contain the audio dialogue for this transcript.
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This Gathering was held at Pt Chevalier in Auckland New Zealand with fourteen people present. The Essential oil was Patchouli and the Incense was Black Beauty.
Crystal Light Of Love
So Darkness leaves the land
and Light is born
and soars heavenwards,
then dives into the hearts of Mankind.
The Truth of Light within the Crystal doth lie,
to drive away the Demons of your Soul.
Hearken to the words that you hear,
the knowing within your heart.
Hear not the darkness of your mind
for reason it is blind,
it leadth you astray and further into darkness.
So put aside your reason,
the mind that tells you lies,
and hearken to the Light,
The Crystal Light of Love,
for within your heart it lies.
No other can have charge of this,
only you.
Crystal Light, . . .
So bright, . . .
Of many hues,
piercing through the darkness,
allowing none to be.
Only Light, Crystal Love, shall be
inside of Thee.
So ponder now upon this riddle that
I give to you,
and know its Truth
of Crystal Light
remain inside of you. . . .
Be at Peace. . . . !
(The Music 'There is a Dream' by Denean.)
Music: from the album "Fire Prayer" by Denean.
(The Second Well Trust has permission to play Denean's music in our dialogue recording.)
Songee answering the unasked questions
Songee: I am here, Greetings.
Songee: So what have you for I this night? Many birds flying and none coming to roost.
Do you know the questions in advance?
Songee: Many of them I know however I get very – how say I this? I don't like to go fishing all the time. It's good for you to say what is in your heart or in your mind. Sometimes peoples are not very sure about speaking what is in their heart and in their mind and sometimes when Songee is speaking to peoples ah, something will go through somebody's mind and I will answer that question and then go back to something else that I am speaking about, and this is something that I call fishing.
Songee: I go fishing for the things that are inside peoples sometimes. Very often I go fishing before you even come to the meet so that the answers to the questions are given to you.
Now also there are peoples in the world who are going to be listening to the word of Songee now coming to the people, on this thing you have your machine, you have ah tape – I am getting to know this word. Now this tape is going to be with many different peoples at different earth times and those peoples are going to ask certain questions in their minds. So sometimes it is a little of something I am saying to you, I will answer their question. Do you understand?
Yes I understand.
Songee: They have not yet listened to the tape however when they do listen to it they will hear Songee answer their questions because it will go through their mind and Songee will answer it at that moment. How is this done? Ha-ha Songee knows when these things are going to happen so Songee just answer the question you know.
I have experienced that yesterday.
Songee: Having answer question to you?
Yes two days ago.
Songee: There is no time for Songee to answer questions, ah not that there is not earth time. Songee does not work in the time of earth that you know, that you are living in an earth body and you are subject to the passage of time, is that right?
Songee: That is how you are because you are in earth body. Songee does not work in this way. Songee is not in time.
Thank you.
Songee: So the answers to your question can come at any part of your earth time and Songee is everywhere for you not just here at this moment, this is only one way for you to make contact and to hear the sounds and the wordings of Songee coming to you. When you are silent and still inside, and you ask Mother Father Creative Power for an answer to something that you need to have knowing of then this answer will come to you when you have needing it. Do you understand? So you don't have to be all time in this place of being you can be anywhere in the world, you don't even have to be this place of living. Even on the Moon! Is that right? Even on the Moon or on another planet you can be there and you will still be able to have contact and touch the Creative Power.
Honouring the Mother of the Harbinger
Where do you want to begin?
Can I ask you a question. We talk a lot about Oneness or God as I call him (?). We talk about The Holy Spirit and we talk about Jesus or Jayzus but in our church, the catholic church very high Mary is, Mary is Mother of Jesus, is held in very high esteem and many prayers are said to her. Where did Mary stand in the way how high is Mary being the Mother of Jesus?
Songee: That is very interesting for you to ask this thing because everybody is making this very great beautiful thing about the Mother and Jesus and So Mote it Be, however there is another that is not honoured as much and yet is as important. Do you know who it is?
Songee: That is right and there is also another female-kind also not honoured as much and yet played a very important part in the events of that time.
Mary Magdalene?
Songee: Before the time of when...
Adam and Eve?
Songee: That's right.
Songee: That's right.
Mother of John the Baptist.
Songee: That's right. Elisabeth was the mother of who?
John the Baptist.
Songee: And what was his title? It was the Harbinger. The one who brings the knowledge, who brings the teaching to the people to let them know that this event is going to happen in their lives, that the Chosen One is come to the Earth, to be among them and to walk about among them. And when Mary was with child and went to see Elisabeth so the story is the child in Elisabeth womb leap for joy because the Souls recognised that each had come to do a task, and yet Elisabeth has fade away and nobody gives her much attention. And yet her body was just as sacred as that of Mary because she had also been chosen to be the mother of the Harbinger. So honour both and also honour Joseph. Joseph was the one who gave the earth love, comfort, support and all manner of things to Mary. And remember that the childrens did not stop after Jesus was born, you know?
I do now.
Songee: There were other childrens born to Joseph and Mary you know, that came after.
How many children came after?
Songee: Including the ones that were lost, six in all.
That's counting Jesus as six besides?
Songee: Including the ones that were lost, there were some that were lost. However remember that these transpired and so Joseph was the Papa of the earth, of the childrens. And Papas have to be honoured you know. Its very important that Papas are honoured.
They say that, maybe its just my interpretation but I couldn't understand because I have been a midwife, that Mary and Joseph - Mary had a immaculate conception. To me it was beyond my understanding on the matter of conception unless they did invitro insemination in those times.
Songee: Do not limit yourself to the knowledge that you have of the earth, because there are things that transpire beyond this. Already it has been given by the 'mens in the white coats' that female-kinds have within their physicality the ability to reproduce themself without male contact. Did you know this?
Well... No... and no...
Songee: This something that has been discover-ed however it is not common, it is not usual. The man-kinds will be very pleased to know that it is not usual.
(A few comments about this idea.)
Songee: Is that right?
It conjures all sorts of things doesn't it.
Songee: However because it is not usual woman-kinds must learn to work in harmony with man-kinds you know. You have to work in harmony together. However this thing is possible, it is there through out nature, the ability to change cells in the body to become something else other than that which it is. And although it may seem to be happening in some, for you, a lower life form there is no such creature as that.
Training a Copy of yourself to do all that STUFF
Could you make a double of yourself? A clone without using (? of yourselves/your cells)?
Songee: What would you want to do that for?
For fun.
Songee: For fun!
To see...
Songee: To see...
What you body can do.
Songee: ...for what your body can do. Short answer is no and a little bit more to that is that there is no wisdom in doing this thing. It is enough that there is one of you. It is enough that you are unique in your one-ness you know?
(? You could train to do stuff...)
Songee: To train yourself to be better at things – that Stuff. Is that right? It is a beautiful word I like this wording it brings images of putting all manner of things inside something and filling it up to overflowing, is that right? STUFF!
So what are you going to do with this Stuff?
I think ...
Songee: Going to so what?
Then you could teach, learn the stuff.
Songee: Learn and STUFF!
Try um to fight better.
Songee: Trying to fight better?
Yeah if you got to.
Songee: So you going to get your copy to fight your fights for you, this thing?
Yah cos...
(Everyone is laughing.)
Songee: Fight!
You could fight it so you could get better.
Songee: Oh you going to fight it? (Lots of other comments.) You don't - you don't need to have a copy to do this. All you have to do is look inside youself and you will find all the fightings that you need inside you without having the copy outside you to do this thing. So it is better Little One that you confine yourself to looking inside and finding all the things you need to know inside, and change those, let that part of you grow and expand, you know. You don't need a copy, that will only make it twice as difficult because there will be two of you. Two of you being stubborn, two of you saying no, two of you wanting to go in different directions...
Or gong in the same way...
Songee: Or both going in the same way getting into the same mischief, you know. Because a copy would be an exact copy so how would that help you? Because your copy would agree with you every time you wanted it to agree with you.
(Little Shaman is laughing now.)
Novel though.
Songee: Not, not too silly an idea however it will not work Little One, you have to let that idea go. You understand?
Songee: You can get better for youself simply by looking inside yourself, learning to know and recognise all the different things inside you. Learning to know when you are anxious, when you are frightened, when you are jealous – yes, you understand? And learning how to be a grown young man, is that right? Time now for you to become a grown young man to learn to stand upon your own two feet. Is that right?
Songee: You keeping very silent Angel Child.
There is a reason for this.
I'm not feeling very well.
Songee: So the voice has got very peculiar and you calling it the lost voice. There is still a voice there just a bit, is that right?
Songee: Sometimes. How did you come by this?
I don't know. (Another person spoke for the voiceless person. And lots of laughter and other comments.)
(?) can't speak my truth.
Songee: Is it because you didn't speak your truth or because you became angry with somebody because they have speaking their truth to you and you didn't like it?
Is that right?
I don't know, it must be if your say so but I can't really get to it.
Songee: When you get angry with somebody it makes your body open to all the little creatures that will come to live inside you and will make your body unwell. Usually when you become unwell in this way it will come up here, you know and here. (chest and throat) When it is coming here it is because the Throat Chakra is being compromised in some way. Resistance, rebellion, a futile internal shoutings out loud about - No, Can't, Shan't, Won't, Don't want to! And although the intellect and the heart knows that something is meant to be, the Will will keep it suppressed and it is the suppression of this that creates the blockage in the Throat Chakra. So in part you certainly have to speak your truth however it is a little different in that you have to speak the truth to youself, not necessarily to somebody else. It may be that you have to speak the truth unto youself and say to youself – You have been this way, you have been that way, you have done this and you have done that, time for you to change, time to let go of all those things. Do you understand?
Yep. I do.
Songee: And in this way you will find that this will come right. You will be able to speak.
(Songee stops speaking and there is a long silence that lasts into the beginning of the next tape.)
(Songee looked as though She was breathing onto the people then waved the hand as though to spread the healing energies out over everyone.)
Songee: So what is it that you are hiding away?
Probably about my future.
Songee: Probably.
My future yeah.
Songee: And what is it about your future?
Well just leaving it all behind and the change in behaviour. I am changing everything. Starting my new path. (?) a path with old people. And I'm scared of being alone.
Songee: Take a deep breath and look around you.
We are all here for you Sweetheart. You can't be alone with all of us.
Songee: And even now there are peoples here that will be for you and there are peoples who are not here who will be for you. There are many you have not yet met that will be for you.
Now take a deep breath once more, close your eye and groan out the air.
(She chokes.)
Songee: Again, keep going – everybody can do this – breath in – join in – and out.
(Everyone does this.)
Songee: And again, breath in within your own earth (?) time.
If it is hurting and the feeling is tense in your throat you are not relaxing. You need to let it out.
Very good. Now, now, now inside you take the breath in – you might like to give this one something from the standing people (a tissue). You might like to hold this up like that.
Is she going to cough.
Songee: Not cough.
Oh dear.
Songee: Hhh like that. Keep doing it, that's right. Again and again. Very good. Now breath and out, sounding. That's better isn't it. Now how is that?
I feel much better now.
Songee: There is still a little bit like this inside here however keep practising that 'Hhh' and make the groan sound and then Hhh and make the groan sound. Clear the Chakra of all the debris that is in there. Let it go, you don't need it any longer. You have all the peoples around you that you need for the next stage of your journey. You know.
What is next?
Thank you.
(Softly spoken question)
Songee: Oh it is the fighting stuff. You want to come to fisty-cuffs with people? Is that right?
Turn the other cheek.
Songee: However it is very important for man-child to learn to be Warrior. So that is very important for you. What is the 'Right-of-Passage' for you. There are many man-kinds in this place what do you have to say about it?
Join me and I'll show you many men and we will welcome you.
Right-of-Passage. Fisty-cuffs?
It could be anything.
Only Male.
Songee: That's right and male energy requires male energy to help for Right-of-Passage just as female-kinds require female-kinds for Right-of-Passage. And it is not just the learning about having fisty-cuffs, it is about learning about yourself and your power as a man-kind you know. And it is good to learn these things from other man-kinds who can show you a good, correct, healthy way to reach maturity. There are many men-kinds who can show you a Right-of-Passage however it will not necessarily be the right one. It has to be safe. Do you understand? This is the path of the Shaman that the Shaman has to learn how to move from child-hood to be a grown person taking responsibilities and so on and so forth. Not for all time other peoples, for youself and for the integrity of your own being, do you understand?
However there is still the desire to learn how to be a Warrior. Is that right?
Songee: You need to select the correct teacher. There are many teachers in the world who will teach you about to come to fisty-cuffs with others, however you need to go to a teacher that is going to teach you how NOT to come to fisty-cuffs with another. So that you learn how to defend the body and the soul with the movements of the earth body, you know, and at the same time to be taught as you go through this teaching how NOT to use this. By merely having the knowledge will free you from the desire to use it, do you understand?
Sorry I was going to say like the Karate Kid movie. It's a famous movie where the boy was taught there by an Ancient One and he learns martial arts just to defend not to use as a fight.
Songee: That is - ah – I look into your mind I see moving pictures is that right? This is the thing I am speaking about. So you free yourself of the need to use this thing. Having the ability to best another on the physical plane does not give you the right to do so. There are many other ways of defending youself on the physical plane without violence. These are the ways that you need to learn, this is the path of the Shaman.
I want to learn so I can become fit as well.
Songee: Certainly you will become fit and there are many ways that you can do this. You can stand up and you can jump up and down on the spot and you will get very fit.
Songee: You can, you can ah, you can run like Windrunner across the ground and keep running and running and running and running and feel the joys of the Breath of Life coming into your lungs and going out and feeling your feets going like that until like Windrunner they don't even touch the ground. To run, to run on your toes like Windrunner, that will get you fit.
And there are many other ways to get yourself fit and strong and powerful. Those idea you have are only one way to do this thing. The danger lies in that the teaching that you have in your peoples now is that you will be taught all these many things and you will come to a point where it is too much effort to practise it anymore and you will only go so far with the training of it. When you begin it you have to know that it will be a life time dedication not just a few years. So when you ponder on this, ponder on it to be a life time dedication. So whatever you do, whenever you start you have to keep it going all the way to the end of your life. You have to practise the principles, the values, the integrity of it, all of your life. You understand?
So these are things you need to learn. You are a little cross with I because I did not give you the answer that you wanted. Is that right? It's all right, you are allowed to be it little cross.
Did Jesus continue life beyond the Crucifixion?
Songee could I ask a question please it is going back to Jesus in the bible, I read several books, one or two in particular by a Barbara Ferring(?) who has studied the bible for twenty years and these books all say that Christ actually survived the crucifixion.
Songee: Taken down and a put into the tomb and then secreted away by the loved ones to another land where this one lived the life with Mary of the Magdalene and had many childrens.
Yes. Exactly I have read it. Is that correct?
Songee: No! It is following the same principal that peoples would like to have that there is no such thing as a child being able to be born from Spirit. Spirit can manifest solid object from out the air to the earth. How much (more) difficult would it be to manifest something that is required to fertilise an egg in the body?
Peoples have the ability to learn to channel energies through themselves to raise up objects away from the ground without holding them. When you have many peoples gathering together and you all place your hands upon somebody and you are all go into a form of semi-trance then the body on the ground will rise up under your hands and you know that you are not lifting them they just rise up. And this has been experience by many different peoples in many different situations. This is not imagination, this is not something somebody making trick on you. So, this is possible therefore it must be possible for a woman-kinds to have a child without the man-kinds being there, especially if it has already been prove-ed anyway by the mens in the white coats. And these are your Gods the mens in the white coats.
However this thing that you have is another way for the peoples of the Earth to make sense out of something that they don't understand, an attempt to rationalise something, attempt to use the intellect to gather the information and make it fit the picture, the theory. Do you understand?
Songee: And this is how most human-kinds function, use the intellect, make the information fit the theory. And this is a way of forcing something and it doesn't - it doesn't work. It is a very interesting theory. There are also theories that you have the mens from the stars come down and that Jesus was a child of the stars, of the star people. That Mary was put into a trance, into sleep and impregnated by the mens from the stars. Certainly that can happen however not in this instance.
You have to come to your own place of belief. You don't have to believe these things because Songee say it to you. Find your own place of belief, what is right for you. It may be that for you it is to follow the path of Allah or the path of the Buddha. Is that right? And it matters not because it is what is right for you. This person have a desire to follow the intellect and to make sense of something that for many peoples have been a great mystery.
What is wrong with enjoying a mystery?
It makes me question...
Songee: Sometimes this is good to simply accept the miracle. Is that not right? Simply accept the miracle. Say - Thank you Oneness I don't know how it happen I don't know how it came to be, I don't understand it however thank you and I accept it with love. And then live your life accordingly, live it to the very best that you can. Live it by always giving out truths, always giving out integrity, not hiding from things that you know you need to speak about or to let be known in the world. see Jesus in everybody. (Comment hard to hear.)
Songee: That is for you your concept of how you see peoples and that is very beautiful, and for somebody else it will be something else, it will be another way of looking you know.
Each of you are a vessel, a vessel that is there on the earth to be filled, to be filled with love, with expression of joy and love - compassion. To be filled with the Breath that is Holy that you can pass on to others the teaching that you get you can pass onto others. You are 'The Cup that Runneth Over', you are the Kingdom on Earth that was promise-ed so many moons ago and it is time for you to recognise this in yourselves you know, that you are all very special and have a very special workings to do no matter how humble it may be.
You know that wordings about 'The Cup that Runneth Over'?
'Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow thee all the days of I life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever more.'
Is that right?
You are 'The Cup that Runneth Over' with the love of Oneness, that is how you are. The soundings that you listen to there is a speaking in the soundings about being the 'hollow bone', do you know this one this soundings?
Songee: 'I shall be the hollow bone so that the Breath of Life can fill it to over flowing, I will be the hollow bone that you ask of me to be.' Is that right?
Listen to the wordings of many different things. You have a wealth of knowledge and inspirational of wordings for you to look and read and understand and to find the truth for yourself. Many peoples throughout your history have been inspired by Spirit and beyond to write the wordings down of love, of life, of death, of compassion, of fear, of hopes and all the many things that human-kinds experience in the course of their short lives. Read these thing, become inspired youselves to make wordings for yourself.
Songee when we return to Spirit and in time our Soul decides to return to Earth and decides what lessons we are to learn, now if we come back and we are a thief, paedophile whatever and its bad that we're doing, have we decided that before we came down on this Earth?
Songee: It is not in general for you go backwards in that way. Were you to be such a Soul then you would be living Karma that you have incurred in another lifetime so you would be coming in the life to fulfil Karma and also to be an adversary of Karma for others. Not very nice (?)necessary.
I see thank you.
Songee: However once you have learned the teaching of enlightenment it is not usual for you to come to a life where you go backwards.
Thank you.
Songee: Having said that, unless you come to Earth to fulfil a mission for Oneness, to be a Soul that will apparently not do well in the life and become - in your tribe, ah ostracised, and be incarcerated. And in the process of this life and incarceration you come to a realisation of the learning of Light and in this way you begin to spread this enlightenment among the peoples that you have been brought to be with. Then your mission is clear, you are a Soul that has come to do Oneness work among those that require this teach. It does not require necessarily that you become one of them to do the work however it may be that that is the way that you selected to do this thing. So there are many, many Souls that come to do this work in this way, who come to enlightenment and come to peace within themselves and then pass that teaching in to those around them.
Do you understand?
Thank you.
Songee: For those that are following the Path of Light it is not...
Songee: Now I'm going to giving for you, you have this thing of the speakings of this earth and you have this... Read it out...
There is the spring tide that washes the driftwood onto the shore.
Like us, we are drifting along till we eventually are grounded.
There are high tides and low tides.
With us, we all go through high and low.
The sea has its rough and its calm waters.
We also have our rough and very calm times.
The sea has lots of pleasure for the creatures that occupy it.
Our earth has lots of lovely creatures we can enjoy them too if we open our hearts.
The sea has lots of food for it creatures.
We also are fed by the generous sea.
The sea has its light and darkness just like us.
The sea has its forests that many creatures live in.
On the earth we also have many forests teaming with all kinds of life.
As a child I lived by the sea.
I love to hear the waves crashing onto the beach,
and if you haven't seen the sun rise and set over the sea,
you will never know the joy I had.
Songee: Who wrote these words?
It's saying the actual life, our life that we go through and what we go through in our life.
Songee: Who wrote these words?
I did.
Songee: So you see inspiration, beautiful inspiration words there coming from the heart and the Soul and from the life experience coming to share with others. You all have this inside of you and when you have this thing it is going to be used for goodness, it will not be used for evil. You know?
So bring your wordings, share them with others in this way and you will find that you will be doing more and more work of Oneness in your life. And as you do more work of Oneness then you will find that you will have a sense in yourself of being fulfilled. When you attempt to make things happen your way, your will find that you will have may obstacles in your way.
Is that right?
That's right!
Songee: Many obstacles in your way.
(Discussion from the guests.)
Redressing the Balance with Truth
Songee: When you stop attempting to make something 'be' the way you want it to 'be' in the time that you want it to be in, then you will find that the Power of the Universe can do something about what needs to happen. As long as you are using your intellect and your will to attempt to force a pattern that is not yet ready to be formed then you are going to find that you will become static. And while you are static there will be obstacles every time you attempt to get out of this place. You will also find that you have many irritations and frustrations and argumentations and so on and so forth because you cannot get out of this place. You know.
Stop. Cease and desist from these efforts. And instead take a breath and say – Haaa what do you want I to do. What is the next task that I am to do for you Oneness?
Now this is always supposing that you have been doing the tasks of Oneness properly in the first place. When you don't do the tasks of Oneness properly in the first place you get yourself into pickle. Is that right? And then in order to get out of the pickle you have to make the balance right and that usually requires of you to be out-speaking, to say something that's inside of you to let the world know about everything, otherwise you do not redress the balance. When the balance is redressed then the doors can start to open once more. As long as you resist, as long as you fight the inevitable course of action and the path that you are on, the longer you are going to stay stuck in one place. So you have to redress the balance.
Ahhh Haaaa (Songee takes a long slow breath)
Truth. This is the secret, Truth.
Somebody in your life, mayhap does not like what you are doing, does not approve of what you are doing. It is a big thing this thing of what is true (?)or is it not - from each other.
Sometimes you have to simply be very brave, take a deep breath and say – Oneness get over here I need you right now for energy to do this thing, to speak the truth. You know? You have to do this thing. Sometimes you may say or do things to make somebody else feel better and in the doing of this you sacrifice something of youself. You mayhap you say – I will let them have this thing, do this thing, be this thing and yet in this action of this doing and being you have to make this sacrifice of yourself, of your own truth, your own integrity. And when you do this thing you are going to damage yourself. So the balance has to be addressed. You have to go back to the person and say – Listen I very sorry I allowed you to do this and this and this, at the time I believed it was the right thing to do however I am feeling very angry and cross with I-self for letting this transpire in this way. I have given my power over to you so that you will be happy and in doing so I have made I-self miserable and I can't live with it. So I need to redress the balance and take back what I said and instead of doing this action, this word, this deed whatever, it is I now am not going to do this anymore.
Do you understand?
And in doing this you will address the balance and although the other may not like it, it is the truth that has been spoken is it not. Is that right?
So when you have peoples in your friends and family who don't approve of something that you are doing in your life do you acquiesce to them simply to keep the peace? DO You?
Songee: NO! you don't...
I don't.
Songee: ...not simple to keep the peace. Because in doing this you are letting part of yourself go. You need to speak the truth.
There are ways of speaking your truth. You don't have to be cruel to each other. You don't have to be sharp and cut each other with your tongues. You do this gently and kindly and firmly letting the other know exactly how you are going to be in your life and how they will see you being in your life.
How many of you have childrens who come to you and say - I'm talking about all the childrens now not little childrens like this who are depending upon you for things, I am talking about older childrens who are able to fend for themself. And before they go out into the big world beyond and they are still living in their home with you and they say – Would you do this for I, Would you do that for I, Would you take I here, Would you take I there – so on and so forth. And very often Muma and Papa say – Well I was just about to go and do this for I-self, oh alright I will take you here, I will take you there, I do this with you, I do that for you - you know?
When the Muma and Papa-kind going to say NO, no they are grown mens womankind now you do this for yourself. You find you own way in the world to do this thing. No I am not going to take you to this place because I have already arrange-ed for I to go to this other place. And I am going to go and enjoy it.
And the child very often will stamp the feet and shout and say – Well I want to go its very important its life and death and so on and so forth. You know? And very often the child will get its own way because the Muma and Papa-kind will take a breath and say - oh its easier to give in.
Is that right?
I come to teach you No, don't do this thing. You are not doing yourself any great gift. You are not giving a gift to your child when you do this thing. Teach the child the correct way to behave, to manage their life and then encourage them to this thing for them own self so that they learn to respect you as a human being, as a person in your own right with your own needs for your life and at the same time you will be demonstrating to them that you respect them for their individuality and the fact that they are now taking a place in the hierarchy of humanity that is called grownup. Is that right? And this to little ones are going to be coming to this very soon. Time to start practicing now within reason. Do you understand?
I believe I do.
Songee: I'm just saying, reminding you. Within reason they are still dependant upon you for so many things and for that you have to honour that however there is now opportunities to start beginning this process of assisting them to get them independent a little.
Your earth time is gone now.
(There is a discussion about that.)
Songee: Oh a few minutes.
That can be a long time.
Songee: Oh I have to tell this one to go away.
Wrong time.
Songee: That's right. White Eagle will take her away.
Just today Songee, I don't like to take every bodies' time up because my questions too and probably have questions to ask you – I came over here today I was very interested in, there was an Indian cab and he was – I don't know what he is something to do with the Universe and all that, and he was talking on the air about the mad cow disease in Wales and I don't know if any one else heard it and he said that it, he felt was spread from the comet's dust, from the comets that come down from outer space and he said that that um the farmers were shifting the cows from paddock to paddock and they had picked up this, and he said as you know he said we all come from the star people originally, even the blight that we have on our ground now, the blight was caused from outer space. Is that right?
Songee: There are many organisms that come from the stars that have been bought to the earth however a great number of them have been destroyed when the things that come through from the stars, ah burst into flames. These thing that you speaking about I am having to look for you, you are saying about speaking on the air – I was wondered what you were speaking about and I am looking in your mind to find what this is. It is speaking into a machine and the machine sends those soundings out across the Universe, is that right?
Well maybe not this Universe but this Planet anyway.
Songee: Oh it goes out through the Universe...
Oh does it.
Songee: ...oh most certainly. All the soundings that you make on this place of living go out into the Universe. Great cacophony of sound.
What a shame.
Songee: Moment please I am just going to speak about this thing. You have this disease of the creatures that is ah...
Mad cow.
It's like a nic name, probably has a scientific name.
Songee: A disharmony of the organism, is that right? And this disharmony of the organism goes to others, passes through to others.
I have speak to you many times about the different things that humankinds have developed - the mens in the white coats (scientists) have developed, and have brought to the earth for many peoples have become succumbing to this organisms, you know. I speak to you about this many times. This is another such thing. It has been in existence for a very long time, earth time, experiments have been done on animals using the substance that was designed originally to find a way to bring about a cure for the ailments of the physicality. The difficulty was it was wrong. And some of the substance was lost, stolen, strayed, strayed, hijacked – that's a lovely word is it not jack jumping high in the sky – and taken away and it went wrong and became what you now see in this creatures. It is very dangerous, it is very virulent and you are far better off not eating the flesh of the beast. Do you understand?
(Soft comment made.)
Songee: That's right...
Now what were you going to ask I?
Star People settling on Planet Earth
Yes that's in relation to light people coming from the stars and dark people are people from the earth.
Songee: Oh that part of this.
I had two other thoughts. The first one was somewhere deep inside light people because of patriotism don't feel earth is their origin, or home, and they try to invent that harmful technology, industries, machinery. So is that the reason, and do they try to copy The Place they came from?
Songee: Do they need to copy The Place1 they came from? Not in the conscious mind because The Place that they came from was very different.
Songee: It bore no resemblance to this place of living. It had a different atmosphere and the people, the creatures were different. They had a humanoid shape however they have different features attached to them, of their physicalities, you know, and on the journey through the stars they blended their physicalities to create a being that was going to be compatible with the atmosphere of the planet they were coming to. They already knew about the planet they were coming to, they knew where it was, they knew how far they had to come and they also ah had knowledge of the need for them to be a different form from the one that they were on their own home planet. When they came to this place of being all those moons ago this place was one land you know, one great land, no breaks in it.
It was known as Gondwana land.
Songee: It can call it what you like.
That was the term that is given.
Songee that is what the peoples of the earth have given it.
Right Yeah.
Songee: So this was how it was all one land and the peoples came from the stars in the Mothership as you call them, and came down onto the land and they began to adapt themselves to the planet and to the creatures that were here they adapted them to them own self also. And before they ah made for themselves communities and tribes around and about the Mothership they brought some of the beings that were already here on the earth and they blended them with their own physicalities that they had managed to achieve to that point.
Why did they leave the previous place of living?
Songee: Why! That is a very good question.
Why. Yes why is always a good question.
Songee: Why! Because they wanted to. There were beings that had been exploring the Universe around them and they wanted to take themselves away from the planet and to go and move their peoples onto another planet. It is not that their environment where they were was wrong or bad or coming to an end. It was simply different, it did not match anything that you know in your consciousness.
Songee: In this place there were two suns, not one sun two suns. The size of the planet was very, very large. The people that lived on it were also very, very large. When they came to this place they gave to human-kinds the myths and legends of Giants that went down through the consciousness, through the ages of all the beings that came afterwards about the beings that were Giants, you know, because they were very, very large peoples, creatures. The peoples that lived in the cities on the home planet were the peoples of the technology that you talk about technology. They also have the gift of the mind, of being able to use the mind power as do all the creatures from this place. The peoples that live in the trees and live with nature and live in a natural way, did not like the cities, not want to dwell in the cities. These people were very close to the land. They lived in harmony with each other these peoples they did not go to war together.
And then there were peoples who lived in the oceans, the waters of this place, and the peoples that lived in the oceans were the fishes. They bought the fish with the creatures of the waters to the land for the peoples of the land have for their foodings, you know.
So everybody was in harmony and yet they did not intermingle, they did not cross the barriers of species. When the peoples of the city designed a craft to go to travel through the stars the others peoples were invited to join and to go on the craft, special things had to be done to make this possible for them and then they came through the stars. And as they came through the stars the peoples of the cities with the technology taught the other two peoples about the technology and they slowly brought together the three species together to make one species. So that by the time they arrived here on this place, this beautiful, beautiful place they had one species ready to adapt to this environment.
They knew that this was going to be a one way journey. They knew they were not going to go back. It was the Souls of these creatures, these peoples that had a sense of adventure, of exploration, of wanting to go beyond themselves, to go beyond their planet and beyond their Universe. And that is the reason they did it, they wanted to go beyond themselves. Their peoples had become – how say it – static, no challenges. They had evolved to a point where there were no longer were any challenges and so they took themselves out through the stars. And on the journey through the stars there were those of the peoples that were being grown and developed on the craft that when they came to the maturity didn't want to continue the journey so suitable homes were found and they were seeded onto those planets on the way through to this place. So out there are peoples and descendants who also are of your blood in part and you will meet up with them at some point of your evolution.
Songee will any more ever come?
Songee: Will any more ever come. Not from that place little one. Some of those that were seeded will come, some of those that were seeded have already been to (?) and to come to be. However this is taking you into an area where for some peoples it is a little bit too much like a big story. So it is better by far for you to focus on what is here now. And to look at the information that has been given about this thing. The peoples that came from the stars combined their species and the species were a combination of different hair, skin, eye colours and abilities and so on and so forth. And these things you now see in all of you – dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin - dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin – dark hair, light eyes, fair skin – dark hair, yellow skin - is that right – dark eyes, dark hair, dark eyes, red skin – light hair, dark eyes...
And freckles.
Songee: ...and fair skin. All the different peoples of your planet have got within them the seeds of the ancestors. You are all the same.
Why are those teachings of the origin of that story was lost during time then?
Songee: Oh it is not lost. It has been passed down.
But many people didn't hear about it like myself.
I agree.
Songee: The story is passed down through all your peoples through the stories that your peoples tell each other, your myths and legends.
Like the wonderous story of 'Jack in the Bean Stalk'2.
Songee: All the stories that have come down through the peoples are touching a little bit here and a little bit there on parts of the stories.
So this is all, all fits into God's plan this information earlier...
Songee: The whole Universe is at One with Oneness. These are the beginnings of it...
Now very, very briefly Songee have been speakings to people who say these people came to this place where did those people come from! And then where did the peoples before them come from and so on and so on and on all the way back. So the finite mind seeks these answers and sometimes the answers do not lie in the finite, they lie in the infinite and you have to stretch yourself out beyond the finite into the 'infinite' to find the answers and that is where is the rub because that is the part that most human-kinds find very difficult to do is to stretch themself in to infinite space. To the place of no-time, to the place of all beginnings and to have a feeling and a knowledge of the truth that is here in that place.
You don't have to believe anything that you are given. Learn to travel the dream spirals and go for a short moment to the place of Infinite Space, to the place of Silence and step off into the other world. And that is as close as you will get to travelling into the infinite.
Thank you.
Songee: Meanwhile focus on this life, on this earth, right here and now. This is the most important thing you can do right at this time of your life. And doing everything you can to make this life a good one for yourself for others and being a channel for healing energies and so on and so forth, and loving everybody as equal you know. Loving and having compassion and be kind to each other.
Being kind to each other!
Do you hear I?
Is that right?
Songee: Being kind. Not going to tell you again.
Is that it?
Songee: You will be able to go home to your own little beds soon Little Shaman. He's a very tired this child.
I know he wants to go to sleep.
Songee: I believe that this one may sleep this night.
Very well we will go shall we and say farewell to each other. Ah that is very good thank you very much for reminding I. I forget about these things because I am not of the Earth, is that right?
Very good. Mans in the white coat (Dr Splen) is saying to I that you have pictures, pictures – show I the pictures – Ah that's right pictures on the – on the box, is that right? Pictures on the box, pictures about The Second Well Trust.
Oh yes.
The Website on the computer.
Oh no no.
Songee: Not this thing however that's what you know...
Songee changed the name of it.
Songee: So Songee is going to say a very Universe greeting and thankings to the Earth efforts of the peoples that have created this imaging to bring the words to the people.
Thank you Little Clam. (Who developed our Website and did all the graphics and all her beautiful Great She Bear drawings.)
And to Christene Songee.
Songee: And I am about to say and thank you Little Mother. And thank you to the Angel Child without your constant presence I'm sure that much would not have been done, and thank to Little Butterfly because in your own way you have been contributing, and everybody else all of you for your enthusiasm and support and love, and especially to Little Shaman for all the loving things that you have been giving for the peoples to look and read. That will also be part of this word.
So great thank yous to all of you.
Now there is much work to do, is there not. This is the beginning now of things to grow some more.
I am going to go now and leave you with the Power of Knowledge
and the Power of Love for each other
and the Power of Kindness with each other,
So Be It
And remember to allow the Crystal Light of Love to burn bright within your heart
And may the Light of the Oneness strike it
And bring forth its brilliant colours of light
To drive away the darkness from your Soul
Be at Peace.

1. The Place - Songee is referring to Xanos. These links go to other Xanos Teachings:
The Tree of Life
Healing Energies
Living on Earth
back to transcript
2. Jack in the Bean Stalk - Take this link to Sally's speaking of Jack and the Giant:
back to transcript

Reference Number: 20001207
© 2022 The Second Well Trust
Email address:
Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart
Music: "There is a Dream" by Denean from the album "Fire Prayer"
"© (p) Denean / Sacred Earth Music, BMI".
"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
Please remember that Songee's words are copyright to The Second Well Trust and the copyright of the music remains with the Artist.
We invite you to download and make copies to share the Songee Teachings with your friends however please do not rewrite or publish Songee Teachings on your own website, magazine or similar without permission from The Second Well Trust.